First Grow Journal - Crown Royal

I am currently at 5 weeks and 2 days in flower of a potential 10 weeks ending on christmas day ;-)
Well it is my understanding that you want it between 40-60 and in the last week or 2 drop it in the 30's what you dont want is wild fluctuations if you can maintain a 45-50% steady lights on and off then you are my fucking hero ;-)
I was having more issues until i hooked up the ventilation to the lights, now i am amazed i havnt even turned on the humidifiers once and i am sitting at 80f and 40-45% i would like it around 50 but ill take what i can without adding humidifier
I needed 2 humidifiers in order to try and maintain the humidity with the lights not being cooled, now i have cooling on the lights
please keep in mind that this is my first successful grow and all my knowledge is based on listening and reading until now and i am learning myself
edit, but when i found harley smith and the raw videos and products i was looking at a less then idea quality and quantity, post finding the videos and products my shit has taken off for the moon the buds are multiplying every day
With my tent in the garage, I don't have much control of humidity therefore I rarely look at it. I've seen it range from low 40's up to high 50's. When it is rainy for several days it can be as high as 70.:Namaste:
with my lights not cooled i was fluctuating between 30 and 80 lol then i got it to 35-70 and im now getting it dialed in with the lights taken care of there is much less fluctuations, lights on i am 40-45 lights off 50-55 seems fine im hoping to be able to maintain it.
G00ch - maybe you know. I was looking at the raw nutrient feeding recommendation and it showed cal/mag not being provided during full flower/bloom schedule.

Should cal/mag be stopped during full flower? I think I fed it to my last grow all the way till the end.
G00ch - maybe you know. I was looking at the raw nutrient feeding recommendation and it showed cal/mag not being provided during full flower/bloom schedule.

Should cal/mag be stopped during full flower? I think I fed it to my last grow all the way till the end.
yes you should not use cal/mag in flower, technically you dont even need cal/mag unless you use ro water, if you use tap water then there is plenty of calcium and magnisium in there you just need to get it into the plant, use Omina the amino acids from raw you will see thick solid stems and improved growth. Magnisium is needed during flower but the type in cal/mag is not the best for it, i suggest using the raw humic acid and kelp they will provide the little bit of mag needed
just an fyi about raw products, you use very very very little and the packages are around $10-$20 for 200 gallons worth, and you are not using them all the time, just specific things at specific times but the important first step is to cut your base nutes in half, that is step 1
some pot pron, closeups of the hindu kush
i am beside myself i open my tent tonight and everything is swelling up i am going to need a second support the hk cola, now that my crown royal has proper light she is exploding, i am so giddy its girly
and the strange part is this all got kicked off but cutting my nutrients in half allowing it to uptake more water and nutrients, it seems like the more you give it the better it should be but that is nott he case, you want to just give it enough and then supplement what it needs for what stage. so with my seedlings i added phosphorus, kelp, amino acids, now that they have intense rooting i backed off the phosphorus because it did its job it wont b e needed again till the start of flowering.
Great to hear G00ch. This may be your first grow but you know your stuff :bravo:
when i get a passion for something i cant not take in information from everywhere, and this hydro has sparked a passion and i cannot get enough information, so much so i am learning about dirt in the hopes of releasing my mother plant to the outdoor this year maybe, i would love a 10 ft plant. It was the same with web design and online marketing once the passion kicked in i have put in thousands of hours learning, and i am only 3 week in to learning what is actually going on
Hey G00ch this comment has me confused, maybe I am missing something, which not be the 1st time. I was always under the impression that in flower, you want low RH% to prevent bud rot and that the target zone was 30% to 40%. Is 40% better? I have been driving my RH% down and finally in the 34 to 37% range and was ecstatic, should I allow it to back up to 40%?
OG after pondering on this post a little more while getting baked like a cheezit :smokin::hookah::tokin::ganjamon::cough:. I ask this to all growers wouldn't it make sense to keep the plants at the natural room humidity as much as possible without having to use devices? I feel like a dope for having to use 2 humidifiers, but i did not have my tent setup properly with ventilation so i was trying to make up. Now that i have venting and my lights are very cool my tent is around 80f and 35-45 rh, and last lights out the humidity stayed at 39 the entire time, so i am just going to leave it alone and let the natural air be king till that no longer works. I still have both humidifiers in place
I'm concerned about mine at night when the lights go out for 4 hours. I leave the tent open a little in the front and it stays around 85. When the lights go off, I'm sure it gets into the 60's or lower in there. For me, maintaining the temperature is necessary and some what tricky in a tiny tent I'm trying to keep under wraps. However, in the big scheme of things, I need to just be thankful :thumb:
well i am fortunate in that i have my tent inside another room so as long as i heat the room the tent will stay at a steady temp, but it is a dry heat so i might see what happens with the outside humidifier on, did you consider a heated blanket?
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