
  1. B

    Bud's First - Indoor - Soil - Bag Seed - Grow 2016

    What strain is it? Bag seed, it could very well be SFV OG Kush Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Probably sativa dominant hybrid Is it in Veg or Flower stage? 21 days in veg Indoor or outdoor? Indoor Soil or Hydro? Soil If soil... what is in your mix? A blend of generic...
  2. t burn

    Yellowing lower leaves? Nitrogen Deficiency?

    sup,im a first time grower using a standard potting compost in a greenhouse grow. I have some maxicrop organic fertiliser and have once used it on my larger plants. On near enough all of the plants the lower leaves including the cotyledons (which have died) have turned yellow and many of them...
  3. O

    Where's the potency?

    Sup 420 Been down and out for a bit, so I haven't been posting anything think new. I'm surviving of my last grow, but that to seems to be a disappointment. For some reason I can't get my buds to taste and have the potency I hear so much about. This last strain I grew (BB×WW) looks OK, plus...
  4. OlderStoner

    To Defoliate or Leave Foliate? - That is the Question

    Okay, after lots of reading and experiments I have come to one conclusion about trimming older shade leaves, little branches even if they have buds on them...during the flowering stage. The jury is of course out because just as soon as you watch a youtube video with a grower defoliating some...
  5. C

    CN ON: The Case For Legalizing Cannabis

    These days it seems everyone is talking about pot. The prime minister often speaks about the impending legalization across our country. And in Toronto, everyone is talking about dispensaries. Later this month, Toronto's Board of Health will consider a report from the city's top doctor...
  6. C

    CO: Second Pot Dispensary Opens On Baker St.

    Second pot dispensary opens on baker street. Now that a second medical marijuana dispensary has opened on Baker St., bringing the local count to six, Kootenay-Columbia MP Wayne Stetski believes it's time to embrace the burgeoning industry. "There are companies that are well down the road to...
  7. C

    Second Pot Dispensary Opens On Baker St.

    Second pot dispensary opens on baker street. Now that a second medical marijuana dispensary has opened on Baker St., bringing the local count to six, Kootenay-Columbia MP Wayne Stetski believes it's time to embrace the burgeoning industry. "There are companies that are well down the road to...
  8. Jayjay1984

    Lemon Kush

    Hello i have been growing my lemon kush (from seed) i put them into bud 3 days ago. How long does sex take to show. I have a couple the have little circular bulbs on 2 of them what is it
  9. H

    Grow room temperatures

    Hey all, I just built a new grow room and have a question about temperatures. My last grow was in a confined space with CFLs and it worked out well and I don't think temperature was not a problem. This time, I built a grow room 8x4x7 ft. I have a 600 watt air cooled hood with a 420 cfm...
  10. I

    Purple Kush By Illimunati

    5-24-16, Purple Kush, 24 days from planting seeds. Seeds from Crop King Seeds, 4 Pot from DEALZER Auto Pots from DEALZER, and MARS2 1200 LED light from MARS. MARS Grow tenth (3' 3" x 3' 3" x 5' 8") I have found Crop King Seeds and DEALZER Hydroponics to have the best customer service I have...
  11. M

    Very different pH readings?

    Hi, I have PH indicator drops and that simple PH meter with one node that does not need calibration. Big difference in readings. Drops are like a year old... would that impact the way they work? Should meter at all be used to measure water PH? I have AD12 coming in next week but...
  12. D

    Getting my ducks in a row for my first photo grow

    Hi folks, I've been growing autos for about a year now and soon I'll b grabbing up another tent and light and will have three tents rocking. Currently I'm a legal medical marijuana patient allowed to grow 12 plants at a time. I've been running autos perpetually in a 4X4 and 2X4 tent. I do both...
  13. C

    Whoopi Goldberg on the Challenges of Launching a Female-Focused Cannabis Brand

    Whoopi Goldberg is one of the latest celebrities to launch her own cannabis brand. But unlike other marijuana-focused celebrity brands (like Leafs by Snoop and Wiz Khalifa's collaboration with River Rock) that peddle chocolates, extracts, gummies, and more, Goldberg's project is about more than...
  14. C

    Whoopi Goldberg on the Challenges of Launching a Female-Focused Cannabis Brand

    Whoopi Goldberg is one of the latest celebrities to launch her own cannabis brand. But unlike other marijuana-focused celebrity brands (like Leafs by Snoop and Wiz Khalifa's collaboration with River Rock) that peddle chocolates, extracts, gummies, and more, Goldberg's project is about more than...
  15. C

    Ready For Harvest Soon?

    So my first indoor grow is going good. I am approaching harvest time. Any guess on how much longer I have? I read that harvesting early in the harvest window will yield a more cerebral high compared to a stoned body buzz when harvested late in the harvest window. I have decided to go early. My...
  16. B

    Marijuana Should Be Legal - Period

    I live in Ohio and would just like to express my opinion. I believe State and federal laws should be lifted on marijuana for private recreational use. Colorado and Washington have and I feel that any one should have the right to buy and use marijuana. I have no problem with the licensing of...
  17. K

    What can I do to pass the escreen 9 panel test?

    I am required to take a escreen 9 panel test for pre-employment. Although I was NOT given a date that I must take the test by, my preliminary start date is the beginning of July. So obviously the test needs to be done by then. I want to take the test as soon as possible so that I don't cause...
  18. G

    Aeroponic vertical issue

    I'm in the middle of setting up an aeroponic vertical grow and I'm buying all the parts I need Now I have an issue of buying pvc piping for some reason where I am it's very difficult to find black pic piping of the size and shape I need. I have found one seller but the black version of the...
  19. Icemud

    Data Loggers - Temp, Humidity, CO2 - Suggestions?

    Hey Everyone, I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions of Data logging and monitoring equipment for grow rooms. What I am looking for is a device that measures humidity, temperature, co2 that has data collection that can either be connected wifi or cat5 cable to a computer or network for...
  20. O

    Indica's Outdoors

    I started my 2nd grow this year just recently. I have about 8 little sprouts at the moment and I think they are Indica's. Not sure. I know its important to know the strain but unfortunately I do not. I received them from a reliable source tho. Last year I grew 1 Stativa and yielded 44 grams. Not...
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