Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Yeah curious to how your rh is during veg. This is the first time I've actually took readings on my veg side and I've noticed (especially with the heater on) the relative humidty being wayy low. Actually lower than my flower side. The veg side is between 35-45 (at its highest right after feedings). And the flower side runs between 45-55.

Edit. Oh and sent ya some long over due reps Xlr8!!

Thanks for the reps!

In veg, I just rarely worry about it at all, personally. I am fine with anything above 35%, but would prefer to be 50% or so. Below 35%, they still veg fine for me, just a bit slower perhaps (doesn't seem like much slower, though). At least in my set-up, this has been my experience. 55-60% is about as high as I'd want to go, ideally, for flower. Much above that and you flirt with mold, especially if there isn't good air movement in the canopy. Sounds like your situation is fine, though you might benefit from slightly lower RH in bloom, especially toward the end in the "ripening" phase.
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

This is exactly why I wouldn't want to go much lower than 40% in Coco/Soil.
Especially using CO2 as well. I'd be using up nutes like crazy, and watering pretty much everyday!
But very excited to see your findings on super low RH in RDWC's flowering.;)
You could be onto something though X.
Your "hunches" usually end up being breakthroughs anyway..

Hey Vick!

Yes, I agree on the coco/soil point, thanks for weighing in on that. Good point on co2 also, as plants have a more difficult time processing co2 in extremely low RH situations. This is why I think there could be some impact on yield with extremely low RH, too, but I really don't think it's a huge yield affecter unless you are really low for extended periods. I'm letting it get pretty low right now, mostly to see what happens and the impact of it. In the past, I may have worked at getting it up more, but I really do suspect there is a correlation with trichome development. We'll see if it pulls my yield way down...

I don't think it's a breakthrough really, and there are other people who've weighed in with this theory, but I thought it was a worthy discussion. Thanks for your input and the props - you rock! :)
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

All this talk of trichomes... I'll try to get some new pics ASAP, so we have some to look at around here! Hopefully tonight or tomorrow. :)

I'd love any other thoughts people have as far as other ideas to improve trichome production.

More food for thought that I've not shared much in the past (perhaps a little, way back): I also like to handle them a bit rough the last week or so. I jiggle branches, handle them roughly, etc. Stress can cause the plant to produce trichomes, too (probably the low RH effect is due to the minor stress involved). I've read of people who poke the stems with thumb tacks the last week, just for trichome production. Also, I've heard that day/night temp swings have an impact on this, too. Larger temp swings = more trichomes. So the theory goes...

These are all forms of minor "stress", inducing reproductive behavior in an attempt to procreate before dying. The trichomes serve the purpose of catching pollen, and also act as a defense mechanism against natural predators (like me jiggling them or poking them!)
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

I have read some of the same stuff Xlr8, I was doing the shake thing. Then after I harvested, I had piles of trichs. falling underneath my tray after cutting up a nugget to smoke. It was so thick, it looked like i couldve line it up and snorted it. lol!! Im pretty sure this was a direct result of said shaking them. plus I also had an accident were one main cola stem was broken slightly 30 to 40 days days into flowering. I repaired with a splint and it repaired itself and was covered in trichs, twice as much as the other colas on that plant! surely a sign of what they are saying has truth!
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Yeah I have a friend who snaps all his main colas 2 week into flowering to make a big nuckle on the stem. He says because the plant needs to repair the snaps it throws all its nutes and power up the stems to fix the problem, resulting in a massive nute ball as he call it Supplying the tops with max nutes.

This is his theory anyway and his last plants were amazing!!! I may try this.
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Yeah I have a friend who snaps all his main colas 2 week into flowering to make a big nuckle on the stem. He says because the plant needs to repair the snaps it throws all its nutes and power up the stems to fix the problem, resulting in a massive nute ball as he call it Supplying the tops with max nutes.

