gelato auto

  1. Gelato auto 1, day 45

    Gelato auto 1, day 45

    Starting to flower
  2. Gelato auto 1, Day 45

    Gelato auto 1, Day 45

    Flower week 1
  3. Gelato auto 2 day 28

    Gelato auto 2 day 28

  4. Gelato auto 1 day 46

    Gelato auto 1 day 46

  5. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    Day 27 above ground
  6. Gelato auto 1

    Gelato auto 1

    Day 45 above ground
  7. Gelato auto 1 flower day 3

    Gelato auto 1 flower day 3

    Day 45 above ground
  8. Gelato auto 1 flower day 3

    Gelato auto 1 flower day 3

    Slow to flower at day 45 above ground.
  9. Gelato auto 1 roots

    Gelato auto 1 roots

    Roots growing through the bag towards the res are being air pruned
  10. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    Day 25 above ground
  11. Gelato auto 1

    Gelato auto 1

    Day 41 above ground
  12. Gelato auto 1 early flower

    Gelato auto 1 early flower

    flower day 2
  13. Gelato auto 1 early flower

    Gelato auto 1 early flower

    flower day 2
  14. Gelato auto 1 flower day 1

    Gelato auto 1 flower day 1

    Day 40 above ground
  15. Gelato auto 1 flower day 1

    Gelato auto 1 flower day 1

    Day 40 above ground.
  16. Gelato auto 2

    Gelato auto 2

    Day 24 above ground
  17. Gelato auto 1 flower day 1

    Gelato auto 1 flower day 1

    Day 40 above ground
  18. Gelato auto 2 veg

    Gelato auto 2 veg

    Happily living its best life in the mushy mix. This plant is taller with longer internodal spaces than the Gelato auto 1.
  19. Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    I removed some fans that were blocking the light.
  20. Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Gelato auto 1 canopy training

    Constant tweaking required to train everything even.
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