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Yes. I did. Most of my fan leaves did turn yellow, and a few even died off. It's normal for some of them to turn yellow. ;-) Keep up the good work.
Hello Ms Fox,
It seems as if you are doing a very nice job with your grow. I have been very happy so far w/ my first hydro grow and betwwen pot changes, hurricane evacuating repots low nutes light burnout and all that I am finally getting it almost done. I am in to the last stage of blloming and wonder if in those times during your grows do you have fan leaves yellowing? I watched leaves yellow more in the last week but I also cnged ferts then too so today I am clearex-ing them and will start w/ new nutes. The only question I have is do you see the yellowing of bigger leaves sduring the flowering phase of your plants?
Thanks Bro!

I really appreciate your support.

I can't even really smell weed anymore. People hand me a bag and say smell this and I got nutin'. I can't wait.
Read of your quest for the Holy Grail, that is a "smoke-free life". Mr User, I too smoked for some 40+ years. It is a powerful addiction. I found the avoidance of people and situations where smoking is tolerated was my most important commitment.

One of the first things I noticed was my clothes and my breath didn't stink, my car, my home too. And then my senses, smell and taste, kicked in. It's wonderful! You're going to enjoy it. No luck involved so I shan't wish it, I'll simply say, enjoy.:peace::clap:
MS. AL...some day I'll get my ass in gear and trip up to Alaska to see you guys.
Thank you for the kind words. Have had a low profile lately. Yes, do miss chatting with you and Mr. MV. My best to you both.

I'm not a grower but everyone can appreciate your pics of passion. All enjoy the majestic beauty of the cannabis plant...well done Mr IRIE! Well done.
just wanted to say high, and thank you for your comment on my very humble little thread. where do you live? btw you are very foxy lady!
Hello Mary420juana.Just wanted to let you know that truer words were never spoken in your signature:smokin:
Hey Boss, I'm just figuring out this whole site and wanted to say hello and thank you for the past advice you have given me, hope you are feeling well soon bro :)
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