Thanks! That's what I was using for the colorful bokeh on the bud shots :)

Hi Roy :) Nice to see you. Sheesh, fill in flash is one of the hardest things I've had to learn in photography, and I am no closer to knowing how to use it. It's very hit and miss for me. I will keep trying.

I have never used this camera in auto mode. Another thing to try.

This is going to be a whole new ball game if I get it right, but its a lot harder than it sounds.

Do you have a nice pic as an example of when you used this technique?
Will dig out a couple of pics later - I'm busy doing nothing at the moment :hookah:
Thanks! That's what I was using for the colorful bokeh on the bud shots :)
I suspected as much ... and the clothes hanger you use to suspend it. Very smart. The joys of micro-growing.
I also suspect you are well on your way to PHOM glory.
Hi Roy :) Nice to see you. Sheesh, fill in flash is one of the hardest things I've had to learn in photography, and I am no closer to knowing how to use it. It's very hit and miss for me. I will keep trying.
Same for me. I suck with flash. I've even taken classes and forgotten stuff.
I have never used this camera in auto mode. Another thing to try.
Yep, I went down to the grow and tried, and failed.
This is going to be a whole new ball game if I get it right, but its a lot harder than it sounds.

Do you have a nice pic as an example of when you used this technique?
I'd be interested in that, too. Also what kind of camera and lens are you using? Distance from the plant? I'm really interested here.

I have a Nikon SB-910 flash, and a SB-500 flash I was thinking about using in my plant photo studio as off-camera flashes. Anything more I can learn about shooting flash on trichomes is much appreciated.

Will dig out a couple of pics later - I'm busy doing nothing at the moment :hookah:
Have a jolly good time doing nothing!

I suspected as much ... and the clothes hanger you use to suspend it. Very smart. The joys of micro-growing.
I also suspect you are well on your way to PHOM glory.
I'm certainly going to keep trying!
Same for me. I suck with flash. I've even taken classes and forgotten stuff.
Yep, I went down to the grow and tried, and failed.
Me too :laugh:
I'd be interested in that, too. Also what kind of camera and lens are you using? Distance from the plant? I'm really interested here.

I have a Nikon SB-910 flash, and a SB-300 flash I was thinking about using in my plant photo studio as off-camera flashes. Anything more I can learn about shooting flash on trichomes is much appreciated.

No flash

Auto flash

Now stop the flash down to 1/3 power and reduce exposure or ISO by 1 stop

Here's one where I didn't stop the flash down
This one is approximately balanced

For super close-ups, I use a 2x, 4x, 8x magnifiers with a diffuser over the flash [too stoned to do that right now lol]
Not my best demo ever, but I hope you can see what I mean about the flash picking out highlights
looking at that photo, it seems dark, underexposed. I fiddled some more. I wonder if this is better? I raised the exposure and the shadows, and dropped the highlights to prevent the whites blowing out.
This one looks more bright and can see the details clearly :thumb:
Some pics of the RR1 plant this morning.

I have not noticed any difference with the leaves after the banana tea solution. I wouldn't have expected to this early, unless it was an adverse reaction I was seeing. I think the best I can hope for is that the banana tea stops more leaves from taking on that burnt appearance. I wonder if once a week is a good rule of thumb for dosing. I must find out.
Wow wow wow, a full plant canopy, it's a good thing they're being supported, or I'd be worried that they wouldn't be able to hold up the weight of the buds and fall over.
No flash

Auto flash

Now stop the flash down to 1/3 power and reduce exposure or ISO by 1 stop

Here's one where I didn't stop the flash down
This one is approximately balanced

For super close-ups, I use a 2x, 4x, 8x magnifiers with a diffuser over the flash [too stoned to do that right now lol]
Not my best demo ever, but I hope you can see what I mean about the flash picking out highlights
Thank you Roy! I keep getting that flash shadow in my pics. I will have to keep practicing to find the right balance. :) Did you grow the onions?

This one looks more bright and can see the details clearly :thumb:
Hi Val, thank you :)
Wow wow wow, a full plant canopy, it's a good thing they're being supported, or I'd be worried that they wouldn't be able to hold up the weight of the buds and fall over.
I'm super happy with these buds 😃
Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. May you have friends, fun and feast! I hope its a peaceful one.
Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. May you have friends, fun and feast! I hope its a peaceful one.
Thank you, Carmen.

The weather here is crisp, Midwestern autumn; leaves are down and their decay fills the air with the aroma of late-autumn lushness.

We give thanks for this day, and the many blessings we have enjoyed this year.

I count among these blessings this 420Magazine forum and all the wonderful growers I've met here. True community.

Thank you, Carmen.

