First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones - Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)


New Member
First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones from the blue sky coffee shop right by the campus
I'm still relatively new to growing but I'm doing the best I can with what I have. I did a small 2 plant grow last but that was just for fun. This time I decided to get a little more serious with things. I know it's not the most amazing set up but I'm gonna try to do my best with it and give every ounce of love to my babies possible.

Now, to the "serious" business!

I just picked up 7 clones from the blue sky coffee shop right by the Oaksterdam campus. They were cloned amazingly with no complains in the health of them at all, thanks to the wonderful students/faculty at Oaksterdam :thumb:

Here's the breakdown:

They're all relatively new breeds of clones or new to me at last :p

3 - Purple Dawg's (GrapeTrain Kush x Star Dawg)
2 - G-Dawg's (G-13 x Star Dawg)
2 - Mystery Dawg's "Joker" (Shiva Skunk x Star Dawg)

I plan on growing 4 plants to maturity and keeping 3 as desk/window plants :p (not enough room/lights to grow all 7).

I'm starting the clones out with 248 watts of CFL's.
4 x 28w = 112
3 x 24w = 72
1 x 64w = 64
total: 248 watts

I'm gonna bring in a 400 watt metal halide (HPS for flowering) once they get a little bigger and once I can afford it :p should be in the next couple weeks. The CFL's will stay on them the whole time to keep the internodal distance short. And they're more than ok for the beginning parts of vegging.

I transplanted the clones into red dixie cups with some soil to start (anticipating a couple to not make it (they all did :])) and then moved the 4 healthiest into 5 gallon felt-like cloth pots called Smart Pots. The guy at the hydroponic them recommended them when I asked him about the air pots that prune the roots when they get close to the edge and said that these were fairly similar.

As a medium, I am using my own hand mixed batch of about 40% Perlite, 30% Sphagnum Peat Moss, 30% Vermiculite. The perlite should let it aerate pretty well while the peat moss and vermiculite should hold the nuts + water pretty well. The vermiculite isn't too thick of a medium either so should aerate nicely as well.

As far as nutrients, I started them with a very low dose of Osmocote Plus in the red cups and then moved them to a normal dose in the regular medium when I transplanted them to the Smart Pots. I've been doing a lot of recent research on Osmocote Plus and it seems like a fairly easy nutrient to use. It's a CRF but apparently (a first) it releases at good rates and has almost all of the nutrients needed. I might add some liquid seaweed extract just b/c its so helpful with the small stuff. I'll see how the Osmocote Plus is and go from there.

The one's I ended up keeping and will be growing with:
2 x Purple Dawg's
1 x G-Dawg
1 x Mystery Dawg ("Joker")

I can't wait to try all three of them; from everything I've read up on the strains and from what I know from personal experience, these are gonna be some dank strains! :]

Please remember I AM still relatively new to this and would LOVE any help that any of you more experienced growers might have for me! Thanks again for tuning in! hope for a successful grow :morenutes:

pics coming soon, gotta upload all of these :p

Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

I told you that I'd post pics and here is the first batch of them. These were all taken the day I got them and transplanted them. I'll have my better set up tomorrow and I'll post pics of that then but I'm tired now and need to go pic up some medicine and medicate so it looks like they'll have to do like this overnight :p First up, some general pictures of them (again more tomorrow) Well, here they are! meet the family :]





Here is a couple pictures of the light set up I'm using, again, i know it's not ideal but i put mylar around them and set up as much deflection as possible.



Thanks for tuning in everyone :] I'll be back tomorrow!

Did more setting up!

Check it out! tell me what you think. I rearranged everything but one of my plants has been drooping more and more the past couple days... ill put some pics up of it in a second and would love any help i could get!


check out my ventilation system! I'm basically pulling in cold air from outside the closet with a fan that pushes air through a 4" by 8' duct and that goes under one of my plants and up in the middle of all of them. This air then hits a makeshift splitter i made where it gets send into all the pots and from there, gets sucked up through fans by the fan pointing up above them and shot into the rest of the closet. I see leave movement on all the plants when it's running. I also made a duct out of plastic that helps the exhaust fan pull air up and away from the plants.





Now for some close ups of the babies so you can meet all of them! :]

This is the Purple Dawg #2


This is the Mystery Dawg ("Joker") #1


Here's G-Dawg #1


And finally... an issue I need some help with please.

Purple Dawg #1


All the other plants are doing really well after the transplant (and even some that werent transplanted).. I thought it was overwatering at first so I stopped and let them dry out for a couple days after i moved them into the bigger pots but she's still drooping... She's got a liiiiittle more perlite in her medium than the others but has the same everything else.. I pH balanced the water in a large bucket before i watered them, they have good air, are in good sized pots, good nuts, idk whats up... :/ I would really love any help i could get with this. Should I deem it unsaveable and transplant the other purple dawg or mystery dawg in the red cups in her place? more water? less water?
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

