ok switched to 24-0 and seen some improvement, i cant aford nutrients so i just used good soil, but its about 1 month or more old just want some our ur guys opinions, its my first grow
Well, I dont get alot of responses to my questions but the admin people have been great. Hoping to see if I can change my user name to see if that helps. I am PRO marijuana legalization!! Just because I was a cop does not mean anything. If anything, my research has lead me to belive that the...
Things you will need:
1 - Flood Tray
1 - Reservoir sized so that it will half fill your flood table +2 to 5 Gallons extra so as not to burn out your pump (OPAQUE or LIGHT PROOF PREFERRED)
1 - Pond pump GPH sized to pump to a height 2' over the height of your flood table over the reservoir
1 -...
SURGICAL, OR EXAMINATION GLOVES (unless you're a hand washer)
A SINGLE EDGE RAZOR BLADE - Must be sharp!! A new blade is best.
BACK-UP BLOCK - A piece of wood or plastic or cutting board
SHOT GLASS -Or similar...
I love visa gift cards. just ordered AN's sensi grow and bloom, bigger air pump (as it turns out this thing runs more air then 5 of the ones from local hydroponic store) and the ,I hope< right...
In the U.S. The legal age for drinking is 21, legal age for smoking tobacco is 18 and legal age for smoking Cannabis is...well, there isn't one. It isn't even legal to intake, posses, cultivate or sell. Im 20 years old, and I have smoke tobacco, drank alcohol and smoked cannabis. So far I had...
Smoking marijuana is good for your brain - a new medical study recently completed in the UK indicates that marijuana appears to improve cognitive functioning rather than impair it.
Researchers studied 8992 men who used marijuana and tested them to meassure the level of brain fuctio.n. The...
Smoking marijuana is good for your brain - a new medical study recently completed in the UK indicates that marijuana appears to improve cognitive functioning rather than impair it.
Researchers studied 8992 men who used marijuana and tested them to meassure the level of brain fuctio.n. The...
Ever wonder how to get those nice close ups without having a macro lens or feature on your camera?
What I do is set the camera to shoot RAW files, or large JPEG to allow large area for cropping in. Before shooting make sure you take the time to focus on the plant to get it nice and sharp...
Hi there don't know if anyone can help me but I have a friend who is trying out a 90w Five Spectrum - Deep Red / Red / Blue / Orange / White UFO LED Grow Light by PRAKASA grow with a Snow White plant...its about 3weeks into its flowering cycle but it seems to be turning yellow instead of staying...
I just started a plant about a month ago and it is doing pretty well but it is really slow growing. My last plants were really slow growing as my growing medium is soil. But wondering if there is anyone who would help me to grow my plants faster, in the medium that I am growing in.
can you guys tell me how im doing, got it on 12/12, its about 3 weeks old, and im about to put it on 24 because its short and bushy idk if thats good or not, soo i would like some advice from some experts lol
Today is my first day of posting to the site in any shape or form. I sit here in front of my computer and ponder what I might like to write--not so much what I want to express, but perhaps what I might like to have others understand about me and why I choose to use marijuana.
I am a user of...
ONE MILLION JOBS ONE WEEK SOUNDS a little far fetched. how can this be made possible? we can start with legalizing med CANNABIS. this action alone will start a job revolution rivaling the GOLD RUSH OF 49 then surpassing the "rush" making it look like a rummage sale. jobs available dont only come...