C99xBlueberry Fast, White Widow & Jack Herer


Well-Known Member

Hello everybody and welcome to my grow.
I am starting a new grow so go ahead and sub up if you would like to follow it.
i might not do an update every day but I will let you know what is going on with my grow and tell you what I'm doing to get good results.
First off I would like all of you to know what I will be growing this time.
I will be growing:
2-C99xBlueberry fast,feminized.
1-White Widow,feminized.
1-Jack Herrer,feminized.
I have one C99xBlueberry in my veg tent now,that is the one in the pic.
i'm waiting for the other one to break the surface so it can go into the tent.
I am germinating the White Widow and Jack Herrer right now and will bring you all up to date as soon as they break out.
I am growing in soil and am using Fox Farms liquids and solubles.
My light in the veg tent is a Mars Hydro 300 watt which is plenty of light to veg with.
I will also be doing some cloning as well.
Please stay tuned as I bring you updated throughout my grow.
That's some nice genetics you got growing there. I've got some of those exact genetics myself. I've already grown an auto WW (small but super frosty) and 2x regular WW (both females) and currently have a Jack Herer about 2 weeks into flower. I haven't yet grown any C99xBlueberry but I have tried a Blueberry and that's one nice smelling and tasting flower so the C99xBB should be pretty nice.
That's some nice genetics you got growing there. I've got some of those exact genetics myself. I've already grown an auto WW (small but super frosty) and 2x regular WW (both females) and currently have a Jack Herer about 2 weeks into flower. I haven't yet grown any C99xBlueberry but I have tried a Blueberry and that's one nice smelling and tasting flower so the C99xBB should be pretty nice.
Yeah,I'm really looking forward to this grow.
They should turn out nice as long as everything goes smoothly.
Can you throw up some pics of your current grow?
Have a great day,peace.
Here is my C99xBlueberry fast at 4 days from germination.
Everything is going well so far.
I germinated two of these but the other one seems to be a bit slow to germinate.
She's barely sticking out of the soil so hopefully she'll pop up in the next day or two.

Here is my white widow at two days since she popped up.
Ignore the date on the tag.That's when I started the germination from seed.
The same goes for my Jack Herer.
Everything is going well.
Hopefully the other C99xBlueberry comes around soon.


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I grew a c99 x blueberry, was and is a fantastic smoke

Was very impressed with it. Grew great, can't say it was really fast or not, but never had any real issue growing it

Hello everyone.
Well my other C99xBlueberry fast had a problem germinating so I will only be growing one.
I will be taking clones from her as soon as she gets big enough to do so.
Here she is at 8 days since germination.
She's looking good so hopefully she'll be a good producer.

update today,
Here is my C99xBlueberry at 11 days since germination.
Everything is going good and no problems with this grow so far.


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Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Update:I lost the Jack Herer,not sure why.
I have two plants left that are doing very well.
I'm growing white widow and c99 x blueberry.
They are at 7 days of flower and I have not had any issues thus far.

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