Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Grow

Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

what about dry ice for co2 lets say a 5gal bucket with 2 gal water adn say 10lb brick of co2 drop dryice in and watch out for the cloud of co2 :) wish i had a co2 guage so i could verify which puts out a better more sustained amount and we'll say how much disipation over time ??? i would love to know :)
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

here's the thing...

Plants use a very specific amount of CO2 in photosynthesis. Its a relatively small amount that can be supplemented indoors but does not require a lot of CO2.

The reason I decided to use this technique is the relatively small amount of CO2 that is produced. We're talking somewhere near 1 oz of CO2 per hour added per container. Other methods simply release the CO2 too quickly and it becomes ineffective and wastes the resources.

This is the most cost effective way of producing supplemental CO2 for your garden. You could go buy CO2 generators for 100's of dollars, or just go to your local grocery store, get some yeast and sugar, and make your own for less than 10 bucks. Can't beat that!
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Hey herbs, have you thought about having a second bottle with pure H20 in it to give you a visual when the CO2 stops being generated? Basically you would have the one bottle you have there, but instead of having the hose just in the air, you would put it into a second bottle with water in it. With that tube end below the water, you would see bubbles coming out if CO2 was still being generated. This way you know exactly when to replace your yeast/sugar/water mixture.

Just a thought!! :ganjamon:
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

I felt that description was a little confusing, so I made a quick paint diagram. The bottle with orange substance would be your yeast/sugar/water mixture, and the other bottle would be just H20. This way you can tell when CO2 production has stopped. Sorry if you already know this (you may have stuck with the one bottle to conserve space).

Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

I felt that description was a little confusing, so I made a quick paint diagram. The bottle with orange substance would be your yeast/sugar/water mixture, and the other bottle would be just H20. This way you can tell when CO2 production has stopped. Sorry if you already know this (you may have stuck with the one bottle to conserve space).


im out to make this today. word. +reps to both of yall! thanks! :welldone:
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Yes Smokey I was aware but thanks for the diagram to show everyone else. I just simply don't have the space for another bottle and I use a cup of water and just stick the hose in when I want to see if CO2 is still being generated.

I wish I did have the space because the water in the second bottle would help with the smell by catching any of the liquid that drips out from the bubbles.

Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Its all good smokey. I did like the diagram though.

The 2 DWC systems are doing great. I changed the 1 on the right's nutes today, left a new batch of ph'd water out to evaporate the chlorine, and watered the rest with 1 quart each. Soil wasn't completely dry but it's the watering day so I did it anyway, just lighter than normal. Most of the time they get 2 quarts every 3 days. I will put nutes in cleaned water tomorrow night and switch #2.

#1 is on the right... both are Purple Power

The others are looking healthy and some got their second topping last night. I love the way the Afhgani and Aurora turned out bushy and short from topping 4 or 5 times each so that's the plan with these guys. One day I will be able to grow outdoor naturally and not top em, but for now, its imperative that we keep em short.
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Thanks for the +reps guys!! Much appreciated!

And herbs, those ladies are looking luscious! Once I get my medical situation in order, I will definitely be going back to a non-stealth hydro system. That's what I learned on, and it just seems so much easier to me. Well, we will see how this soil grow works out and compare, but there is definitely more work to be done with soil.

Anyways, keep the good news coming!
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

heyyy jus caught up on your grow herb!

you gotta lotta shit goin on in here! good luck!!!

plants look fantastic, ill be kickin my feet up for the rest of this adventure..

Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

heyyy jus caught up on your grow herb!

you gotta lotta shit goin on in here! good luck!!!

plants look fantastic, ill be kickin my feet up for the rest of this adventure..


Thanks very much O. Yup lots of potential here, just gotta pray they're girls. This is the last time I grow from non-fem seeds. Might just clone everything from now on. We shall see.
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Thanks Slim.

Buddy of mine gave me some bud so I took a pic for all to see.

Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Got a question... is there a smell when the plants are flowering? How about at the stage its at now? At what point do the plants smell? Got a closet in a room I don't use..but I live in an apartment. was wondering if the smell would leach out the room.
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Got a question... is there a smell when the plants are flowering? How about at the stage its at now? At what point do the plants smell? Got a closet in a room I don't use..but I live in an apartment. was wondering if the smell would leach out the room.

To answer your question simply, for security reasons, yes your plants will smell. Whether it is in vegetative stage or flowering stage or both, there will be a very strong odor at some point. The potency of the smell will be relative to the strain you are growing. The smell will spread, but there are many ways to handle this with proper planning. Carbon filters, smell absorbing gels etc. Just do your research because if you are planning a stealth grow, then smell is the most important aspect to take care of.

Take a look at some journals around here and maybe also look at the DIY forum to get an idea of how some people control their odors.

Hope this helps!
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Flowering will make them smell more potent than they do now, but they have a nice aroma already and like Smokey said, it depends on the strain. My Afghani female has just entered flower and she smells more than the one's that are 5 weeks into flower and budding profusely.

Do some :surf: to find out more about homemade carbon filters. You can get active carbon at a pet store and run a tube through to a fan. Just make sure your air goes into the carbon filter, then the fan, then outside. Doesn't work all that well in reverse for some reason, you still get a smell.
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

Very cool that you can make these. I make wine every year and use a stopper and a airlock on top of each carboy of wine. Relatively cheap. It is to keep oxygen out of the wine, and it keeps fruit flys out also.
Here is a link to a brewing supply store.

Midwest Supplies - Stoppers & Airlocks - Fermentation Equipment - Wine Equipment
Re: Purple Power, Lemon Skunk, Afghani, Super Silver Haze and Aurora Indica Closet Gr

It's been determined that the Lemon Skunk is female. She was placed in the flower room's DWC about a week ago and showed some hairs today. I love the hairy ladies!!! lol
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