Yipees - Soil - Shark Shock - Mars II 700W


420 Member
Hi everyone, this is my journal start and my first post on this site. First off I just wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who has helped to make this site what it is - its a remarkable source of information and has already helped me immensely. To my journal......

I'm a novice grower. This will be my second grow - my first grow was about 15 years ago under a metal halide lamp. At that time I grew some 3 Durban Poison plats from clones in tomato grow bags in my loft space. It was a successful grow but for various reasons I didn't continue growing after that crop.

This grow is to make cannabis oil to treat a cancer patient. The strain is Shark Shock - picked for its 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC. I've started the grow from seeds germinating right in the soil at the end of Feb.

Shark Shock
Seed Breeder : CBD Crew
Genetic Origin : Indica 20% / Sativa 20%
Seed Types : 100% Feminized Cannabis Seeds
Flowering / Harvest time : Short 8 weeks indoor /Outdoor Harvest Sept / Oct
Yield : Medium Yield - 400 gr
Height : Medium
THC / CBD / CBN : 6% THC 6% CBD - See more at:

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to the site where I bought the seeds but happy to send anyone a message who wants the details.

I bought 2 packs of 5 seeds. To start I germinated one of the packs and all 5 have popped through successfully. My grow space is 3'3''x3'3'' and 6 foot tall so I figure I can support 4 plants in there and keep one of the plants as a mother plant for the next crop. If it all goes wrong then I've got 5 seeds to start again.

Not all the seedlings are in good shape. The first 4 or 5 days I had then on the window sill in sunlight and they did OK but when I moved them into the tent under the LED's and they seemed to stall. I tried various distances from the light (2 feet away at first then 10 inches) but nothing really seemed to work for them. They are back on the window sill until I figure out the right distance. From what I have researched so far it seem like I must have the light much farther away at the seedling stage. Probably about 3 or 4 feet for the strength of light I have.

Thats all for now. If anyone has any tips about using LEDs for seedlings I'd be very grateful for the advice.
these are my seedlings, later today I'm going to move the 3 healthy ones into larger pots and discard the other 2.


a picture of the setup and the re-potted seedlings - I decided to give the little girl at the back one last chance to get establish. Also and aloe vera plant that is growing on the window sill which I re-potted at the same time



Hello there, nice setup ! good luck with them !

I'll keep an eye on this journal, I've been thinking of a getting a Mars II 700w next.

Anyway, Peace
Subbed, hopefully they grow out to be 4 magnificent ladies. Grow on.

Peace and :love:

fingers crossed! Welcome to the journal HomegrownNLD

Hello there, nice setup ! good luck with them !

I'll keep an eye on this journal, I've been thinking of a getting a Mars II 700w next.

Anyway, Peace

Thanks man! The light unit seems very good on first impressions but of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating so time will tell
The bad news it that I'm down to 3 seedlings now.... the little lady didn't make it. But the good news is that those 3 seedlings seem to be pretty well established now under the light which is still about a meter above the seedlings. Today I added the first fertilizer to the pots - 1 teaspoon of guano per pot to be repeated monthly. Next month they'll be in a bigger pot so they'll get a table spoon.



4 weeks into the veg stage. I've re-potted into larger containers and mixed in 30% perlite with the soil and Guano added because added more soil. The 4th plant didnt recover from the broken stem so down to 3 but those 3 look super healthy and growing well. They have all been topped yesterday.

Hi - yes, just flowering quickly so we can make some oil as a treatment for someone who is about to have radio therapy. I'll leave the next crop to veg for a bit longer.
Wow that is quick.... What size yield are you looking to obtain? Also with just topping them wouldn't it be advisable to wait till after the stunt from that to flower?

Hi PTSD, this is perhaps the wrong approach but I'm not really looking to obtain any set amount from these plants - I just want as much as they can give as quickly as they can give it. 2 reasons for that - 1 is the need to get the oil ready for the person who needs it so they can start their treatment and the other is that my room is big enough for 4 plants but I lost one early on so I'm 25% down on my capacity for this grow so I figured they were strong enough reasons to get this crop done as fast as possible and then do the next one at full capacity (4 plants) and take a few more weeks over the grow whilst the patient uses the oil from the 1st grow. At least that was my thinking - would really appreciate any thoughts that you have that could increase what I'm doing here - I really am making this up as I go along and just learning from my mistakes.

At the risk of sounding like foolish I had no idea that I should have waited for longer after topping. I just waited until the plant looked healthy enough after the topping. How long would you leave them for?

Again, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Its really appreciated - any help you can give me is greatly received.

Cheers, Yipee
Hi - I dont have anything to compare to but I think its pretty good. I struggled at first to get the plants at the right distance but that was because I didnt follow the manufacturer instructions - just a dumb mistake. The build quality is decent and its not too noisy when the tent is closed and it doesnt generate too much heat. Also I havent noticed any difference in my electricity bill so it cant be that expensive to run. So yeah, it was an expensive item to invest in but I think on balance the investment is worth it provided it keeps working as good as it is now for a good time to come. Which it should becasue the lifetime of the leds is so much longer than bulbs.
Watering these posts pretty much every day now. My first set of cuttings didn't make it in the soil - I Left them in an area that got too hot for them and they frazzled. I have another 3 cutting started

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Here are the pictures. I hope you can see OK from the images - its quite hard to take a picture with the LED lights. I'm very pleased with how they've turned out. I'm going to give them probably another week to let some more of the trichomes color

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