The Butcher
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  • Honestly, more then likely not, but hey I could be wrong. Pollen has to be kept in a sealed container or jar. It never hurts to try though. I would drop it on some lower branches and see what happens. But thats just me. :goodluck:
    hey butcher new here have read your breeding tread i have male pollen some loose from open pod cant find the bag its in but i also have from the same strain closed pod mix kinda looks like hash ate some feels like kif on my tounge its about 3 or 4 months old u think it will make seed
    I'd love to be able to help you out, due to the restraints of our laws, unfortunately I am unable to for the fallowing reason. 420magazine guidelines were designed to ensure that no public posts contain any language that could possibly be interpreted as sending seeds through the mail. Unfortunately, it is a felony to discuss/promote importation of seeds into the United States. This rule was created for the safety of you, me and 420 as well. I truly hope you understand.
    omm said to ask you if you know where i can locate seeds of the 60-70's, such as, and excuse the spelling, oaxican, michimacon, panama red, ect....thank you, lavendar
    would love to do a grow of all the goodies from yesterday, a trip down memory lane...
    No apologies necessary. You have a load of work on your hands. Take your time and just know we apperciate all your hard work and efforts.
    Butch, just noticed you made grow support. Thanks for volunteering bro, seems like u got a lot of experience under ur belt and a lot to offer.
    Yo my man for some reason i couldn't find that info bout tissue culture on that post thanks for the help man it looks to be so much more of a functional way to clone if the technique is mastered
    hey butch do you know anything about tissue culture with cannabis i'd really like to try it out but have no idea on were to start
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