You might be a pothead if.

hell.. even if you play at all together

a sick game where you get to listen and play your favourite songs..wut cud be better after having a nice sesh:ganjamon:
:bongrip: If you can watch the same movie over and over again over the years and everytime it feels like you are watching it for the first time because you don't remember watching it the last time and only a few scenes are vaugue but the jokes still make you laugh.
you might be a pothead if all the foods in your cabinet have the "X-Treme!" label.
You know you might be a pothead if...

you are watching a movie on your laptop and you pick up the TV remote to turn up the volume.

I did that the other day...

I almost drank bong water once :/ :clap:

I almost did that as well. We used to have a 8 inch or so bong that fit well in the hand. I was in a chair next to the coffee table and not looking I grabbed the bong to drink out of. I got the bong a good foot away from my lips when I realized I didn't pick up my drink at all.
If you buy special glass cutting and drilling power tools to make your bong you might be a Pothead.

If you have ever made a bong out of tin foil, a paper towel roll, and a condom you might be a pothead.

If it is 9:20 and you say "well it's 4:20 in some time zone" you might be a pothead.

If you know what the letters in NORML stand for you might be a Pothead.

If you want to join NORML but are afraid that the FBI will start watching you. Its possible you are a Pothead.

If you know what THC stands for but have no clue what
H2O is you might be a pothead.
You know you are a pothead if. You make 'brownies' and they taste like fresh cut grass buttered and eat as many as possible not to 'waste' anything.
if your jobless and know your required to pass a drug test, so you toke up anyways, listen to some beatles and just "let it be"

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