
  1. T

    Fungus Gnat damage? Or?

    So im almost a 100% sure I have a slight case of the fungus gnats... Ive been letting my soil dry almost completely out now and they seem to be going away. BUT some of my leaves towards the bottom (old and new) are looking hella gross. They are turning a deep brown and curling under. It seems...
  2. M

    Optimal Number Of Colas For Indoor WW Plant?

    So I am growing some WW plants and am trying out mainlining. Here is what I have so far. They have all been topped twice at this point leaving 4 current colas per plant. When the training and veg is done they will go into a roughly 3x3 tent with about 4 feet of...
  3. Billyjack

    Recreational vote in November 2016

    Maine: Marijuana Legalization is Ballot Question 1 I did not see it on the forums so I am posting it here. Several states have recreational Marijuana on the ballots for November. I think Maine not only has the best chance of passing it but a very strong chance of doing so. With that said...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Pot-Use Advocates Gathering For Annual Hempfest

    Moonbeam - The air in this small Northern town may get a little hazy at the end of this month as the annual Hempfest festival kicks off on Aug. 22. For the last 18 years, the festival has attracted advocates and supporters of the decriminalization of marijuana, both for its recreational and...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Private Companies Have No Incentive To Study Marijuana

    As America stands on the precipice of legitimizing and legalizing cannabis to a degree considered unthinkable a mere decade ago, citizens have greeted the 420-friendly climate as either the harbinger of doom or the dawn of a green-tinted golden age. But one aspect of cannabis culture which seems...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Former Jets DE Marvin Washington Says NFLPA Will Have To Lead Marijuana Charge

    Marijuana reform is coming to the NFL, Marvin Washington says, but it won't be led by Roger Goodell or his medical advisers. The push to embrace cannabis as a brain and pain medication, the longtime Jets defensive end says, will come from the NFL Players Association. "Whenever there is a...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    UK: Hundreds Gather For The Third Annual Canna Camp Fest

    Hundreds of people from all over the UK have descended on Redcar for the third annual Canna Camp Fest. The three-day festival - Friday to Sunday - held at Redcar Rugby Club is dedicated to celebrating all things cannabis and promote the argument to legalise the drug. By 4pm on Saturday...
  8. 4

    Baby Steps

    Hola amigos. Retired to Puerto Rico back in Jan. 2013 and have been sourcing my stash from the US at a very expensive cost. Since I'm in the tropics, I thought that growing my own would not only be economical, but a lot of fun too. And so I started my research on what, where, how, and when. To...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Canada - New Medical Marijuana Regulations Should Allow Pharmacist Dispensing

    Health Minister Jane Philpott has a golden opportunity later this month to improve access and safety for medical marijuana patients and Canadian pharmacists hope she will take it. By amending the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) to allow pharmacists to dispense medical...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Canada - New Medical Marijuana Regulations Should Allow Pharmacist Dispensing

    Health Minister Jane Philpott has a golden opportunity later this month to improve access and safety for medical marijuana patients and Canadian pharmacists hope she will take it. By amending the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) to allow pharmacists to dispense medical...
  11. M

    Concern With Yellowing Of Upper Leaves On Plant In Late Week 4 Of Flowering

    So I have three plants that are at the end of the 4th week of flowering. Things have been going fairly well so far but in the past three days I have noticed some yellowing in the interior of some of the upper leaves of a couple of the plants. It is most pronounced on one of the largest plants...
  12. W1zard

    I have to go away for 4 day in the middle of a cure , what should i do?

    Hiya guys , so have some baby's going atm , there is a thread down the bottom though haven't updated in it a couple of weeks , photos will be going up shortly with updates , just need to get on other pc, though thats beside the point. I will have to go away in a couple weeks for 4 days ...
  13. N

    First HID closet grow setup - All suggestions and knowledge appreciated

    Hi, I'm about to set up my first HID closet grow and I have a bunch of questions. If you have any input then please share. Sorry I have no pictures. I'm planning to do a sketch up model of it. If I do I'll post it. Dimensions wdh: 2ft 6in x 1ft 9in x 6ft 4in or 765mm x 545mm x 1940 mm...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Need More Job Candidates? Consider Eliminating Drug Tests

    Dating back to the passing of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the popularity of pre-employment drug testing as a condition of employment has sharply risen. By now, most U.S. employers and just about every corporation has some form of drug testing program in place that job applicants must...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Would Help Economy

    Governments have been deceiving Americans since the 1930s. The biggest lobbyists against legalizing cannabis, known as pharmaceutical marijuana and hemp, are police unions and pharmaceutical corporations. They have benefited from the $2.2 trillion spent to combat drugs. Cannabis marijuana was...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Pot For Pets Is Growing Trend For Pet Owners

    Medical Marijuana for pets. It's become the latest trend - with more and more dog owners turning to Cannabis to help treat everything from their animal's pain to anxiety. Littleton resident Leslie Padzick is one of them. For the past few years, her aging Schipperke, Luca -now 12- has...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Pathway Towards Marijuana Legalization - The Significance Of The Democratic Platform

    Among all the speeches and balloons and revelry of the recently completed Democratic National Convention - a convention that has already made history by nominating a woman for president – was a far less obvious, but important change in the Democratic Party platform. For the first time since...
  18. D

    About germinating seeds and common problems

    Hey guys once again. I wanted to address some situations I've been having with my seeds and allow this to be a place to exchange info abt this still "complicated" phase to some and still to me sometimes. Now, I've been growing mainly auto feminized seeds since last year. At the moment i was able...
  19. A


    I am a new member to 420 but have a few very important questions that I hope other members of 420 can answer: I have inherited a small plot of land in Puglia, Southern Italy. I always dreamed I and my family would be self-sufficient. BUT since, at least the 1990s, Puglia has become toxic-it...
  20. murricanGiz

    Novice Grower Needing Help - Please

    These are pics of my room. It's fairly small. I did have the lights lowered more, and the humidifier going. The air was nice and cool, and I did the "back hand" check to see if it felt warm, which it did not. I recently transplanted them into bigger pots, due to me not putting a lot of soil into...
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