
  1. B

    Northern Lights Autoflower Feminised First Grow

    Hello All I am new to these parts. I recently made my very first purchase of beans and want to document my grow and learn for others experiences. I have been spending my first days as member reading others grow journals. Wealth of information. Im going to be growing in some sort of soil...
  2. D

    Help - Are these done? Time to harvest?

    Am I just expecting too much yield? I don't want to let these over grow.... I'm thinking the plants that have 90% of the white hairs that have turned orange/red/brown.... The plant should be ready..... I was just expecting them to explode and bud bigger..... I flushed them yesterday...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    DEA To Make Long-Awaited Marijuana Announcement Thursday

    A long-awaited decision that could determine the future of the U.S. marijuana industry is expected Thursday. The Drug Enforcement Administration said late Wednesday that it would publish its response to a congressional petition to reschedule marijuana in the Federal Register on Thursday...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Floridians Are Ready For Safe, Legal Medical Cannabis

    With all due respect, we're talking about cannabis as medicine. What in the world does that have to do with "pot shops"? This sounds much more like prohibitionist propaganda than a perspective based in science and medicine. One doesn't have to look too far to learn of the real benefits of...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Floridians Are Ready For Safe, Legal Medical Cannabis

    With all due respect, we're talking about cannabis as medicine. What in the world does that have to do with "pot shops"? This sounds much more like prohibitionist propaganda than a perspective based in science and medicine. One doesn't have to look too far to learn of the real benefits of...
  6. D

    Newbie - Just checking in to say hello

    I have been lurking on about 10-15 different sites a couple of months absorbing all I can for when and IF it becomes legal to grow my own med. I am retired Navy and Disabled Vet and am tired of all the Pharma I have to take to control pain for various conditions. The wife of 35 years thinks I'm...
  7. Blondhottie

    New Grower Here!

    On August 2 2016 my sprout just came out but stretched because of trying to get sun, which totally sucks! I am still trying to grow them strong, so bending the stems a tad. I have my first leaves coming out right now, getting bigger, I water them not too much little at a time, currently in the...
  8. S

    Kaya Gold & Wonder Woman - Outdoor Northern Climate

    Hi All! I am a first time grower and this is my first post here. I'm going to forego the template as a lot of it is confusing and probably doesn't pertain much to my situation. We are fledgling homesteaders in a very remote part of north central WA state. We are on the 49th parallel, our...
  9. B

    Trouble guessing male or female - Probably just not seeing the signs!

    Hello I have been growing this plant for a little while and at this point in time it is 11 days into flowering and I have trouble guessing plants gender! I'm 90% sure that it is a male but i want to hear someone else's opinion so that i don't throw away a perfectly good plant! Thanks in...
  10. O

    Do I have balls?

    Do I have Balls on 1 of my plants? I see white hairs coming out but it looks abnormal! Also, this plant just keeps stretching compared to my other that's started stacking nice colas. Blueberry autos under 400 watt mars 2. OG79
  11. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Debate Over Cannabis Bill, Continues As Election Day Approaches

    With the vote on whether to allow Californians to spark one up legally three months away, a number of lawmen have spoken out against an initiative that if given a thumbs up by voters, would make recreational use of marijuana legal. Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriff's President Tom...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    WA: Motion Aims to Ban Marijuana Sales In Downtown Spokane

    Spokane, Wash. — Marijuana sales have been legal since 2014, but there is a new effort to ban sales in downtown Spokane. On Monday, Spokane City lawmakers will vote on the motion. Proponents of the initiative said they have no problem with marijuana use. Instead, they insist downtown Spokane...
  13. M

    Anyone Have Pictures Of A Clone Send Straight To Flower?

    Good Morning, So long story short, I have a miracle clone. I didn't think it would survive cloning but it has and now I don't really have space for it. My flowering area has a small amount of room. I am considering putting the miracle clone directly in my...
  14. A

    What else should I add to my medium? Organic

    Im realizing I made a big mistake with what i started with and would like to have it all ready for next time. I have ProMix soil, Ewc, perlite, and black gold compost. I plan to keep using those so I need to know what else I would have to add. Bat guano and kelp meal are the only two i know...
  15. M

    Is it Too Late to Put a Young Clone Outside in ME

    Hola, So I have a couple clones that resulted from topping some WW plants I have going right now inside. I didn't expect the clones to take but they have and now I have the clones with no real place for them. My flower tent is about full and although I can keep them in my veg area, I am...
  16. S

    Cannatonic 16 days into flowering and barely sprouting new hairs

    Hello everyone, I have some cannatonic clones grown for 53 days in veg cycle. They are in 7 gal containers with half happy frog and half ocean forest. I flipped light cycle 16 days ago and they are barely showing signs of new pistils. They have been healthy all along grown under (1) g8 450...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Industry Watches 'Game Changer' South Dakota Cases

    All eyes in the marijuana industry are on South Dakota following the news last week that the state's top prosecutor would bring felony charges against a pair of consultants who helped a Native American tribe grow marijuana. While federal raids have taken place across the country as tribes...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    CO: The Height Of Hemp

    Industrial hemp is not marijuana, not even close. That's the first lesson hemp growers on the Western Slope want everyone to learn. Though the two plants look identical, hemp doesn't have anywhere near the psychotropic compounds as marijuana, but it does have a lot of other uses. And...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    ME: Marijuana Caregivers Flourish As Medical Demand Grows

    Saco - Brett Messer and Stephanie Caron operate Brigid Farm in a nondescript building in Saco's industrial zone. There are no signs that hint at what takes place behind the building's locked doors. In Unity, Dawson Julia operates a 14,000-square-foot warehouse on a main road through town...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    ME: Marijuana Caregivers Flourish As Medical Demand Grows

    Saco - Brett Messer and Stephanie Caron operate Brigid Farm in a nondescript building in Saco's industrial zone. There are no signs that hint at what takes place behind the building's locked doors. In Unity, Dawson Julia operates a 14,000-square-foot warehouse on a main road through town...
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