1st Journal - Unknown Strain - DWC - 400W MH/HPS

I woke up the ladies this morning and took some snapshots.


Later this evening I built a screen and set it up. Note to self - Make the decision to scrog during the veg stage. Talk about stick fingers! I felt like Clark Grizwald after he setup the Christmas tree. It took three scrubs with hand cleaner to get the resin off.

Well, all for now. Have a sticky day!
I love, love, love the pictures that you take. You obviously know how to handle a camera with settings on something other than full auto.

And I have found that those little clorox bleach wipes sold in the grocery store are perfect for cleaning up "stickiness." Give em a try - removes smell and all.
Re: 1st Journal - unknown strain, DWC, 400w MH/HPS

As promised, I got some photos of the SCROG.


I built it from some bamboo supports I had in the shed. I was interested in learning lashing knots and could not think of a better way to hone the skill.


What I didnt know was how long it would take! I spent nearly 2 hours knot-tying. Ah well.. practice makes perfect!

Speaking of knots - How does one go about attaching a SCROG to a cheapy-tent which has no tie points? And provide adjustments? This is what I came up with - a knot I learned in the construction industry

Finally, after some seriously sticky fingers.. this tip of one of the ladies looks happy in her new home

Night all!!
Wow - I am doing the same thing tonight.

I finished my harvest today (will detail later in my journal) - and when I got the plants out the LOJ won't stand on it's own. The limbs are so heavy with bud right now that they are nearly touching the floor. It was, obviously, leaning on the WWs in order to stand so proudly.

I have been trying to tie it up - but to no avail - I have twine going everywhere in a haphazard fashion at this point. I need some type of support like what you have built.

Back to the basement now... I have some new ideas, a ball of twine, and a new knot to try.
Here you go BA - my emergency SCROG inspired by you.

I didn't have pretty bamboo laying around...

And I could only find sisel twine...

But she is off the floor and looking much better now. I started in the center - tied it off, and then built a series of squares around that - bringing the branches up and tieing them in one by one. The one corner got too heavy - so I had to tie it to the roof to hold it up.

She looks terrible - but I think that I saved her.

Thanks for the inspiration!


Happy 420 day!! :allgood:

This was a sketchy week for the ladies. I generally water every other day, and with my work schedule this week I pushed it to 3 days. When I opened the tent the tops looked okay but all of the under-screen growth showed wilting leaves. Since this is my 1st screen, I wasnt sure if it was expected or a consequence of delayed watering. When I watered it became clear that they were thirsty! I dropped more than 2 gallons into them - indicating that the hempy reservoirs were dangerously dry. That was yesterday morning. This morning I checked things out and everyone had indeed perked up nicely. :phew:


This one was closest to the light. I think that accounts for the scorched leaves. I jacked the light up a few clicks.. hope that takes care of the issue.

Here is a silhouette of the main cola extending from "lil Bushy"

It looks like I damaged the pistils on this one, or it is starting the transition to maturity. Can you tell?

Some of the strains are more "sugary" than others - here are two shots of the stickiest ones. Pungent to be sure!


One of the other strains appears to be more lanky. Time will tell if she will fill out.

Here is a "family portrait" of them all...

I got some new information about the strains.. we are not sure on two - need to see if they develop purple leaves to confirm the identity. More on that in the coming weeks. Officially, the flip was 3/16. That puts me in "week 5". What is typical? 8 weeks? 10? :hmmmm:

If I see cloudy trics on one plant but not another, is is appropriate to harvest some before others? Final question - I am told to flush the last two weeks - How will I know that I am two weeks away from harvest?

