Salaciousness, Sin And Seedsman Seeds With Preston9mm And Trala

Don’t forget to write the training steps down.

My confidence always outweighs my actual ability, so right at this moment I’m thinking mine will look like this:-


Don’t forget to write the training steps down.

I'll try my best...

I'm just not the guy to overcomplicate things. It's a terrible trend around here that I refuse to take part in.

I keep things as simple as possible, so my training will likely come off as simple-minded to most

I top my plant, remove the branches I don't want, and keep 4 strong branches. I train those 4 branches to stay flat. 👍

I'll post a few pics as I go thru the process.
I'll try my best...

I'm just not the guy to overcomplicate things. It's a terrible trend around here that I refuse to take part in.
I think as you’ve prolly seen, I have a similar style. I don’t even CalMag lolling. I just treat them like a plant.

That said I still like to challenge myself and learn new training techniques. I’m also not great at flower or picking harvest windows so I’m always looking for feedback in areas I don’t feel confident.

I’ve tried to quadline before without being able to gain that beautiful quadline shape. I’ve said it before, I’m not here to fuck spiders. I’m here to learn and try and grow plants of beauty. Anyone can grow a straggler. I put a lot of work into my Bee Hive and my goal is to make every one sing. Some I win, most I lose lol.
I keep things as simple as possible, so my training will likely come off as simple-minded to most
Maybe. Maybe not. I think that’s the beauty of advice, and opinions. You don’t have to take them. You get to do you.
I top my plant, remove the branches I don't want, and keep 4 strong branches. I train those 4 branches to stay flat. 👍

I'll post a few pics as I go thru the process.

I look forward to it :)

I just think not everyone is loud and noisy. There might be a quiet lurker watching your grows and wishing for a Quadline Tutorial for Dummies, and now they will have it lol!
I think as you’ve prolly seen, I have a similar style. I don’t even CalMag lolling. I just treat them like a plant.

That said I still like to challenge myself and learn new training techniques. I’m also not great at flower or picking harvest windows so I’m always looking for feedback in areas I don’t feel confident.

I’ve tried to quadline before without being able to gain that beautiful quadline shape. I’ve said it before, I’m not here to fuck spiders. I’m here to learn and try and grow plants of beauty. Anyone can grow a straggler. I put a lot of work into my Bee Hive and my goal is to make every one sing. Some I win, most I lose lol.

Maybe. Maybe not. I think that’s the beauty of advice, and opinions. You don’t have to take them. You get to do you.

I look forward to it :)

I just think not everyone is loud and noisy. There might be a quiet lurker watching your grows and wishing for a Quadline Tutorial for Dummies, and now they will have it lol!
Pretty sure I'll do most of the tutorials in video. It's probably easier to ramble on camera opposed to trying to type everything out.

I should be getting into Valerie tonight...😜

I'll be sure to post when I get done with her. 🤣
Pretty sure I'll do most of the tutorials in video. It's probably easier to ramble on camera opposed to trying to type everything out.

I should be getting into Valerie tonight...😜

I'll be sure to post when I get done with her. 🤣
Hey Preston so the difference between a main line & quad line is a main line is 1 node & quad is 2 nodes ? i probably could of looked it up but tried some live resin for the first time & kinda kick'd my ass :lot-o-toke:
Hey Preston so the difference between a main line & quad line is a main line is 1 node & quad is 2 nodes ? i probably could of looked it up but tried some live resin for the first time & kinda kick'd my ass :lot-o-toke:
Yes, to my understanding. When I do a quadline, I generally keep nodes 3 & 4, or nodes 4 & 5.

I'm not into the "rules" of it... it's off-putting to me. People train a plant a certain way, then claim they invented it and make a list of rules surrounding their "invention"

That's where I sway from the pack on these things. I don't agree with writing a rulebook about how shit should be done. Each plant is completely different... I follow their lead, not the rules of a certain method.

Ultimately, you're looking for a plant structure based on 4 solid branches.

In actuality, the first "quadline" was invented by a grasshopper.... nobody knows his name; elusive little cunt. 🤣 Never been able to find him to ask specifics.


I've been reading journals here for years; I understand the "textbook" quadline method & will try my best to make a simple instruction. Ultimately, I've strayed from the textbook & just make my normal plants how I want them, some quads, some sexline, some mainline, some manifold.... They tell me what I need to know & I'll adjust as they talk
Yes, to my understanding. When I do a quadline, I generally keep nodes 3 & 4, or nodes 4 & 5.

I'm not into the "rules" of it... it's off-putting to me. People train a plant a certain way, then claim they invented it and make a list of rules surrounding their "invention"

That's where I sway from the pack on these things. I don't agree with writing a rulebook about how shit should be done. Each plant is completely different... I follow their lead, not the rules of a certain method.

Ultimately, you're looking for a plant structure based on 4 solid branches.

In actuality, the first "quadline" was invented by a grasshopper.... nobody knows his name; elusive little cunt. 🤣 Never been able to find him to ask specifics.


I've been reading journals here for years; I understand the "textbook" quadline method & will try my best to make a simple instruction. Ultimately, I've strayed from the textbook & just make my normal plants how I want them, some quads, some sexline, some mainline, some manifold.... They tell me what I need to know & I'll adjust as they talk
thanks for the answer my grow i just finished i accidently topped my Gelato x Purple Punch at the 2nd node & turned out to be a beast for a auto & then topped the remaining 4 branchs then flattened out the 4
O. M. G!

Best video EVER! Only thing that would have taken it to the next level is if you started it “…alright, alright, alright…” Lolling!

Thank you so much P Milly! I legit learned more from that video than every quadline post I’ve ever read put together. I’m super interested in your top, then top again technique. When growing the 12:12 kind of plants I was lead to believe you top once.

I’m all about a flat canopy, and that’s for two reasons.

1. It makes my eyeballs real happy
2. Because I grow a few in each area ie Veg/Bloom, I find it easier to give equal light when my plants are level.

This grow is going to help me with training options, I just know it.

Thanks for taking the time to show us :)
I'm with you Milly! We have to treat them individually! Nice vid!
Thanks Stone!
I really wish the plants weren't as bushy; so people can see all that lower structure better. It's a bit hard to see the growth pattern with all the foliage in the way.

I plan on transplanting the bigger girls tomorrow & cleaning up a bunch of the lower branches. I'll probably shoot another vid once done.

Might even bust out my little pointer stick to point at things. LoL

Always a blessing to hear from ya brother. 🙏
Might even bust out my little pointer stick to point at things. LoL
Yeah your wife mentioned it. But on the upside she did say what you lack in length, and width you make up for with enthusiasm.

Yeah your wife mentioned it. But on the upside she did say what you lack in length, and width you make up for with enthusiasm.

It's a telescopic version! 🤣 It grows.... I swear it grows! 🤣🤣🤣
Jolene got the same treatment.... ✂️

Both ladies have been moved out of the big room for awhile because I'm flipping the 4 plants who reside over there.
These 2 heifers will ride it out in the torture box for a month or so...

Happy 4/20 y'all!
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