1st Journal - Unknown Strain - DWC - 400W MH/HPS

Great job I'm so glad I found the 420 site this place is loaded info & great people who share what they learn :bravo:
Weclome, Bro.

I looked around a lot of sites before deciding to journal here. My main reason was the positive attitude of everyone - especially the experienced members. Pull up a seat, enjoy the discourse, and happy growing!
i know im late but yea those brown roots are from your water being to hot. i am running a aero/dwc setup and noticed my water was getting heated up to high, best way to fix that issue is to get a water chiller and run the water through it. I try to keep my water between 65-68 in my setup
Thanks Cultivator. Agree on the meters. Hopefully when this harvest completes Ill free up some more $ for stuff. We just ordered a 4' T5 light for general vegging and that will take all my extra spending capital for a bit.

Question for you - With the color test kit I feel confident that I can hit within .3 of a target PH. Probably from 25+ years of owning aquariums. Is that within a tolerable range? If so, then my 1st meter will probably be EC/PPM. If not, then I think my 1st should be PH since I mix fresh nutes for the hempy feeding.

Let me know your thoughts. I would rather emulate techniques which work well rather than invent my own.
1st update since the flip yesterday morning.

For starters I decided that the trays in the tent were too high. My light is jacked up pretty high and the tall ones were still getting ~14" away and closing. Rather than jack it up higher I decided to lower the shelves. That required a miter saw and some measuring, but the result was just what I wanted. I decided to get some shots of my drainage system. After emptying drip trays for the umpteenth time I needed to do something different. My solution was to grommet the pots and then route tubes from each pot down to a central drain. That is the main reason why I needed some sort of shelf.

Here is a shot of the lines. It is really easy to determine when to stop watering by watching the flow.

Underneath that shelf I have a catch-tray which gets emptied before a new feeding.

So far the system works. Next time around I will get some screen into the pots and use bigger perlite. Every now and then the tube will get clogged with a chunk of perlite. I really like not having to lift the plants and empty the trays.

Now on to the ladies.. Since this is my 1st time through a bloom, I need to know what I am looking for. Here are some shots of the branches. It seems like these kinds of shoots are developing all over since the flip.


Are these the start of flowers?

I mixed up my BPN nutes tonight. Even though tomorrow is officially the 1st week for bloom, I cheated and mixed the batch that way tonight. I added 1ml CAL-MG per gallon in order to lower the PH as well as provide the minerals.

Here is a shot of everyone:

My wife is going in for surgery tomorrow. Nothing life threatening - they are repairing a shoulder injury. Anyway my time will be focused on her and covering the chores she usually does during her recovery. It may be a week or two before my next post.

One more thing - I may not know growing that well but I do know photography. All of my shots were coming out yellow since the flip. I took a piece of white paper and rested it on a plant underneath the light. Then I got into my camera settings and looked for [White Balance], [Manual]. I focused in on that white piece of paper and then set the white balance. After that I took these shots. So if your images are coming out off color, you camera can compensate for the lights provided you give it a reference.

Hope that helps!

You are exactly right, Businessman. I may try DWC or RDWC in the future, but for now I dont have any temp or rot issues with Hempy. It remains to be seen if I get the same growth and yield from this approach though. No prob even if I dont - I am not growing for anyone but us so as long as I get quality then quantity will not matter as much.

Cheers!, and thanks for stopping by.
a .3 difference could cause problems. i think a ph meter is more important than an ec/ppm meter. the strength of nutes are far more easily recogniable just by looking at the plants. i have an ec/ppm meter and rarely use it at all. i just use my ph meter, imo the most important piece of kit after ur lights for hydro growing.
Hempys are awesome...been growing them for years without issue and frankly I would put up production weight against most other styles.

Have you tried scrogging them? I usually use the green tomato cages on mine for support and to even out the canopy. It makes moving them when they are full bloom a little easier as the buds won't snap the stems.

Hempys are awesome...been growing them for years without issue and frankly I would put up production weight against most other styles.

Have you tried scrogging them? I usually use the green tomato cages on mine for support and to even out the canopy. It makes moving them when they are full bloom a little easier as the buds won't snap the stems.

Thanks for reading the journal and providing feedback. :thanks: I considered SCROG early on, but after some tumultuous weeks I took feedback from an experienced grower to hold off until I learned the basics. After seeing your tomato cage approach, I have to say it is really intriguing. It may be late for it because of the plant size but I will consider it. I really like the portability of your approach.

Happy growing!
Re: 1st Journal - Unknown Strain - Hempy - 400W MH/HPS

I got home pretty late tonight.. pushing 7:00. Was not sure when the lights flipped off but knew it was close. Got the tray empty, the nutes mixed, and ready for watering. CLICK! The lights went off. Sigh. I had no other light except the warm glow of the HPS fading from orange to dark. I quickly administered the watering by feeling for the edges of the pots. Since my eyes had adjusted to the light when it was on, I was nearly blind in the low light.

Note to self.. leave a flashlight in the grow shed. It goes without saying that I took no pictures. :rofl:

My new inside light arrived! 6 bulbs of brilliant t5 glory! Man this thing is bright!! I installed it in my closet / IKEA shelf system. It fit within a 1/4 in tolerance. YOW!.

Then I unloaded the cheap-cloner. Along with the rockwool test group, I nearly filled up my baby tray. So far.. 100% cloning success this round! :thumb:

Now for some obligatory shots of the new moms. Only 20 days old and already hitting puberty!

Blimburn Tijuana

Vanilla Kush

My flower room is exploding with growth. I plan to take another round of cuttings - This time longer ones. Someone told me to put some Great White into the Cheap-Cloner. Is that a good idea?

Finally, the wife's shoulder is recovering. Surgery went well, but she is in for some painful days. Needs alot of assistance during the initial period of her convalescence. I wish my 1st harvest was ready.

All for now
i use pirahana, cannazym and voodoo juice in my aerocloner with no problems at all. i havent changed my res since october, just top it up with water and add a small amount of carboload once every week or 2 to keep the bacteria, fungi and enzymes alive. when roots start to show they explode with growth.
Was working too late to visit the girls; the light shut off for the night. I decided to place the Tijuana on the rack. I hope this is how you are supposed to do it. My goal is to keep these new mothers short for long-term keeping.

From 2 days ago -

Altered her last night and took a pic this morning:

I ache just looking at her, but she seems happy. Speaking of gender - Can anyone confirm if this one is showing his/her sex? All my beans are feminized but this seed is from a new breeder (Blimburn) and I am not sure how reliable the seeds are. That said, I want to emphasise that this growth emerged from a popped seed on 3/01. As far as I am concerned that kind of growth in dirt is stellar. She has surpassed the Vanilla Kush plant which popped on the same day.

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