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heyyyy... how are you!! you're the first female i've found so far ! yay for female smokers <3 hehe
Good to hear just keep reading and u'll gain the knowledge thats needed.
Looks like you have alot of fans. lol
Lavender oil ans dead sea salts.
so grape seed oil or jojoba oil and lavender essential oil,

grind the sea salt {has to be dead sea salt}
add the lavender essential oil 3to7 drops I like it strong
put in to a bowl with a lid .
add the oil mix so its just above the salt.

Apply to skin rub gently untill your skin just turns a little pink that is, hyperplasic.
relax for about 5 to 10 min . then shower.
the salt pulls all toxins out of the body, the water will be so dark.
You can do this every week.
drink lots of water to remove rezidual metobolic waste. toxins.

Try this on your feet really scrub oh it feels so good. the water when you rince is grose.
You will feel so good for a week , and sleep very well that night.

add the oils and 3 to 4
LOL I knew that. What about those others though. Isnt it strange there hasnt been any activity and yet they were able to vote?

A lot of users come just to read the news and vote. They probably made the same mistake I did :)
There was a poll you voted on earlyer that asked if marajuana seeds should be illegal to sell. Your response was yes it should be illegal. Is this the way you meant to vote? If so I wonder if you could explain why?

I read it wrong, I was in a hurry and the poll is kind of a double negative :)
I think you would be a shoe in for the 420 are absolutely doubt (.;)
Hey Acorn! Long time is right. Good ta see ya. All is about as good as can be considering :cool: I'll post that up for ya.

Thats whay we're here for johnnyP. Its easier to say the right thing online. You have as much time as you need to think it out. In the real world.....
Thanks for the complement! I've been thinking about it, but not real sure at this point. Thanks!
That's why I love you, Jim. :) You always have something nice to say, and you're always quick to help anyone in need.
It good ta meetcha Panther. Just so the record is straight. I served during vietnam war. I am disabled but not due to military service. Well i guess sorta i am. The army gave me hepatitis c. But anyway, it doesn't cost anything to say something nice. We should do it more often :cool:
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