re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza
Oh my the variables!
Part of what makes this difficult, is that there are so many other factors that can have an impact on nodal length, vigor, trichomes, etc. Large day/night temp swings and topping can keep them low, tight-noded and bushy, too, especially if the corresponding RH was low, which it often is in that scenario.
Instead of answering all the posts on GLR separately, I thought I'd do a general brain dump with a few more thoughts.
I'm blessed to have a few people trust my opinion, and have had a number of interactions with growers using GLR for the first time, or for only a short time - sometimes new to growing, sometimes just new to GLR and seeing things they aren't used to seeing, like sexually mature plants that haven't fully vegged to size.
There is confusion over pre-flowers, and sexual maturity - and this sometimes doesn't present itself to a grower until pistil pairings show early in the plants life, in veg instead of flower, when they first try using GLR.
Something I have seen quite a bit of confusion on is the relationship of GLR, pre-flowers, and sexual maturity. If you put them into flower based on showing sexual maturity earlier, with a shorter veg period, you'll also get shorter bushier plants as if -- you just put them into 12/12 sooner from a regular lighting schedule. If that's when people are initiating flower, then smaller plants and net yields will probably happen along with the lesser stretch. In the case of a SOG, or limited space grow, that may be just what the doctor ordered, however.
The higher level of bloom hormones that build up in a plant with more overall dark period (GLR) force maturity, but they don't need to be acted upon, necessarily. The exception is for SOG style grows where you are purposely forcing bloom at a very early age.
A plant can veg infinitely with pre-flowers/pistil pairings, and won't flower until we force it to with a steady,
uninterrupted night period*. There's some confusion about pre-flowers out there. I see newer growers especially - or just growers new to GLR perhaps - often feel they need to react to them by putting their plants in flower, or that they mean there plants have started to flower (they haven't). Often it's even seen as a failing of GLR, erroneously when people say
"Ahhhh, my plants started flowering!!" Sometimes, that's probably happening (that they flower), but other times when I start digging more, it's just pre-flowers - indicating that the plant is sexually mature (ready for bloom), but NOT that it is flowering. Plants vegged under 18/6 often don't show sexual maturity like this without a really long veg period, or often, until we put them in bloom. People aren't used to seeing so many pre-flowers in veg, even though it's nothing that needs acting upon.
Sexually mature plants can still be vegged longer for larger yield, or whatever purpose.
GLR seems to help plants reach sexual maturity at a younger age, but this doesn't mean they have really started to flower just because they start showing pistil pairings, nor that they should be placed in flower yet. Again, SOG's are another story, or anytime we are forcing flower earlier to limit size.
As I read all of the feedback so far, I have to say there does seem to be a few things we can have confidence in, perhaps, and a few that we can't say for certain:
- GLR plants will transition to bloom cycle quicker than a plant coming from 18/6 or 24/0, etc.
- GLR saves money, and electricity.
- It's stealthy, and it probably leaves less of a tell-tale electricity usage signature
- Some plants will react more favorably, indica or indica hybrids seem to like it better.
- Better heat control, res temps, easier to keep environment where you want it in some set-ups. Great point by Alaskan1, that I hadn't thought of previously.
Now, where I'm still unsure, personally:
- Better growth, quicker growth, than 18/6. Mixed opinions and experiences here, and so many other variables in the examples given, my own included. Not saying it isn't true, just that there are mixed messages and experiences that cast some doubt/confusion as to whether this is fact or fiction, perhaps.
- Shorter nodal length. This may be true, but again there are so many variables to consider that affect this, so I'm still not completely confident. Perhaps. But even in the posted examples I can point to other possible causes much of the time if I wanted. I'm not doubting or bashing, just not completely certain yet.
Finally, it seems a few people are thinking that they don't get quite as vigorous of veg growth with GLR, or maybe more accurately/specifically, they are looking for more size before going to bloom, even if they have the same number of nodes, so they do the combo 18/6 / GLR.
They start the plants in 18/6 to get some size going, then go to GLR more as a way to smoothly transition to flower and get a quick flip. Cultivator, I think that's where you may be a little confused. But I believe that's what they are really saying - unless I am misunderstanding? It does make sense to me in a way, and may be a nice modification because it capitalizes on the strengths of each light cycle at different stages. In the end, it could reduce the need to veg longer for size (that some GLR users report experiencing), while still helping speed the transition to flower. Interesting approach!
* One little note, another source of confusion sometimes, especially with newer growers: We as people always think of things in terms of how much
light we give them, or
light cycles/light periods... but the plants think in terms of how much
dark they get. They
need light, but it's the dark that changes their behavior or brings them to sexual maturity. Think about this one a little. It's the
key to GLR.
What a plant
needs to be able to flower (excluding autos, different altogether) is a specific amount of
uninterrupted dark period. At least one period per 24 hours. Typically at least 12 hours is needed for bloom. Sativas sometimes like even longer nights.
Okay, I'm curious. What other assumptions can be made for certain, regarding GLR? Did I miss something obvious, (I am a bit forgetful at times). Or did I get it wrong somehow? Sorry if this sounded preachy, but I know there are a lot of people that are still confused about some of these things, many of them may not be posting but just reading. Want to make sure we're all on the same page, too.