

Latest comments

  • Sticky Orange XXL
    Day 44 her total height is now 30cm i trimmed her and i still got leaf problems.
    • darkdragon2451
  • Purple Punch
    Day 35 she grew quite a amount (her total height is 42cm rn) i trimmed her a bit again. i still got a some problems with the leafes curling and...
    • darkdragon2451
  • Sticky Orange XXL
    Day 40 i lollipopped some leafes and that was it! somehow she is rather small for 40 days. hopefully she will grow a bit bigger in the next few...
    • darkdragon2451
  • Purple Punch
    Day 31 Alright i lollipopped quite a few leafes over the last 2 days cause she got to thick for me and was overlapping the smaller branches so...
    • darkdragon2451
  • Sticky Orange XXL
    Day 36 I lollipopped her and also started LST the Side branches. Also she started blooming Like 1-2 days ago!
    • darkdragon2451

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Posted in the blog: thai skunk haze
heres them photos of mine i was telling you about g boss as you can see shes a monster sorry the pics aint brilliant ill take some more over the next few days, hope you enjoy thanks for looking guys im about 6 weeks at least now into the budding period and i have come across major problems i...
Posted in the blog: Energy Radiating Marijuana
I just completed reading the novel, "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. Moose mentioned the book in a thread and I checked it out from the library. In the book people would renew their energy by meditating on plants, rocks, etc. While the book is fiction, there is much wisdom shared...
Posted in the blog: Does Everyone Do This?
It's week 5 1/2 for the girls in flower, and I find myself looking at other grow photos and wondering why mine don't look as far along:cheesygrinsmiley: Of course, i am sure mine went through more trauma then experienced indoor growers do, but you know how it is.... I keep waiting for that...
Posted in the blog: The Growing Pains Of Activism
:peace: Last night I had a phenomenal experience that brought me into the hearts and lives of all the past activists, and particularly female activists, who at times struggled to get from one day to the next against the adversity of others, in order to further their individual causes...
Posted in the blog: It's Official
All 5 seedling planted on the 12/12 system are FEMALES! This will make a nice grow for sure :-) Now I just want the 3 I have flowering to get done and out of the way.. :rofl:
PACIFIC SUPPORT SERVICES Have you or anyone you know experienced an illness which you believe Medical Marijuana could provide relief? Anxiety - Arthritis - AIDS - Chronic Pain - Chronic Nausea - Cancer Glaucoma - Insomnia - Migraines - Sports Injuries - Auto Accidents Yes, in the state of...
Posted in the blog: 5 Babies on 12/12 No Mercy System
3 of the 5 seedlings are now in week 4 and 5, and so far 3 are females. The other two were planted a bit later, but will be showing sex early next week. I have to tell you, to have this high percentage of females can only mean they have the right soil and temps. 3 outta 4 in my last grow...
Posted in the blog: The Girls
Here are a couple of my favorite photos from my current grow.
Posted in the blog: First Time Growing Tips
hi everyone, it would be a great help to me if someone could refer me to the best novice growing site or just give me some tips on indoor growing. I've grown outdoor plants in the past, but with mother nature doing all the work, i wouldn't consider myself an expert. any links or advice would...
Posted in the blog: Medical Cannabis
I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 1 and 2 over the last 6 years, but probably had it most of my life. A wonderful genetic trait passed on by either grandma, or my biological father. I have been to 4 crazy doctors, a psychologist or 2, and been given at least 15 different medications...
Posted in the blog: Doctors In Ontario Oregon
Does Any One Know If There Is Any Doctors That Pescribe Medical Mj In Ontario Oregon,,or Nevada , Winnacmucaa?thanks,
Posted in the blog: A Daily Ganja Read
Blogging is kind of like you were keeping an online diary. Poeple read you and respond. Most of the time bloggers write about stuff that happened to them, impulse writting. I've never blogged before, but I just saw this new feature and I thought I would give it a go. So in case some of you...
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