But what does "finished" look like? Lol
The most trusted way to see what "finished" looks like is to use one of these...loupes (20x and 30x work best for me. )
These mushroom shaped trichomes are 'cloudy.' Their color is 'frosted glass' instead of 'clear crystal.'
Shaded from the light, you can see the stalks are mostly whitish 'mostly cloudy'
Low on the same plant the trichomes on this seed are 'mostly clear.' There is a sparkle you will not see on cloudy trichomes.
I like to think that as my trichomes turn cloudy they are filling up with THC. Since these are 'mostly cloudy' rather than 'fully cloudy' I am going to wait a couple more days for the trichomes to fill with more THC. If I harvested this girl today, my wife would still get high, but if I wait a few more days she will get a more powerful, more complex high.
If I waited 10 more days, the trichomes would start to degrade. The heads would start to turn amber (beer colored) or some of the stalks would form kinks and some of the heads would fall off. Lots of people wait for '10-20% amber', but my wife prefers 'mostly cloudy.'
If you are growing a high CBD strain, I think you harvest at 'slightly couldy' I'm not sure.
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Without a loupe another indicator is the pistils(spikes) in the flowers. When a lot of the pistils have turned colored and the pistils are mosty shriveled, this seems to happen about the same time as 10% amber. The colors and changes of pistils vary by the strain of cannabis.
If you happen to have seeds, your girl will be ready to harvest when the seed covers split open and the seed inside turns brown or falls to the ground. Most of the time, you won't have seeds.