The weather here is crisp, Midwestern autumn; leaves are down and their decay fills the air with the aroma of late-autumn lushness.

We give thanks for this day, and the many blessings we have enjoyed this year.

I count among these blessings this 420Magazine forum and all the wonderful growers I've met here. True community.

It sounds very good MGM. How will you celebrate this year?
It sounds very good MGM. How will you celebrate this year?
Quietly, with Mrs. MGM this year.

She is an Iowa farm girl who, with the same determination and instincts of spawning salmon, must cook an ample, traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Call it harvest-time deluxe.

Yesterday, she baked two pies and prepared a large plate of deviled eggs. Today she has peeled the potatoes and gotten them ready for mashing. This is a ritual I may only participate at a distance. For a few hours in the afternoon that distance means me watching the annual Detroit Lions Thanksgiving football game.

In honor of the team not actually sucking this year, she has put off dinner until the end of the game. Most years I am ready to drown my sorrows in turkey, tryptophan, and late-harvest riesling by half time.

Most of all we celebrate every day that my cancer has not advanced, and the great blessings we enjoy in our daily lives.

It is a good day. A great day.

I wish you a great day, too. Thanksgiving Day in your country or not.

Quietly, with Mrs. MGM this year.

She is an Iowa farm girl who, with the same determination and instincts of spawning salmon, must cook an ample, traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Call it harvest-time deluxe.

Yesterday, she baked two pies and prepared a large plate of deviled eggs. Today she has peeled the potatoes and gotten them ready for mashing. This is a ritual I may only participate at a distance. For a few hours in the afternoon that distance means me watching the annual Detroit Lions Thanksgiving football game.

In honor of the team not actually sucking this year, she has put off dinner until the end of the game. Most years I am ready to drown my sorrows in turkey, tryptophan, and late-harvest riesling by half time.

Most of all we celebrate every day that my cancer has not advanced, and the great blessings we enjoy in our daily lives.

It is a good day. A great day.

I wish you a great day, too. Thanksgiving Day in your country or not.

You've just made me really hungry! :drool:Please convey my regards to Mrs MGM! It sounds romantic and lovely. Enjoy!
Yes, the onions and shallots are from the plot Carmen
We grow leeks, onions and pak choi all year round with peppers tomato aubergine courgette n salad stuff thru summer
Autumn we harvest most of the broccoli, caulis, fine beans, butternut squash etc - soup city lol
No point growing taters/carrots etc, they cost about 19p per kilo

The really nice thing is that every Sunday morning all the plot holders meet up and share produce because we know we can't all grow everything at the same time - very heart-warming because it feels like such a natural thing to do; share food with the same sentiment we'd all share a toke
Yes, the onions and shallots are from the plot Carmen
We grow leeks, onions and pak choi all year round with peppers tomato aubergine courgette n salad stuff thru summer
Autumn we harvest most of the broccoli, caulis, fine beans, butternut squash etc - soup city lol
No point growing taters/carrots etc, they cost about 19p per kilo

The really nice thing is that every Sunday morning all the plot holders meet up and share produce because we know we can't all grow everything at the same time - very heart-warming because it feels like such a natural thing to do; share food with the same sentiment we'd all share a toke
England really is a very civilized country Roy. I love that. It's an allotment right?
England really is a very civilized country Roy. I love that. It's an allotment right?
Yes, about 50' x 40' complete with my shed on the stones, a bench on the mound for sitting in the sun, the perennial herbaceous border, the wild flower bee garden and the spring garden in which we'll sow cosmos, gypsophelia and verbena for the summer once the bulbs have finished
Salad stuff goes in the 3 raised beds; courgette/squash, caulis/calabrese, beans/alliums are rotated between the other 3 open beds with raspberries and blackberries on a truss - and I chuck sweet pea, lupin and cornflower seeds all over the place too just for fun
Happy as a pig in shit :ganjamon:
Sounds like where Arthur used to spend his days on EastEnders!
In this country Shed, you can't fart in the car without getting a penalty notice in the post
If I end up snuffing it down the road tending to my dahlias like Arthur, I'll be happy with that
Yes, about 50' x 40' complete with my shed on the stones, a bench on the mound for sitting in the sun, the perennial herbaceous border, the wild flower bee garden and the spring garden in which we'll sow cosmos, gypsophelia and verbena for the summer once the bulbs have finished
Salad stuff goes in the 3 raised beds; courgette/squash, caulis/calabrese, beans/alliums are rotated between the other 3 open beds with raspberries and blackberries on a truss - and I chuck sweet pea, lupin and cornflower seeds all over the place too just for fun
Happy as a pig in shit :ganjamon:
It sounds bloody marvelous :green_heart:
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