Year 2: Off-Grid Spring-Fed Hillbilly Soil Grow

Crazy time continues in the cannabis house!

In the past couple of days my stunted weird clones are beginning to show signs of waking up. This is most obvious on the Jack Herrer plants -- the Critical Mass show less growth and now they are dealing with mold, which I strip out as soon as it appears.

The low temperature in the greenhouse is typically 52-55ºF. We are experiencing a classic "June-uary", with very frequent rain and outside temperatures as low as 49º. We seldom have more than brief warming into the upper 60's, lower 70's.

As you can see in the photo below, the only plants (other than the tomatoes) that show normal growth are the three heirlooms, Grampa's Medicine.


Here's a Critical Mass, followed by a second CM with peristent mold in the very top.


The greenhouse is loaded with tomatoes, chard, lettuce, and oriental greens. The only plants having issues with mold or humidity are the Critical Mass. I picked out bits of mold every day.

CM mold.JPG

As odd as the Jack Herrer plants appear they at least show some new growth. Unless they really take off I'm wondering if it isn't best to keep them potted and in the greenhouse instead of going into soil outside?

jack 1.JPG

jack 2.JPG
Hey Simon - some of my experimental plants did that - I have them outside and just letting them do what they want - if i have better plants to replace them I will - I promised myself "just 4" this year.....but I didn't pinky promise I guess.... :laugh:

Our weather forecast is for an increase in temperature next weekend. I'm going to up-pot the Grampa's Meds plants and see if the clones pick up enough growth to finally go outside into the soil.

In the Better-Late-Than-Never department, yesterday I realized that I've never tried Jack Herrer and bought the clones after reading various reviews. So... I was near the local bud shop and came home with a Jack H joint.

After some back-and-forth testing with the pipe I was a bit surprised at how alike the Jack and Grampa's are. This makes the value of the Grampa's Meds plants much higher to me as it seems less and less likely that the Jacks will give much.
Continued weirdness among the clones... I'll try to post photos soon but this is just a quick update.

Because the strange growth of the clones looked so much like premature flowering I decided to harvest some of the smaller buds, to give them a smoke test. The results of this test were pretty clear -- one hit on the pipe and it put me on the couch. This is more potent than the crop I grew last year, which isn't exactly shabby!

It makes sense that this stuff is effective as the buds and small leaves are sticky and smell beautifully of resin.

So, the next step is another round of up-potting. Even though the plants are still small for their age there is continued root development. All of them are also outside, the only way I've been able to control the mold, which is an ongoing issue thanks to our cooler/wetter June.

In this photo, taken two weeks ago, the three plants in front (Grampa's Medicine) are reaching for the sky and have excellent development. Those plants were just a few inches high when the clones finally reached about twelve inches. Today, none of the clones is yet adding much height and none are displaying 5 pointed leaves.

Thanx for the update - I was going to trash my funky plants today - glad i held off - I'm gonna go give them a closer look to see exactly what they are up to!!! :thumb:
Did you smoke it green???

I dried the clippings in a sunny spot for a couple of days, then zapped them in a small coffee mill. They weren't entirely dry but close enough. I'm going to do my best to keep these plants alive as long as possible.
I'm going to give that a try - maybe, just maybe we gots a little goldmine!!!! I was going to trash mine because I moved two more plants outside because my greenhouse gets so hot!!! Three of these funky little gals are still in 2 gallon pots - they don't seem to be doing any growing - I should check the root ball next.
It has been difficult to keep this journal updated as we have a lot of vegetable gardening and orchard pruning that cries out for attention. But... there are developments!

First of all, the three "heirloom" plants from our neighbor, called Grampa's Meds, are out of the closet and showing their true gender.

gramps balls.JPG

These are the first plants I've had that weren't feminized so after reviewing photos here at 420Mag I decided that two of the three plants were male. They have now gone to compost heaven. (If this plant is actually female please break it to me gently.)

