
  1. M

    Can I Take Clones From An Auto Flowering Plant?

    I have a few auto flowering plants (Early Miss, Northern Lights, White Widow, AK, Blue Dream). Can I take clones from an auto flowering plant? I have read clones are at the same life cycle as age of the plant when they were removed...and since the life cycle of these strains are 7-8 weeks...
  2. branson111190

    Cooking with infrared induction Nuwave - Help

    Okay so I already know how to make edibles , but thought of using the Nuwave induction cooktop which uses infrared to heat food . I covered tight with tinfoil and lid over ground up cannabis and set the temp to 280 degree's F . A chart said 293 for seven minutes , but I wanted to keep some CBD...
  3. V


    Good afternoon everyone, my name is Valerie and I have just recently registered with this site. If anyone has any information on the London Compassionate Society would you kindly let me know what your experience has been. I faxed all the required information (including filling out the forms...
  4. E

    Plants showing sex?

    Hello all, I have two plants that were bag seed and are both on week 4 of veg. They are under 18/6 and are doing very well! Curious as to why these 'pistols' have been chillin for the past week or so. Could the plant already be showing its sex? I have taken clones to flower soon to check the sex...
  5. xave420

    Xave's - Indoor - Autofem Jack Herer - First Auto Grow

    hey everyone this is my first auto grow it is a jack herer auto and I have 2 that I started im on about day 4 and they just broke the soil today. I am trying autos because I have only a closet space to grow in. the space is about 5ft high by 5ft x 2.5 ft. the soil I am using is Pro Mix Bx...
  6. ajagunle

    OG Kush In A Discrete Grow Room & Two Autos In Modified Kitchen Bins

    :welcome: An OG Kush feminized bean was put between damp kitchen towels on 20/4, so about a month old. Now growing in a 3" Rockwool cube sitting on the shelf of a 20 litre NFT tank, Vitalink Nutes. There is an air bubbler in the tank and one under the spreader mat on the shelf...
  7. i11icit

    I11icits First Grow - Unknown Sativa Cuttings - White Widow To Come - 2016

    Hi all, This is my first grow so I have decided to keep a running log of progress and to seek feedback from the the community. My first 4 cuttings have been taken from a Sativa. I don't know too much else about the mother plant aside from it being a female. I have Feminised White Widows on the...
  8. Bacondoggy

    Nutrients - I am not trying to start an argument - But I know people will differ

    Okay. My INTENT here is to explain that I am planning on going organic, but then was considering some cheaper forts from lowes home depot, as I do not have barely any money. I feel like I'm at the stage that the more research I do, the more confused I can get and have contradicting things from...
  9. A


    My 1st grow and I think I have a herm. Checking to see if I'm correct.
  10. C

    Sprouts pulling towards the light?

    i have 3 small sprouts, i have them in a very sunny/ light window indoors. they pull themselves towards the window so fast , i have been rotating them 3-4 times a day. im worried they will bend compeletly in half if i dont rotate... any advice ?
  11. santb

    Four Girls One Guy Seek Audience For Bondage - Wait - Do I Have The Right Forum?

    Howdy, Y'all! After months of threatening, I have finally decided to make an honest member of myself, and start my first Grow Journal. I have been a member for a little while now, and a lurker for much longer. I have learned a lot here, so now I guess it's only fair that I try to pass on...
  12. LapRocket


    Hello all! This is my first grow. I live in a legal medical and recreational state. I've 2 plants that I started from seed, (regular), Kosher Tangie, and 4 clones I purchased, Gorilla Glue #12. It's a hybrid of Chernobyl and GG #4. I had the Tangie in veg for 3 weeks before I introduced the...
  13. D

    Any Tips For Successful Seed Germination?

    Hi, I've been trying to germinate some seeds I cultivated my self from plants where a male got loose in my room. I'm not having much luck, only about 2 of 20 have risen. I used the wet napkin in an enclosed area with a heat pad under. Some of the seeds have started to crack open, but thats...
  14. S

    Sero901 - Dark Angel - Closet LED - Grow

    Hey everyone, New to the :420: forum, decided this year i want to try and grow my own plant. Im only a light toker but looking for another hobby around the house, and always wanted to try and grow a plant :) Strain: Dark Angel 50/50 indica/sativa Stage: Just germinated my seed on May 16th...
  15. S

    Here goes

    i busted my back at work,i have had 5 back surgies ,,now i have rods and screws holding it all together,,i have had some of the most powerful perscription drugs with that is,, lose of wieght,sleep and appitite, e.t.c, i still take a few threw the day,but marijuana after supper and just before...
  16. J

    Wassup Everyone

    Let me start by saying im new on here. Im from detroit, born and raised. I am a licensed grower, mmmp card also. Ive been grower for a few minutes. If anyone have any question on growing or have any different techiniques they use for their grow feel free to contact me or share your techniques...
  17. W

    Wildcat's Indoor CBD Therapy Grow 2016 - First Time Grower

    Hello everyone, I will start by saying this is my first grow. I have no idea what I am doing other that what research I have done on various websites including pouring through grow journals on 420. I recently started using high CBD/ low THC strains for anxiety and over all health. I'm a DIY...
  18. TwoBirdStoned

    Need Help - Pennywise leaves turning yellow

    3 weeks into flowering my Pennywise's fan leaves turned yellow and started to form dead spots. Around the same time I found a bunch of dead winged-gnats that had gotten sucked up into my light from the fan, and hundreds of dead winged-gnats on the floor of the tent. I'm thinking root aphids or...
  19. N

    What Are Your Must Have Genetics?

    Hey guys, I have been building my genetic library slowly but surely and was wondering what are some of your favorite strains/breeders! Been getting most of my beans from TSSC or Choice Seedbank and haven't had any issues receiving anything and they come discreet and in a timely manner...
  20. madmarv0525

    MadMarv Is Moving On Up - 2nd Journal

    Hello all let me first say thanks again to everyone here! Without the help and info from the people here I wouldn't be where am. So I have been using nutrients from a company called rx green solutions, and they recently came out with some additives as well. I have noticed no nutrient...
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