Blog entries by Lady Cannafan

Posted in the blog: Contests on 420....MOTM
Did you know that 420 magazine holds contests on a monthly basis? There are some very generous prizes given out by the sponsors on this site for these contest winners too. The three categories are: Nug of The Month, Plant of The Month, and most importantly to me is Member of The Month Any 420...
Posted in the blog: Aphids Cannabis Plant pests
This photo found on the net shows a small start of aphid infestation: (the 420 logo hides the word "shed". The little white pieces are aphid sheds)
Posted in the blog: Sexing Cannabis plants early
The following article link is informative with great pictures. One note: in the article is states that the only way to tell the sex of the plant is force flower or to put clones into flowering light schedule. This is not true, you can sometimes tell sex of plants during the vegetative stage...
Consensus opinion is that this is probably light nutrient splashing on the leaves, or they could have been slightly damaged during a move or placing into the scrog screen. There are little spots on the top leaves and some in the bottom corner of the picture.
These are good "Pests". As soon as I noticed them I watched and they were meticulously patrolling the plants looking for critters to munch on.
Early pistils shot on one of my White Widows and the male plant before getting a proper focused pic
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