gelato auto

  1. Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Constant tweaking required to train everything even.
  2. Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Constant tweaking required to train everything even.
  3. Gelato auto 1

    Gelato auto 1

    Day 36, training day 2 Natural light, green
  4. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    Day 20 Natural light, green
  5. Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Combo defol, snipping, tucking and hooking to form canopy
  6. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    Happy plant
  7. Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Training branches outwards to expose more growth points.
  8. Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    I have replaced the pipe cleaners with BBQ skewers and hooks to spread the branches outwards.
  9. Gelato 1 auto, first defoliation

    Gelato 1 auto, first defoliation

    I removed the node two leaves and the lower leaves on the two 2nd node branches. I also snipped a few fingers to open up the canopy to the light.
  10. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    Getting taller and starting to develop side branches.
  11. Gelato auto 1

    Gelato auto 1

    Filling out
  12. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    17 Days above ground.
  13. Gelato auto 1 first pistils

    Gelato auto 1 first pistils

    First pistils
  14. Gelato auto 1

    Gelato auto 1

    32 Days above ground and still no flower.
  15. Gelato auto 1 roots

    Gelato auto 1 roots

    Roots growing beyond the bag and seeking to explore the swicky pad.
  16. Gelato auto 1

    Gelato auto 1

    31 Days above ground. No flower yet.
  17. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    15 Days above ground.
  18. Gelato auto 1

    Gelato auto 1

    31 Days above ground. Topped and in training. No flower yet.
  19. Table top autos under two ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro

    Table top autos under two ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro

    Parmesan auto L and Gelato auto 1 R. Lights at 75 % intensity at a distance of 16 inches. 31 Days above ground.
  20. Gelato Auto 2 14 Days

    Gelato Auto 2 14 Days

    Two week old cannabis seedling.
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