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whats up soniq420 hows it going?
well hello. i was glad to see your response. i hope this finds you in high spirits and good health. i look forward to convesings with you sometime. im not here much but will say hey from time to time and tell a little more about me. take care and many blessings.
Congratulations on "Member of the Month". Don't spend all those rep points in the same place :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm proud to say that i stumbled upon this wonderful site of information and awareness, and it is because of you. Wonderful job,And let me know if i can help in anyway!
Whats up soniq420 just dropping a line of support!
Why hey there:)Doin ok just been busy.I have a new one just starting.Due to my limited space,resourses,etc.,I'm doing the same thing again.The last time turned out so damn well as far as quality I figure if it ain't broke,don't fix it.Come spring it will be a bird of a different color but until then just my simple but potent setup.I'll be sharing soon,look for ya then lady! ;)
I have been following your threads, and I hope that my 1st grow are as good as yours. I look forward to reading more from you.
ultrabudda---in response from you,,,,arent people almost still the same,,,,content,,,give me stuff to buy,,,give me credit,,,etc,,,NOW are younger generation is going to make a difference and become more agressive against ANY UNJUST LAWS,,,,,,keep up the good work,,,,keep in touch,,,f.g.s,,,aka,,,infoman,,,aka,,,,drinfo,,,ohio,,,peace
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