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mornin jigs , how's things in the middle of the country ? every time I watch the weather it looks like you're dealing with horrible heat or huge thunder storms. stay safe kiddo
Harvesting woo-hoo, do you wear gloves ?like those thin blue ones. I tried it once and gave up I'd just suck on my fingers.
Coffee oooo, I can't drink real coffee anymore cuz of the meds I take. I'm stuck drinking pee-caff it's like putting water in your gas tank, shur it will fill it up but you ain't going anywhere
I don't ever wear gloves, I like to eat the goopy residue off the scissor tips, and likewise..totally suck the fingertips 😇
hello friend. Cardinals are great, I am like the biggest orioles fan, they have the best hotdogs as they are the least expensive of any stadium @1.50 ea. I went to a game somewhere else once and paid 12.00 for a tiny beer lol, at least it was Coors I guess, I got sick over the fact that the big dude sitting in front of me stood up suddenly and actually wore my entire cup, and my hotdog landed on his friends wife lol, I had serious anxiety for the rest of the game lol, I don't even remember that game after that happened my mind was just spinning, I think I went into shock, that was a really big dude, lucky for me he didn't take it out on little me, he sure changed colors though lol. Thanks for helping me to look back on this laughable moment, I hope I didnt ruin his day too much, at least it wasn't a sticky, Iced soda or something more uncomfortable, my skin crawls just thinking about having soda on me and not being able to change, that's another story actually but not as funny as it was my wearing a raspberry and cream soda, I cannot think of a stickier sounding flavor lol, and it happened to me on a summer day while we were 100 miles from our destination, Grandma's house, I don't think that I even said hello, I do recall having my armpits aired and walking to the bathroom as my skin sticks to itself everywhere lol, I could feel it with every move. I really hope that you and all who come across this get a great laugh, I learned so many lessons this way lol
Happy August
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Thanks for checking out my grow. I don't get alot of Traffic ! :rofl: :thanks:
:nerd-with-glasses: Thank you silly 🪿
Happy September now. 😂
I'm going to check it out again, hope that you are having a really good day, I am just gettin going myself, ttyl
my typing skills (if I ever had any) have gotten really bad. so just replace the wrong word with whatever word sounds like makes more sense. my daughter suggested I try talk to type. I'm not sure, I already talk to my plants and talk to and insult the over priced products in the supermarket, luckily I have no front yard or else I'd be yelling at the damn kids to stay off my lawn. maybe I should just accept it, I'm a cranky old man.
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