Cheers all, and happy growing! :blushsmile:
i would google search marijuana or cannabis +your strain for each ones to come up with suggested flowering times. you should get yourself a 30x jewellers loop so you can see the trichomes and judge for yourself when to harvest and plan this timing into your flush time. most people should harvest from 5% to 30% amber trichomes. the strain and amount of amber trichomes determines the type of high that is associated with either a productive enjoyable high or a "couch lock" sedative high.

https://www.google.com search 30x jewellers loop
Totally agree with the Jeweler's Loupe - you should not be harvesting without one. So easy to identify what pleases you after a couple of runs. Before I started using one of these it was just a guessing game.

Nothing wrong with the one suggested by KingJohnC - but here is the one that I purchased:

SE MJ362242L 20X and 40X Dual Power Illuminated Jewelers Loupe - Amazon


Many times when I am trying to see things my head is between the light and the bud - thus casting a shadow right where I need to see. The little LED light is perfect for looking at trichs indoors - and especially in a tent with old eyes and, apparently, a big head.

And I must say this. At less than $5 even someone who advertises as doing a "budget" grow has no reason to NOT get one of these. This is a critical, neglected tool which costs less than some of the rolling papers you will use - and far more valuable to the quality of the end product.

No seed bank will ever tell you that their suggested flowering times are anything more than guidelines; you are the cultivator and it should please you - not them. And the only path there is to be able to see details unavailable to the human eye - or at least these old eyes of mine.
Thanks both of you for the tip. Amazon Prime is a terrific thing.. my magnifying lens will be here by Wednesday. I also decided to get into the digital age and ordered a PH and TDS meter.

My 420 gift to myself!!
The tools arrived. I got the PPM meter, PH meter, and jeweler's scope. My well water tested at ~100PPM which is less than I thought it was. My plans are to get a full test on the water so that I can size the proper softener and RO system.

The ladies are seriously thirsty lately! Each plant is consuming about 1/2-3/4 gallon of nutrients daily. I am mixing BPN "Super-bloom" at this point. Things seem to be progressing nicely. A buddy gave me some sugar shake and popcorn buds so I could make up some cannabutter, cookies, and crispy treats. We are still experimenting to identify the proper dosage. I also chopped and dried some of the undergrowth from the ladies. The little stuff which would never reach the light and just take energy away from the colas coming out of the screen.


I saw some red hairs emerging. Some of the newer flowers which just reached the screen are looking really white with no red hairs. Some of the larger more mature ones may need to be harvested soon. Time to look at the trics tomorrow morning. Ill try to orient the camera over the magnifying glass and post pics of what I see.

All for now.
Happy growing! :thumb:
We had an interesting turn of events today. I went out there to water the ladies and check the trichromes. They were starting to show cloudy and amber on some, but still pretty clear. Then it happened.. I saw "specks" on some of the leaves. Armed with my trusty magnifier I went in for investigation.

DAM!!!!! :thedoubletake: Some of the leaves have spider mites! Those little fuckers look nasty at 40x magnification.

What to do.. what to do.. I am really far along in flowering so I dont want to spray.. The "Hot Shot" no pest strip was only to be used during vegging.. The infestation is really light - only found them on a few leaves. Predatory insects cost $50 and would not be viable for a week or two..

I decided to chop. :rip: It was a brutal three hours but the end it was for the best. I could not stomach the idea of the mites taking over after all the hard work. I know it was a little early for some, and for all it would have been good to flush for a week but I have faith that the BPN mix will not get the taste too far off.

Here are some shots of the carnage. I'll jar it up in a week or so and then weigh.




This last one was the second plant mistakenly stuck in #2 known as "lil bushy". We have identified the strain as "Hog's Breath". Since it was not far into bloom and showed no signs of mites, I took her out and sprayed. She will continue on.

One or two more posts before calling this journal complete. It has been a fun ride. I learned a lot and made some great people along the way. :thumb:

Baked Alaskan
Re: 1st Journal - unknown strain, DWC, 400w MH/HPS

Thanks Alkhemist.

