
  1. R

    Medical Cannabis Turns To Charity To Help Poor Patients Get Needed Treatment

    Advocates of medical marijuana are turning to philanthropic campaigns and charity drives to make the drug more accessible to patients who cannot access them, due to lack of funding, information, and/or government authorisation. Non-profit organisations and mothers are among those leading the...
  2. I

    Mini Greenhouse For Plants

    Hi, Every year I get pollinated by wild male plants in the vicinity of my grow are. The pollination isn't very bad but it's enough to subtract flavor and terps from my plants. Does anyone have any thoughts on a DIY greenhouse for plants to protect against this pollen? I'm thinking about...
  3. lilsnow

    Lilsnow's - White Widow - First 600W HPS Cabinet Grow

    Hello Everyone, First timer here, recently purchased a 600w hps dwc cabinet. Purchased 10 feminized seeds online (just in case I make some mistakes lol) Germinated 2 seeds using the paper towel method, placed under a cfl bulb for heat, seemed to work fine. I plan on getting one of those...
  4. G

    Help vegging? 12hrs HPS plus 6hrs windowsill

    Re: second grow - White Widow x Big Bud Okay so I've started 5 more wwxbb feminised seeds they've germinated and are on my window sill. They are in jiffy pellets at the moment. I've also got another 5 wwxbb day 25 flowering in my tent. I was just hoping for some advice if anyone can help...
  5. Z

    Bat guano

    Has anyone used bat guano for hydro grow?
  6. K

    How can I purchase CBD Capules in Reno, NV?

    with a prescription and the cost?
  7. R

    Scientists And Senators Say DEA Reclassification Of Cannabis Can Boost Research

    The research to develop cannabis as a medical drug can go much further if the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) were to reclassify it. The plant that is used to produce medical marijuana can be found under the DEA's Schedule 1 listing which practically identifies it as a dangerous substance...
  8. R

    Marijuana Can Be Used To Treat Painkiller And Heroin Addiction Indirectly

    Calls of supporters have been made for medical practitioners to allow marijuana for the treatment of painkiller and heroin addiction. However, marijuana can only treat chronic pain to take away the need to take painkillers and heroin for pain. There is a growing number of patients that claim...
  9. M

    Help my plant please

    Is there anything I can do to save it?
  10. Herbies Seeds

    Herbies Updates 27th April 2016

    New Strain from Barneys Farm now in stock. (You can see all of our recently added strains here) Barneys Ayahuasca Purple Fems, Feminised 100% indica strain cross of Red River and Master Kush Back in Stock (you can see the full list here) Tropical Towerful Fems GreenLabel AK...
  11. G

    Is my plant ready for flowering?

    Want to know if I should switch the time from 18/6 to 12/12 and can anyone tell if this is a female yet.
  12. M

    How many plants can I grow with 3x1000Watt HPS?

    My English is just enough to be able to tell what i want to tell - title? And what dimensions the grow room must be? -What is the difference to grow 2 or 4 plants per m2? intuitively 4 plants will give more yield. am i wrong? -The distance between light source and plants? -in...
  13. Jamesnns

    What to do with weak buds?

    I just harvested first ever plant and grow. Theres an entire thread of its grow.... This was my first ever grow and the seeds I used were given to me by a friend..unknown seeds. She came in at 3 oz dried. Now, after a week of drying, I smoked 2 hits and....nothing. She smells...
  14. Hektek86

    What can and can't you share and what can be traced?

    Hi just registered here as I love cannabis and was looking for advice and stuff on a few things but I am wondering if what I post can be seen by people you wouldn't want seeing it leading to things you don't want happening.. would like to posy pics and stuff at some point but as I'm in the uk I...
  15. R

    5 Less Common Legal Medical Marijuana Uses

    States are moving to legalize medical marijuana use for a greater range of conditions. Lawmakers in New Jersey recently introduced a bill to add menstrual cramps to the state's list of legal indications for medical marijuana. "For many women, the response to pain so severe that it causes...
  16. R

    Veterans Can Now Get Medical Marijuana; VA Doctors Can Now Recommend

    Thanks to the new amendment passed by the Senate. The Veterans can now get medical marijuana in any states that allow the use of therapeutic cannabis. The Veterans Affairs (VA) doctors are now allowed to prescribe or recommend the use of medical marijuana to patients. According to Inquistr...
  17. R

    Medical Marijuana Debate Takes A New Form

    The recent news about a looming controversy regarding medical marijuana and an experimental epilepsy drug raises intriguing questions – but, in the long run, likely will be seen as a footnote on the road to more widespread legalization. At issue in the recent case is an experimental drug...
  18. R

    8 Things To Know About Legal Pot

    Just four years ago, recreational marijuana (the kind you can smoke without a doctor's note) wasn't legal anywhere in the U.S. Now, voters have reversed the rules in four states and D.C. Sales of legal pot grew to $1.2 billion in 2015, more than tripling sales from the year before, according to...
  19. R

    A Traveler's Guide To Recreational Marijuana In Colorado

    For all of its stately homes and palmetto-laden vistas, Charleston doesn't quite have what it takes to meet the needs of every traveler. Yes, there's world-class dining and historic landmarks, but what the city doesn't have is legal marijuana. So, in a country where nearly half the population...
  20. Racer1921

    DWC - White Widow Auto in Clay Rocks - Dutchmaster Grow One

    First grow plz asist if you can
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