You might be a pothead if.

you go downstairs and forget why you came downstairs...

Just did this 3 minutes ago...:laughtwo:
....If you dont use your storage room in your apartment for storage anymore since you've discovered that its the best place to hot box in the world
Off the top of my head..........................................................................
..............................................................................................................Having a cig lit in the ash tray----in my hand----AND lighting another.....
Gotta stop smokin' them cigs............
u spend about a half hour looking for the lighter thats in your hand

your main priority of the day is getting high all day
you carry a lighter everywhere but only use it to smoke pot

theres a real good movie on and u get baked to watch it then forget its on and miss it

you forget you have to go to the doctors and get high then figure out u gotta go

^personal experience, i cancelled the appointment
When everything you see, your mind gets going as to how can I make a pipe out of that?!
You get excited to see how much kief you collected from your kief catching grinder.

- I love this, its like a birthday present .. lmao.
you may be a pothead if... you can ALWAYS find a stash of roaches somewhere.. even when you've searched already ;)
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