Social smokers grow super skunk & white widow

lol... i hear ya guys im getn stoked about smokn some premo bud should help me sleep betterand get me high as a kite lol...:grinjoint:
Yo S.S.......been lurking, but wanted to officially drop in. Nice grow my man! We are growing widows and are in our second week of 12/12 so I am looking forward to seeing our little ladies start to look like your skunk.....Lord willing. Amazes me to see how different widows look from grow to grow. Ours don't really look like yours (diff phenos) and to be honest some of the plants from the same seed pack don't really look completely alike..kinda weird. Anyhow, just wanted to say "you got a good thing going on over here." Keep it up!
Yo S.S.......been lurking, but wanted to officially drop in. Nice grow my man! We are growing widows and are in our second week of 12/12 so I am looking forward to seeing our little ladies start to look like your skunk.....Lord willing. Amazes me to see how different widows look from grow to grow. Ours don't really look like yours (diff phenos) and to be honest some of the plants from the same seed pack don't really look completely alike..kinda weird. Anyhow, just wanted to say "you got a good thing going on over here." Keep it up!

thanks hypo hippy im so stoked about smoking some premo bud... its hilarious

il come check your wws out thanks for stopping n:bongrip:
Skunk is really a sativa pheno strain and is used to sort of branch out an indica for a better yield.

My favorite so far is skunk and mazar but I have packs of OG18, Sleesack and Kushberry with Skunk that DNA was giving away on the Christmas special at Attitude.

thanks for the info mc:bongrip:
well im bummed had 2 put my dog lexus 2 sleep the rash was cancer and not curable needless 2 say iv bn smoken all day....

the skunks smell so good and r getting really sticky il post pics 2morrow the wws and la woman r doing great also.:ganjamon:
Social S...sorry to hear about your dog. That blows man. I know how hard it is to lose your dog. To answer your question, we bought both a magnifying glass and handheld microscope at Radio Shack and they both work great. I would definitely recommend either or both of them. Once again, sorry for your loss.
thanks alot guys she was a very good dog :bongrip:

i just picked up a cheap magnifying glass the trichomes appear mostly clear but some cloudy

guess i better start flushing lol...:ganjamon:
Yo social, made it here finally. nice grow, I just skimmed over the whole set up. How you like'n the LA Women? The pict of the 3 WW w/ the LA Women. YOu can point those LA WOMEN leaves a mile away. So distinct and wide as hell yeah?

yeah those leaves r huge on the la woman ...hows the smoke... thanks for stopn n butcher:ganjamon:
rechecked the trichomes on the skunks they r clear

super skunks 35 days into flowering

wws and la woman
starting 2 bud theyv bn 12/12 from seed
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