420 Magazine's Grow Journal of the Month: May 2021

420 Magazine's Grow Journal of the Month: May 2021

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Renee Roberts

420 Support
420 Staff
Welcome to 420 Magazine's Grow Journal of the Month Contest!

This contest celebrates the very best grow journals on 420 Magazine as nominated and judged by the 420 Magazine member community.

All members are welcome to nominate other members' journals and vote on a winner each month. We ask that everyone please consider the following factors when suggesting nominees and voting on this contest:
  • Frequent Activity & Updates - Journals should be regularly maintained and updated
  • Attention To Detail - Journals should discuss growing methods and techniques in detail
  • Quality Photography - Pictures should be clear and of good quality
  • Proper Grammar & Structure - Journals should be well-written and easy to understand
  • General Forum Conduct - Journal and author should adhere to published forum guidelines
  • Stays On Topic - Journals should be focused on Cannabis cultivation
  • Responds To Questions - Members posting questions receive clear and thoughtful responses
  • Explains Well & Offers Advice - Journal is a good environment for new growers to learn
  • Promotes our Sponsors - Journals should feature or recommend our Sponsors' products whenever possible
The winner receives "Grow Journal of the Month" title and the following Prize Package:

420 Magazine: 420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Magazine Magnet, 420 Magazine Stickers & Small 420 Magazine Nug Jar
Terpinator/Purpinator: 4 Liters Terpinator or 4 Liters Purpinator (Winner's Choice)
GeoPot: Five 7 Gallon GeoPots
Geoflora Nutrients: 4lb Geoflora Veg & 4lb Geoflora Bloom
Foods Alive: Organic Toasted Hemp Seeds
Sierra Natural Science: SNS-217 Spider Mite Control - 1 Quart Mix Pouch
GreenSafe: Cannabis Cultivation and Cleaning Toolbox
Prescription Blend: Complete Nutrient Kit
Blue Planet Nutrients: Elite 3-Part Gallon, 3.5 oz Easy Weed, 8 oz Cal-Mag Pro Formula

Shipping fees may apply to some packages shipped outside of the U.S.
You are responsible for any additional fees applied by customs.
Additional Details On Prize Shipping & Customs Duties

Members may only win this title once per year.

This contest is open to Journals in Progress only, that have been updated by the original poster within the last 30 days.

Please send your nominations to 420 Support (@Renee Roberts @Pat Puffer or @Teddy Edwards) via private message, including detailed reasoning for your nomination. 420 Staff will assess and approve the community nominations, then members determine the winner by poll.

Nominations are accepted from the 1st until the 14th at midnight PST every month. Approved nominations will be posted shortly after midnight PST and, at that time, the polls will open through midnight PST on the last day of the month to vote for a winner.

Please follow the above guidelines to propose a nomination and do not post or discuss nominations in the contest thread. Nominations and/or suggestions of nominations in the contest thread will be deleted without notice.

Support the 420 Magazine community and your fellow members by getting involved with our contests and, if you don't already have a grow journal, please see How To Make A Grow Journal

This year's winners who are now ineligible for nomination:
January - @Van Stank - Stanks Switch It Up In 2019
February - @Pat Puffer - Patient's Grows
March - @NuttyProfessor - Nutty & His Antics
April - @Bill284 - G.G. Clone Topped Before 10 Days Old

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

May Nominees
@Magnus8 - Mars Hydro Grow Journal TS 3000: Now Growing Original Genetics White Widows, Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush Clones & CBD Autos
It may not be the fastest moving journal, but it is one of the best written. Magnus' posts are wonderfully clear and comprehensive, and any indoor grower (the journal begins outdoors but quickly moves inside) will find plenty to learn here, with some excellent documentary photographs. Unfailingly polite (as are his subscribers) and always detailed, a man who loves his plants (and dogs) as much as Magnus deserves a nomination.

@Trala - Trala’s Tent
Trala is an inspiration and a big presence on the board. This is a very friendly, Inquisitive, and fun journal to watch. It has a little bit of everything, and a lot of input from Veteran growers. With dedication to the plant, the love, and the cause- this journal definitely has something for everyone.

@Tokin Roll - Mars-Hydro DWC 1 Plant 4x4 Scrog
I would like to nominate @Tokin Roll for his grow journal, Mars-Hydro DWC 1 Plant 4x4 Scrog. Tok has done a great job with this journal from the start, and I can't wait to see the finish. He really breaks down his process well and explains his techniques in detail, along with some great quality photos. He posts in his journal quite frequently and always responds to any questions or comments with kindness. Keep up the good work Tok!

@Dick23rk - Dick23rk's Fresh Start: Mantis Nutrients Featuring MedicGrow's New Spectrum X+ 880w Light Panel
I'd like to nominate @dick23rk for Grow Journal of the month for his this journal.

Dick's journal is well organized, well written, informative and fun. What more could one ask?

Dick has a 10x12 grow room that he just recently modified to include tents, but this journal focuses on the plants that
are being grown in the room. Seems like he has about 18 plants going. Most of them are in soil but as an added bonus, 2 are DWC grows. This makes his journal somewhat unique and highly interesting to those who enjoy watching both grow methods.

Dick provides nice easy-to-follow tutorials on subjects such as training and up-potting and quickly responds to any questions one has about his grow. He has a helpful, can-do attitude that I find especially appealing.

420 sponsors have recognized his talent and provided him with top-flight gear for his grows. 420 sponsor Medic Grow provided him with a huge, super impressive grow light that is drool-inducing. This addition only adds to the allure of his journal.