As for my crazy clones, they still can't decide if they are vegetating or flowering, or doing both simultaneously. Look at this Critical Mass and tell me -- without classic 5 pointed leaves does this even look like a cannabis plant? If I came across it in the garden, other than the smell I'd be hard pressed to identify it as marijuana.


I moved all of the plants outside as the mold problem we experienced in the greenhouse was threatening to wipe out the clones, especially the Critical Mass. I still see remnants of mold but nothing serious or life threatening.

The Jack Herrer plants have grown odd spindly vertical stems as they slowly bush out. When I push newer growth aside these plants continue to appear to be budding. Like the Critical Mass, none of the Jacks yet shows 5 pointed leaves. I'm not sure if this is important but it does seem odd (to this relatively inexperienced grower).

Just for the heck of it I dried some of the bud and gave it a smoke test. And it is almost as good as the Jack Herrer I bought at the local shop. (My first actual sample of genuine Jack.)

So... perhaps I could be carefully harvesting some of these buds or is it best to let them continue to develop?

jack many buds.JPG

Here's another oddity: the Jack Herrer plants show a number of spiral shaped leaves.

jack spiral leaf.JPG

Last but not least I've been closely watching the tips of the plants, assuming that at some point they'd start displaying normal cannabis development. But... I'm not at all sure what this image might tell us about where/what/why is going on today. Can you help?

jack tip growth.JPG

Could weather be a factor here? We're still not experiencing summer, with frequent rain showers and temperatures in the high 40's to low 50's at night, and lucky to hit 70f during the day.

At least our tomatoes are happy.


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Greenjeans, do your odd plants look like mine?
Yeah - I had one that was real bad and I noticed seeds on it so out of an abundance of caution I scrapped it - it was so weird it was hard too see what exactly what was going on - so before any of my "good gals" become fertile out it went!!
Yeah - I had one that was real bad and I noticed seeds on it so out of an abundance of caution I scrapped it - it was so weird it was hard too see what exactly what was going on - so before any of my "good gals" become fertile out it went!!

Although I keep telling myself the male plants simply have no place here it still hurts to have trashed two of them. I'll put the third Gramp's Meds in the ground and hope for the best.

My next project is to figure out how to over-winter a couple of these confused clones. I'm looking for the simplest possible way to keep them alive using a minimum of electricity. I hope this is possible as I'd like to clone those over-wintered plants early next season.
Spiral leaves, for sure a reveg. Little late but theres still hope for those. They should be stretching a bit right now so that should increase yield a bit.
I put mine outside a touch too early (mid may) and same thing happened. 90% recovered, some just stayed funky looking. Have one funky plant, 4 feet tall that MIGHT give me 7 grams. Lol.
All the best.
Spiral leaves, for sure a reveg. Little late but theres still hope for those. They should be stretching a bit right now so that should increase yield a bit.
All the best.

You are exactly correct -- all of the plants have now gone into reveg and are stretching out nicely, about 3 feet tall and bushed out. I'm optimistic now that I'll get a crop and if the weather holds into October it could be a good one.

Two nights ago the temperature in the greenhouse was 43ºF and we had to have a fire in our kitchen cookstove. This has been a cool wet year but many of the vegetables (and weeds) are doing quite well. I now have all of my plants in soil in various parts of our gardens. My approach this year is to "garden" the cannabis rather than obsessively tend, train and feed. At 76 years old, with serious arthritis, I have no choice but to start slowing things down. My gardening frenzy in the past several months is paying back in a lot of physical pain. Can't keep that up much longer!
Only 50 here, young un. I have 6 in the woods, under a tree to protect from the fall rains, but the downside is they only get 4 hours direct sun. They are not much, even at 5 feet. Lanky, spindly and all that jazz. New spot next year(we have 20 acres). They're gonna do what they're gonna do. Help them out when you can, and may the gods smile on you!
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