Blog entries by Lady Cannafan

Posted in the blog: testing categories entry
Okay, bear with me while I learn how to create categories on this blog. I want to see if this post shows up as a category entry in lighting. Thanks!
Posted in the blog: Dyold's Grow 1
Posted in the blog: Moving posts into categories
Any of you other 420 bloggers know how to move a post into another created category? I want to move the Story time post to my Story Telling Time category. Thanks if you can help.:circle-of-love:
Posted in the blog: Story Time....
Alrighty, it's bow hunting season round these here woods and that brings lots of memories of lots of stories. I have hunted and fished all of my life, so there are years of memories that I enjoy, for instance: My former husband and I hunted together often. Sometimes we would put our stands...
Posted in the blog: Dyold's Grow 1
Posted in the blog: First entry
Hello blogger followers, I created this blog for two reasons, one is to have a place to store just single posts that I want to refer to later. Ya can't do that with folders in the journals. The other reason is to be able to post something off topic now and then so the journal doesn't get...
Posted in the blog: Dyold's Grow 1
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