For what is a very well done piece of work, I happily nominate Dick for JOTM!

@Stunger - Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!
I would like to nominate @Stunger again for his remarkable journal that has displayed what any eager grower could do with just a little balcony. The results are definitive of an individual with meticulous attention to detail and the journal is filled with wonderful photos to document it all. Stunger is also a very humble member that doesn't toot his horn too much. I think his journal deserves some more attention.

:goodluck: Good luck everyone! :goodluck:
Hey peeps! Only a few days left to get your journal of the month nominations in! Let's see who's got all the awesome journals this month!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

May Nominees
@Magnus8 - Mars Hydro Grow Journal TS 3000: Now Growing Original Genetics White Widows, Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush Clones & CBD Autos
It may not be the fastest moving journal, but it is one of the best written. Magnus' posts are wonderfully clear and comprehensive, and any indoor grower (the journal begins outdoors but quickly moves inside) will find plenty to learn here, with some excellent documentary photographs. Unfailingly polite (as are his subscribers) and always detailed, a man who loves his plants (and dogs) as much as Magnus deserves a nomination.

@Trala - Trala’s Tent
Trala is an inspiration and a big presence on the board. This is a very friendly, Inquisitive, and fun journal to watch. It has a little bit of everything, and a lot of input from Veteran growers. With dedication to the plant, the love, and the cause- this journal definitely has something for everyone.

@Tokin Roll - Mars-Hydro DWC 1 Plant 4x4 Scrog
I would like to nominate @Tokin Roll for his grow journal, Mars-Hydro DWC 1 Plant 4x4 Scrog. Tok has done a great job with this journal from the start, and I can't wait to see the finish. He really breaks down his process well and explains his techniques in detail, along with some great quality photos. He posts in his journal quite frequently and always responds to any questions or comments with kindness. Keep up the good work Tok!

@Dick23rk - Dick23rk's Fresh Start: Mantis Nutrients Featuring MedicGrow's New Spectrum X+ 880w Light Panel
I'd like to nominate @dick23rk for Grow Journal of the month for his this journal.

Dick's journal is well organized, well written, informative and fun. What more could one ask?

Dick has a 10x12 grow room that he just recently modified to include tents, but this journal focuses on the plants that
are being grown in the room. Seems like he has about 18 plants going. Most of them are in soil but as an added bonus, 2 are DWC grows. This makes his journal somewhat unique and highly interesting to those who enjoy watching both grow methods.

Dick provides nice easy-to-follow tutorials on subjects such as training and up-potting and quickly responds to any questions one has about his grow. He has a helpful, can-do attitude that I find especially appealing.

420 sponsors have recognized his talent and provided him with top-flight gear for his grows. 420 sponsor Medic Grow provided him with a huge, super impressive grow light that is drool-inducing. This addition only adds to the allure of his journal.

For what is a very well done piece of work, I happily nominate Dick for JOTM!
Click to expand...

@Stunger - Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!
I would like to nominate @Stunger again for his remarkable journal that has displayed what any eager grower could do with just a little balcony. The results are definitive of an individual with meticulous attention to detail and the journal is filled with wonderful photos to document it all. Stunger is also a very humble member that doesn't toot his horn too much. I think his journal deserves some more attention.

:goodluck: Good luck everyone! :goodluck:
Well that's a surprise! It was a surprise last time I was nominated too, but good because it bought my attention to the very interesting and wonderful journals of the other nominations. So thank you for whoever thought of me, and all the very best to the other folk whose great journals were nominated too, cheers. :ganjamon:
Oooh what a sight to see after waking up this morning. At first I was puzzled by the notification to this thread, then I actually woke up and read it. :nomo::thedoubletake:

Thank you for the nomination! I don't believe I've ever been nominated for one of the contests. I'm tickled pink. I hope everyone has a great and safe weekend!
Good luck to all! :Rasta:
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. For the nomination, of course. I feel honoured to be nominated for this. This is one nomination I never thought I would receive. And to be honoured alongside such other well written journals is a real treat.

This current grow I’ve been using Black Widow seeds purchased from the original White Widow breeder. The name White Widow was copy written with his then partner. As far as I can understand, when those two owners split ways, Shantibaba (the creator of the White Widow) formed a new company and started selling his White Widows as “Black” Widows.

So that’s what I’m growing in my tent right now, these original genetics “White” Widows. And my journal has been documenting their growth cycle. They are now about a week from slaughter - oops! - harvest.

All my best,
The poll closed at midnight and the winner is clear! A huge Congratulations goes to @Stunger for his grow journal, Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!!:bravo:This community is truly grateful for the amazing content you provide, keep up the great work.:thanks: We also want to thank all of the nominees and those that nominated them. :love:
The poll closed at midnight and the winner is clear! A huge Congratulations goes to @Stunger for his grow journal, Stunger's Last Stand: Banned To The Balcony!!:bravo:This community is truly grateful for the amazing content you provide, keep up the great work.:thanks: We also want to thank all of the nominees and those that nominated them. :love:
Thank you Renee, 420 Magazine, and to all those who nominated me and considered my journal in the voting. :thanks:

It is lovely to get the accolade but it must be said that everything that I have attempted to apply in my gardening is from the many wonderful 420 posters in this superb community who have shared their knowledge in their journals and the many great 420 forums on here. :Namaste:

Thank you to my fellow nominees too, next time you!
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