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I am having issues with sending my art work. Question: What is the standard size to fit this web page ? Sorry to be a bother.
highest regards be IRIE, ....can i grow a plant from its very beginnings using a 250 watt mh/mps without burning it up ?
high XSVBuds, just saw your pics for first completed grow and i just had to say ............awesome gro dude ,keep up the good work. now i'm gonna take a look at your 2nd gro. peace
Thanks for dropping in and asking. I'm not doing as well as I could, I'm sort of feeling hopeless at this point due to the problem of not having a local Co-Op dispensary within 150 miles of my home. All of the somewhat local Co-Ops closed their doors in 2007 because of DEA raids but I recently heard that there may be a couple of places opening soon but thats stll a 210 mile round trip for me. I hope all is well with you and thanks again my friend.
high cannalearna, just wondering if you knew anything about hash presses,was watching the video and someone mentioned it
I read your message on "High" site, he wrote me to see how i was doing. I then saw your email to him on copy rights. I was told, just say you copied from the internet an article, the bottom of that page would be the news place and copy code, or whatever, i heard as long as you include all that info so they get the credit, you will have done nothing wrong. You were just passing a story along the way. If you only show the article, and no copy right stuff, you don't include it, then you could be in trouble. Not to scare you. It's what I heard when I needed to pass and article along to friends and family. Good Luck peace
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