Well, good for you. I've been through my 3rd divorce, finally, this past Jan...got remarried Feb/2008. Been busy my friend. I was down in Lanscatter/Palmpton Area just a week ago. Picked up some long stored personal items, had lunch with a good buddy and drove home. About 10 hrs and 600 miles makes for a long day.
To you the same, be well.
HippieGuyTexasSmokeHippieGuy wrote on TexasSmoke's profile.
Thanks for the post to my blog...you actually live just on the left side of me. So you know how our judicial system is so fucked up esp. here in the south. Thanks for the input...means so much
hi rick my name is luca biafore. woodstuck send me to you. he say, that, probably, you can help me.
i'm an italian marijuana grower from 7 years, i'm 23 years old, and i don't want to stay in italy because marijuana growing is considered a crime.
i want to find a job like a grower in california or where you are.please, if you can, help me! i'm not a crminila i come frome a good family and i don't have any problem whit justice in 7 years. NEVER!
thankkyou for your time
please answear on my e-mail l.biafore@gmail.com
bye bye
luca biafore