
  1. R

    Another Pitch For Iowa-Based Production Of Prescription Cannabis

    Advocates to expanding Iowa's limited medical marijuana law held an emotional rally at the statehouse this afternoon. Michelle Richardson of Norwalk has multiple sclerosis and she wants lawmakers to set up a growing and distribution operation here in Iowa for cannabis vapor. "If I have to...
  2. R

    Utah Experiments: The Legislative Debate Around Medical Marijuana In Utah

    Not too long ago, the thought of using marijuana to treat ailments seemed like a pipe dream of the hippy era, a hallmark of areas that leaned left farther than the Leaning Tower of Pisa. But over the last few years, 23 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized the use of medicinal...
  3. R

    Wolf And Officials Tout Benefits Of New Medical Marijuana Law

    Gov. Tom Wolf, state Sen. Daylin Leach, D-17th Dist., and state Rep. Tim Briggs, D-149th Dist., joined about a dozen advocates of the medical marijuana bill Wolf recently signed into law in King of Prussia Tuesday to tout the new legislation and promise its swift implementation. The law, which...
  4. R

    Where Candidates Stand On Marijuana

    Pennsylvania's usually humdrum primary is hot this election cycle with the presidential contest running a long game. In 2016 marijuana has been a point for all tiers of candidates. The modern evolution of the cannabis issue sees politicians playing it up for positive political capital. It makes...
  5. R

    BC: Two In Three In Vancouver Approve Of Dispensaries

    Two-thirds of Vancouver residents think that marijuana dispensaries should be allowed to operate while less than a quarter said they should not, according to a poll from Forum Research released Tuesday, days before the city is set to shut down dozens of illegal dispensaries on Friday, May 1...
  6. R

    Vancouver Pot Shop Owner Vows To Stay Open Despite Enforcement Threat

    A Vancouver pot shop entrepreneur says he's in a real dilemma, as one of his locations is in the final stages of approval, while the other is facing closure. Chuck Varabioff, owner of the BC Pain Society, says his Commercial Drive location was rejected because it's within 300m of a school...
  7. R

    Failed Iowa Vote On Medical Marijuana Highlights Challenges

    An attempt in the Iowa Legislature to expand medical marijuana access in the state may have reached its end this session with a failed vote in the Republican-controlled House, though some Democrats said Tuesday they would keep pushing the issue in the days before a possible adjournment. Both...
  8. B

    How soon can I clone these?

    How early can I clone the following plants: Cherry tomatoes, basil, cilantro, oregano, mint. I'm using an aerogarden and all five have sprouted, have their domes off and have been growing for about a week and a half now. All appear to be healthy and I'd like to clone them ASAP for an...
  9. T

    Spider mite shower treatment help

    hi all, ive just started growing for the first time and have been coming here for all my information but ive got a question i cant find an answer to. Im growing indoors and recently ive found very fine spider webbing on my plants and have come to the conclusion i have a spider mite problem...
  10. R

    Illinois Dad Manages His Epilepsy With Medical Marijuana

    One of the coolest and most surprising things that I have encountered as a cannabis activist is the fact that there is so much diversity within the medical cannabis community; people that I would probably never have met, otherwise. What I mean by that is that I have met people of all ages...
  11. R

    Iowa House Fails To Advance Bill On Medical Marijuana

    A proposal that would have expanded Iowa's medical marijuana law failed Monday night in the Republican-controlled House amid criticism that it didn't create a clear way for patients to access the drug. The chamber voted 31-63 to turn down a proposal that would have expanded the list of...
  12. R

    Iowa Officials Ask Minnesotans About Sharing Their Medical Marijuana

    Republican lawmakers in Iowa have approached Minnesota officials, to see if that state would let Iowans go north to get medical marijuana. The governors of both states are involved in the discussions. "It's very expensive to grow and distribute in the state, so the scale of economy doesn't...
  13. R

    MA: Firing Up For Legalization

    Over the years, marijuana enthusiasts have appropriated an hour of the day - 4:20 - and a day of the year, 4/20, both tied to the term - 420 - often used instead of the names hung on cannabis by previous generations of users: reefer, pot, grass, weed, etc. April 20 is marked by parties and...
  14. GreeenFingers

    I'm Back - GreenFingers - Re Introduction

    Hi everybody :thumb: For anyone who does not know me, my name is GreenFingers and I am very happy to meet you all. It has been about 4 years since I journalled my first grow of AK47 on 420 magazine, I couldn't have enjoyed the process more or met a nicer, friendlier or more helpful group...
  15. J

    How long can I remain in vegetative stage?

    I've started several plants out and have not actually Been able to reach bloom stage, at first I had several problems and am still having some although not nearly as many as at first but I have several plants going in various stages so I thought I might keep them all in vegetative stage until...
  16. C

    CBDream & CBDutch Treat flowering outside in April?

    My CBDream and CBDutch Treats are flowering outdoors right along with my auto-flowers in the middle of April. They have been flowering for about two weeks and have been outside since early March and started indoors in mid-February. I thought it might have been because I put it out early...
  17. Silkysmooth

    1st time grow - Please help with small issue

    hi guys im on day 27 of a 49 day auto and have started getting yellow leaves down low, so far iv been feeding her biobizz grow and yesterday i added bloom at 1ml per litre, shes in biobizz allmix and have had no problems until just now with this all help is appreciated thanks!
  18. R

    Missouri: What's Next, After Defeat Of Medical Marijuana Bill?

    Supporters of legalizing marijuana for medical use in Missouri now have only one option this year — the ballot box. That comes after the state House last week defeated House Bill 2213. In its original form, the measure would have allowed for medical cannabis centers in Missouri, which would...
  19. R

    Canada: Pot Legalization Coming, So Stop Possession Arrests

    The federal government's promise to begin the process of legalizing cannabis in 2017 is amplifying calls from lawyers and advocates for an end to arrests and prosecutions for some weed-related crimes that have "clogged up the system" and left tens of thousands of Canadians with a criminal...
  20. R

    FL: Local Pro-Cannabis Organization Granted Official Non-Profit Status

    The seizures never seem to stop for 14-year-old Branden, but neither does Branden's mother. Just like she helps her son fight through every epileptic episode, Renee Petro is fighting for the one medicine her son doesn't have access to: cannabis. "My son, who has failed with all medications...
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