I think modern medicine needs to re-learn old practices and un-learn others. Modern medicine is amazing when it comes to treating an injury or stabilizing a paitent who has an accident. However I don't think they offer solid treatments for many illness conditions unless the regimens include expensive dependencies on pharmaceuticals. Sad, really.. I suffered for years with asthma and the "maintenance" steroid inhalers. When I discovered that my diet was deficient in O3 oils and selenium, I self-treated and all but eliminated the asthma with nothing more than some supplements from GNC. My "Dr" rolled his eyes when I told him about the success. He isn't my "Dr" anymore.

My wife saw the top neurologists in the state. They put her on medications ranging from opiates to anti-seizures. There were mornings she literally could not get out of bed because the meds made her too dizzy to walk. Nothing.. and I mean NOTHING she took provided the relief she felt from cannabis cookies. As I prepared the hempy pots last night, I heard the familiar thump on the wall coming from our bathroom. On the really bad days my wife will take a hot shower and rhythmically pound her forehead into the tile wall. One would think that would make the headaches worse, but apparently it helps to some degree.

I would like to spit in the face of any politician who tries to say that cannabis has no medical use and therefore should be controlled like a schedule 1 drug. I would not wish my wife's affliction on them permanently, but maybe a week of experiencing her pain and the subsequent relief cannabis offers would change their perspective.

I look forward to the day when I can prepare meds for my wife which hit the sweet spot of pain relief without "stoning her out". We cant wait for modern medicine, and should not have to.


Hi BakedAlaskan

I just found your journal, so I'll have to finish catching up as time allows today. Looks like you had a rough start with the mites. That's a bummer to have to take on someone else's problem right off the start, but you handled it well. :goodjob:

I would prefer to have stuck with the hydro too, but sometimes it's best to follow the KISS principle. :)
Hydro offers a lot of advantages, but you have to be able to keep the res temps below 70.

I'd like to hear more about how you cured your asthma. I'm asthma sufferer as well, and would love to no longer need the daily meds. :Namaste:
Re: 1st Journal - unknown strain, DWC, 400w MH/HPS

Hi BakedAlaskan

I'd like to hear more about how you cured your asthma. I'm asthma sufferer as well, and would love to no longer need the daily meds. :Namaste:

Hi Hiker, and welcome! I read a great book about 12 years ago after a double-ER night (yes, two trips to the ER in the same night for asthma). I have not had an out-of-control flare up since, and most of my inhalers get tossed out because I keep them longer than their expiration dates. I still have an inhaler for rescue, but rarely keep it with me when I am out of the house.

Hope it helps for you. Here is a book: Reversing Asthma: Breathe Easier with This Revolutionary New Program


cool Journal! alaskan! nice job , Hiker im not sure if this works but, i was born with asthma and right up till about the age of 6 i use to depend on a inhaler , after that i really got into playing sports like all seasons of the year so i was always doing physical activity, by the age of 7-8 i had " cured " my asthma somehow , and my mother and doc believes it was from the all the physical activity i was doing at a young age
Hi Hiker, and welcome! I read a great book about 12 years ago after a double-ER night (yes, two trips to the ER in the same night for asthma). I have not had an out-of-control flare up since, and most of my inhalers get tossed out because I keep them longer than their expiration dates. I still have an inhaler for rescue, but rarely keep it with me when I am out of the house.

Hope it helps for you. Here is a book: Reversing Asthma: Breathe Easier with This Revolutionary New Program


cool Journal! alaskan! nice job , Hiker im not sure if this works but, i was born with asthma and right up till about the age of 6 i use to depend on a inhaler , after that i really got into playing sports like all seasons of the year so i was always doing physical activity, by the age of 7-8 i had " cured " my asthma somehow , and my mother and doc believes it was from the all the physical activity i was doing at a young age

Thanks to both of you for the info. It's been awhile since I've really researched asthma treatment methods. I looked into it several years ago. Perhaps it's time to revisit the topic. Thanks again. :Namaste:
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too! :cheer:

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.
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