Shorti's 4th Grow, ATF!

Welp, the affected branch was worst case scenario. Bud rot, entirely.

2 branches in total suffered from bud rot. Some was salvageable.

I have cut all budlets off of stem and will be monitoring the drying very closely. This is devastating.
When I chopped my Brooklyn's I lost 2 ounces to PM, I was gutted!
:eek: I'm so sorry pw. The weight of the removed mass was 22.8 grams. I have 186 wet grams of potentially smokeable herb..
Let's hope this doesn't progress. I re washed everything in a strainer.
That sucks hun
And it's okay Chris.. I assume this just happens.. I would have never known if I hadn't gotten the hunch to look further.. I am happy I did now rather than wait to 2 or 3 days in the drying process when everything is rotten..
What really baffles me, is she began flowering outdoor, and had a bug issue which is why I brought her in and eradicated the bugs. I am almost certain the rot I am dealing with is the decomposition of the dead bugs as dense buds grew around their carcass..
I have like no humidity here so can't even fathom bud rot besides in jars curing

Get more babies going and you'll be fun

Pretty sure the rot stuff can go into oils and stuffs. I love my infused oils capsules
Good evening 420magazine.
Meet the new babe,
Triple cheese. I've never grown a cheese or other variant and have always liked it when it's came around, so despite everything sounding so good, this was my first choice.

I bleached and wiped down all surfaces in the tent & left to ventilate for a while.

I currently have a great white shark seed in a wet paper towel, and I intend to do things a bit differently this grow. I will be staying in a much smaller pot, seeing as I can attribute the length of time that moisture was held in the 6 gal to a potential aggravator of relative humidity.

I will limit myself to 2 gallon pots, with coco as a medium. I hadn't yet bought more coir which is why this babe is in such a temporary situation.

Anyways have a great night 420magazine


  • 20181130_230817.jpg
    834 KB · Views: 67
Sorry to hear about your bud troubles! Sounds like you caught it early girl, I hear its more prominent in thick dense buds and yours look like big fatty patties! Great job on those thick buds and on the harvest, I’m sure Em is straight fire. You can use the bud rot buds for topical oil?

Congrats on the babies!! I can’t wait to watch them grow up. I love a good cheese:)
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