
  1. T

    Can someone with both Glaucoma and Lupus still have Marijuana?

    As I posted a previous post, some people were indicating for me to be a bit more specific about the questions I had, I feel this is toned a bit more directly. My family member has not only arthritis, but Glaucoma and Lupus! I was told previously that if they have Lupus it's pretty much a no-go...
  2. dailydose

    Hot house pot confusion

    Used to be you bought a bag of Columbian/Mexican/Jamaican, seeds and all, you knew you were getting a nice sativa close to 100%. Now with medical and legal pot, all you can buy is hot house sensimillan. All kinds of different strains and none of them accurately tell you the breakdown of...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Can Marijuana Mop Up Radiation Around Fukushima And Other Polluted Areas?

    Can hemp mop up radiation around Fukushima and other polluted areas? There is much optimisim that hemp can clean up radiation from the soil. It has been almost 5 years since the disastrous earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit Japan's east coast at Fukushima A meltdown followed and so did a...
  4. Ferboldt

    Right after harvest, vacation! What to do?

    Hi everyone!!! I'm 5 weeks close to my harvest and 4 weeks for my summer vacation, where I will be out of the country for 3 weeks!!! I'm going to harvest my lovely girl 1 week earlier than I planned. How can I manage my drying and curing stage? Any ideas? Option 1 = Don't harvest...
  5. movie1212

    What is the best way to load photos?

    OK so I had a stroke a few months ago and my brain does not work as well as before. I have almost 50 years growing in 13 countries and can not understand how to upload photos to the site. Got a message from a mod telling me he was going to take down my journal about growing in an Aerogarden if...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Why Are Lawmakers So Afraid To Legalize Marijuana?

    There are many legal activities we can partake in that aren't exactly healthy decisions, but our government has no say in how frequently we do them or if we're doing them to excess. For instance, as Americans, we can buy and consume as much alcohol as we want, we can smoke as many cigarettes...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Why Are Lawmakers So Afraid To Legalize Marijuana?

    There are many legal activities we can partake in that aren't exactly healthy decisions, but our government has no say in how frequently we do them or if we're doing them to excess. For instance, as Americans, we can buy and consume as much alcohol as we want, we can smoke as many cigarettes...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Harvesting Liberty: Short Film Explores Reintroduction Of Industrial Hemp To US

    Industrial hemp farming could play a big role in providing economic stability in impoverished areas, creating jobs and businesses for veterans, and growing a sustainable and regenerative agriculture movement. Too bad it's still illegal. A collaboration between responsible apparel company...
  9. Nutria

    AF SmartPot dimension?

    Yo guys, my setup is: grow tent 2x2x4 light LED MarsHydro 300 (120w) + 6x28w led bulb seeds Sweet Seeds Dark Devil (AF) Question is: how many gal should I go? Due to low led power I think I can grow max 2 plants (i have 4 seeds) I can choose from 1/2/5gal pots
  10. SweetSue

    Using Cannabis To Reduce Or Replace Opiod Drugs

    Using Cannabis To Reduce And Replace Opiod Drugs With the wave of legalization sweeping the country we now find ourselves faced with the medical evidence that cannabis is much more valuable than we all suspected. One of the more recent findings has been its ability to help patients reduce their...
  11. YodaTheRedEye

    Never Flush With Scientific Explanation - Any Ideas?

    Sup everyone, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods :tokin: Below is a link to a thought provoking read I found this morning. I would really like to hear other member's ideas, whether supportive or not, regarding this topic. I am not a big fan of the Lucas Formula concept and it...
  12. blobfish

    Male or female - First time grower

    hello guys, just found this forum, i think you can help me to determine sex of my plant(pics aren't resized) 2X150W cfl, soil, veg thank you :)
  13. D

    Second month

    Anyone looking at my pics can I get some feedback on them.. in second month. Should they be looking different?
  14. xave420

    Is Fox Farm Ocean Forest a good soil to use?

    was wondering because of the rumors bugs can be in it. any feedback about stories with the soil is appreciated thanks
  15. C

    7 Health Benefits Of Cannabis Health Advantages Of The Oft-Scorned Plant

    Is cannabis really medicine? Today more than 20 states have legalized medicinal marijuana and three states plus the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis for medicinal and recreational use. Recently, Congress approved legislation that would allow veterans access to the herb for medicinal...
  16. C

    7 Health Benefits Of Cannabis Health Advantages Of The Oft-Scorned Plant

    Is cannabis really medicine? Today more than 20 states have legalized medicinal marijuana and three states plus the District of Columbia have legalized cannabis for medicinal and recreational use. Recently, Congress approved legislation that would allow veterans access to the herb for medicinal...
  17. C

    Oregon's Recreational Marijuana Market Expands To Edibles And Extracts Starting Thurs

    From dawn until midnight, Andi Bixel churns out ice cream. She's made so much ice cream that the machine has started to act up. She bought another this week so she can keep going without a break. You won't find Bixel's treats, made with local ingredients like lavender and honey, in Portland's...
  18. C

    Pro-Medical Marijuana Group Planning To Canvas Riverfest

    Pro-Medical Marijuana Group Planning To Canvas RiverfestLittle Rock KATV - Melissa Fults, with the pro-medical marijuana group Arkansans for Compassionate Care - along with the support of her husband - are transforming five acres of farm land into a camping ground, but this won't be your typical...
  19. C

    Pro-Medical Marijuana Group Planning To Canvas Riverfest

    Little Rock KATV - Melissa Fults, with the pro-medical marijuana group Arkansans for Compassionate Care - along with the support of her husband - are transforming five acres of farm land into a camping ground, but this won't be your typical retreat. "We will set up a porta-potty, a place for...
  20. X

    Hello Everybody!

    I've been lurking around the forums for a little while and figured I should finally make an account! There's so many great resources on here to be found that so far any question I have has been answered without the need of a post! Right now I have a few plants going for my first shot at...
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