Just wondering if u are giving str8 water or adding anything. Some times some plants just stress out more then others. remember that they are still young and if the light is to close it might not be rdy for it but as for now be patient and she should come around. Whats the temps in the room. And if u are giving nutes by on the low end for now.. :peacetwo:
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

well i put some osmocote plus into the medium which is a controlled release fertilizer and is designed to give only as much food as the plant needs... maybe it was a little too early to put it in. i might put some medium without the nuts around the roots so it can grow naturally. I live near the ocean in SF and i keep my windows open so it gets a consistant cool breeze through the duct. it's got a good dual fan ventilation system so i think it's got a good temp. Would you have any tips for reducing the temp if it's too high? I cant find an air conditioner unit around here for cheap.. im gonna buy a thermometer on my next trip to the hydro store. The tips are curling up and turning yellow/brown.. not good :/ i might do a root check to see if it is rooting. thanks for the help! much appreciated
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

Well first id like to say, Im not in to time releasing ferts really but if u want to use them thats your choice. My thought on them is do u really now what your plants getting and as like right now when u have a problem u might have a harder time finding the problem/solution. I used a bag of time release soil from MG once on a outdoor plant garden when i first started and i didnt have much luck in that grow.. So from then on i decided to by just plain soil and perlite and mix it myself and have had better luck. I dont want to say that they dont work or they cant do good for ya but from what i have been through with time release i tend to stay away and feed my plants my self. Being that said if since u are only having issuse so far with one plant and u have one in a cup that u say seems in better health u can transplant the plant in place for the other but it my further shock that plant so totally up to you.. Being that u will need to get another pot in the future anyways u have plenty of time to wait and see if she comes back. Last thing id say is grab some of the soil in the pot shes in and physically dig up some in your hand and see how wet it is. If its moist wait a day or two on watering. Remember they are still pretty young and cant handle to strong of ferts yet so be gentle. Btw u dont always have to goto a hydro store to buy certain items such as thermo, etc.. some things i can find at walmart or other store for cheaper then the hydro store. AS for ducting for your room we wait til u have all the things u need first and see how things go. things are looking good though so dont worry bout to much yet. Oh yah last thing home depot or your hydro store will have it to is Super Thrive is also a good cheap nute for babys should help alittle. hope i helped alittle..:peacetwo:
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

H2O2 is of no use in soil. I would recommend Hygrozyme. No nutes until they get their legs. That soil will drain quick. You should water lightly every day for another week and if they look good you can start nutes. You should consider some Nitrogen supplement like bat guano after they get 'bout a foot tall. They will love it and reward you with vibrant, green growth! Grow on!
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

How long have they been in the beer cups, are they clones just taken and put into the cups or have they been in there a while and have a root system started?
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

H2O2 is of no use in soil. I would recommend Hygrozyme. No nutes until they get their legs. That soil will drain quick. You should water lightly every day for another week and if they look good you can start nutes. You should consider some Nitrogen supplement like bat guano after they get 'bout a foot tall. They will love it and reward you with vibrant, green growth! Grow on!

Perfectly said.. I totally agree :goodjob:
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

i'll check out the hygrozyme, didnt know you couldnt use h2o2 in soil :] i transplanted the mystery dawg #2 instead of the purple dawg #1 just because it was healthier. and i'm down to get some bat guano too, would it be hard to use with the osmocote plus? and i know different bat diet = different NPK ratio's, could anyone clarify the difference between fruit and insect bats?
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

i'll check out the hygrozyme, didnt know you couldnt use h2o2 in soil :] i transplanted the mystery dawg #2 instead of the purple dawg #1 just because it was healthier. and i'm down to get some bat guano too, would it be hard to use with the osmocote plus? and i know different bat diet = different NPK ratio's, could anyone clarify the difference between fruit and insect bats?

Drop the osmocote.

Mexican bat guano (insect eating) in veg, Peruvian guano (fruit) in bud. Easiest application method (imho) is by making tea.

You can use H2O2 is soil, but it does nothing.

Get yourself some decent nutes. I like FloraNova because it's easy to use with good results. I also use Floralicious Plus and Liquid Kool Bloom. If you wanna see the results, click on the links in my sig...
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

haha thanks for the advice! i was thinking about trying guano + nutrients but i was worried i might mess something up for the first real grow :/ ill transplant them to bat guano + nutrients soon. i gotta wait for the pay check to come in. i can tell you know what you're doing :p i really appreciate the help! +rep
Re: First Grow! Oaksterdam Clones :] Purple Dawg, G-Dawg, & Mystery Dawg (Joker)

Hello everyone, how are you guys doin?? the plants are doin very well for any concerns I had, the purple dawg #1 didn't want to cooperate for some reason and just kept getting droopier and yellower so i transplanted the other Mystery Dawg (Shiva Skunk x Star Dawg) into its place yesterday morning and it's doing much better than the purple dawg. maybe it just didn't like its new home or something :// maybe too much attention (it was our #1 clone from the club). Well, lets get to business....

Took all the extra plants out of the area to maximize potential :smokin:

Here's our healthiest plant right now, Purple Dawg #2


about 6 inches now, lots of new growth! :]




Here's Mystery Dawg #1




Mystery Dawg #2




And last but definately not least




And finally, the family portrait :):):):grinjoint:


Always taking tips & tricks and would love any help I could get with them!
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