Twisted fan leaves


New Member
Hello 420 fam. This is my first grow and all seems to be well but over the last few days i have noticed some of my fan leaves twisting over exposing their underside. The girls in pics are 5weeks into veg(ready to go to flower). i have heard others say it could be too close to lights and others say p.h. issues but their pics didn't quite look like this.
I have a stand up oscillating fan that I keep on low. I have 3 strains l.a, o.g, and grandaddy and the l.a. Seems to be the only ones reaction this way.
its just i have had that happen from my 12in even do it was on setting 1 and about 6 ft away from them i would personally change the direction of my fan and also give them a good flush with bottled water just incase its a blockage of some sort a good flush never hurts unless they are way over watered to start with just my 2cents mate
familyguyish said:
thanks bro im going to give it shot and see what happens. this never affected your finished results did it?

Not sure if that would be caused by wind from a fan. I've only seen behavior like that when a plant is trying to protect itself from too much light and/or heat.

How close do you have your lights? Have these recently been exposed to direct sunlight? Most common reaction when indoor plants are brought outdoors and see real sunlight for the first time.

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i would say the lights were about 24inches above canopy. The temp has been between 77-79 and r.h. between 60 and 64. I stopped in my local hydroponic store and my salesman thought the same thing.
i would say the lights were about 24inches above canopy. The temp has been between 77-79 and r.h. between 60 and 64. I stopped in my local hydroponic store and my salesman thought the same thing.

Hmmm..That shouldn't be a problem then. You are sure the plant has not been exposed to direct sunlight or a UV lamp?

In that case... I don't know! :hmmmm:

The plant looks healthy enough in all other respects. I would just leave it alone and see what happens. If you start to see additional symptoms develop, then post new photos and perhaps it will be easier to diagnose.

I've heard that some micronutirient dificiencies can cause this too, but you would usually see other symptoms first like yellowing. Magnesium dificiency for one which can be cured with 2 TBSP of Epsom Salts per gallon of RO water.

What is your soil pH? Do you have a pH meter? Just curious, since a very high pH could cause this but the plant looks so healthy otherwise, I would be reluctant to suggest messing with the soil just yet.
Thanks goose I think you were right I raised my lights last night and the that seemed to help. Although they hadn't been exposed to any uv light the t5s were causing the same effect.
Thanks goose I think you were right I raised my lights last night and the that seemed to help. Although they hadn't been exposed to any uv light the t5s were causing the same effect.

My pleasure!

Interesting! So it could still be a heat related cause then. I bet if you put a thermometer at the same height as the top of your plants, it would probably record a temp much higher than you think you have under the lights.

Moving the lights higher was a good move. If you don't already have one installed, you really should have a fan in your growing area that can provide some much needed air circulation and also aide in cooling your plants down and preventing heat stress related problems. :)
hey goose, whats up. I forgot to ask you the other day , but once those fan leaves get twisted like in my pics should i expect them to straighten back out. I have since moved them to flower and they are doing well, yet the same fans are still twisted
hey goose, whats up. I forgot to ask you the other day , but once those fan leaves get twisted like in my pics should i expect them to straighten back out. I have since moved them to flower and they are doing well, yet the same fans are still twisted

In my experience with heat or light stress the leaves will return to their previous shape while in veg. If you have since switched them to flower, this might cause them to stay curled longer.
It’s the leaves way of saying no more light leaves are solar panels for a plant

Transplant to bigger pot
Refusing light
Refusing food

Slow growth - she needs new shoes bro
This is my deal too. Plants looks very healthy, largest of the group are twisting. When I went from solos to one gallon they grew crazy, now have slowed. Time to re-pot?
Revegetation will cause this effect to leaves. Check the strength of your light at the top of the canopy. Check for light getting to your girls during lights out time as well. These things can cause contorted leaves and large numbered fan leaves. Going thru this now due to weak/insufficient lighting. Hope this helps brother.
Revegetation will cause this effect to leaves. Check the strength of your light at the top of the canopy. Check for light getting to your girls during lights out time as well. These things can cause contorted leaves and large numbered fan leaves. Going thru this now due to weak/insufficient lighting. Hope this helps brother.
Hey buddy, welcome to 420 mag :welcome:
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