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i dont mean to be a pain in the ass but ur knowledge level is much higher than mine. thx for the patience bro:thanks::smokin:
high RooRman, that link u gave me to the feeding schedule is great .it says to feed the tea at least once a week but what about the other days? should i just feed plain water? worried about over feeding.thx. also u might recall i'm only doing a few plants at a time so if u could give me a feeding schedule(from your personal knowledge) based on a few plants i'd be grateful.
Hey Racefan, thanks for that link to the cannabrex capsule system. Have your ever tried it? I would be afraid of the jar exploding.
I'm enjoying your new picture thread!!

Keep up the excellent work, Be!!


Yea, I go to a private school hence the dress code... oh and this was before i started my training. I am a lot more muscular now ;)
I'll get some good pics soon.
welcome TheCountLeg7, you'll find a wealth of info here, alot of the members are very resourceful. peace
i dont know if my reply went thru but if it didnt, thx for the info and the link, +++reps RooRman, the link should be a sticky for all beginners.peace
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