This is his theory anyway and his last plants were amazing!!! I may try this.
yep thats exactly what mine did after I removed the splint there was like a knuckle there. really strong to never tipped over after that and it was super dense like a rock!
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

I have read some of the same stuff Xlr8, I was doing the shake thing. Then after I harvested, I had piles of trichs. falling underneath my tray after cutting up a nugget to smoke. It was so thick, it looked like i couldve line it up and snorted it. lol!! Im pretty sure this was a direct result of said shaking them. plus I also had an accident were one main cola stem was broken slightly 30 to 40 days days into flowering. I repaired with a splint and it repaired itself and was covered in trichs, twice as much as the other colas on that plant! surely a sign of what they are saying has truth!

Yeah I have a friend who snaps all his main colas 2 week into flowering to make a big nuckle on the stem. He says because the plant needs to repair the snaps it throws all its nutes and power up the stems to fix the problem, resulting in a massive nute ball as he call it Supplying the tops with max nutes.

This is his theory anyway and his last plants were amazing!!! I may try this.

yep thats exactly what mine did after I removed the splint there was like a knuckle there. really strong to never tipped over after that and it was super dense like a rock!

Hey guys - thanks for the feedback, and great topic you brought up!

The technique you guys are describing is also known as "super cropping". Basically, it involves damaging the stem by (bending it, twisting it, pinching it, combination of the 3...). Essentially, you are crushing the inner pulp of the stem so that it is weakened and "flops over". Ideally, you try to keep the damage as "internal" as possible, so that the outer stem is not as susceptible to outside pathogens. But, it's usually not a problem if it splits/cracks/etc.

There are a lot of theories on what super-cropping actually does or accomplishes. Without question, it helps to slow a taller branch down, or level the canopy. Indoors, it's good to have the plant "tops" close to the light, and the easiest way to do it is keep them the same height. Super-cropping does this, but additionally, exposes more of the cola and tier below it to the light source. There are also other theories similar to what JBC mentioned that people have regarding plant energy being redirected - I've also heard this explained as the plant heals itself in such a way that it improves the stem in some way. I hadn't thought about this, but I would imagine it could help with trichomes development, especially if the bend happened later in bloom.

I can't say for sure what or how it works, but the stems I've done this to have typically had bigger, fatter colas on them. In the last round, and this one, I used this technique into the first few weeks of flower, too, where I'd mostly done it only in veg prior to that. It's a great tool during the "stretch" phase, and it's part of why my canopy has so many tops at roughly the same height. As mentioned, they end up with a big ole' knuckle on them when they heal.

Some strains are said to respond to this better than others. Indicas are supposed to respond to this better than sativas, for example. Also, OG Kush is a strain many people swear benefits especially from super-cropping.

One thing I've discovered with experimenting in the last round: If you do this prior to the end of stretch... say up to about day 22-25 or so, you'll still get a nice knuckle on the stem (remember it takes a few days to a week to fully heal). Once the plant starts to focus nearly all it's energy on flowers, at around day 25-28 (at end of stretch) the stem may not heal fully. HOWEVER, the cola will probably still be fine - the stem may not heal or knuckle, and it might need support. For example, I had some in my last round that I bent over at around day 26-28 bloom, and the resulting colas were still large, nice and healthy - but the stem never really healed/knuckled.

Here is a knuckle from a bend I did on the Pineapple Express, this round (from a week or two ago). If you look close, you can see where it was bent and twisted, but has since healed and knuckled a bit:
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Great post on RH xlr8 !!!
I'm starting to worry lately about this and what to expect, in a sealed 5x5 tent in bloom phase !!
Probably I need to use 2 from those small dehum's, or a big one , Im a bit confused ...

Unfortunately, I can't find tha answer untill I start !!!
I also never thought that I can put a dehum in the room the tent is ... That could be work, at some point !!

Great garden, as always xlr8 !!! I "smell"a lot of flowers :goodjob:
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Picture update - 34 days from start of bloom phase photoperiod reduction:

I love the way cannabis smells, and this round is really a delight for me. I'm really intrigued by the very unique smell of "Humboldt". It's very difficult to describe, but: it's candy-sweet, with a hint of jasmine and an almost sweet chemical smell, that is like a candy smelling model airplane glue. Crazy, but it's really an incredible smelling plant. I can almost imagine the flavor in the vape, and I'm super stoked to give it a try. Vortex? She smells so good you want to just snap a bud off and eat it (though BID tells me that's not a good idea, haha!!!)

Vortex, is looking (and has since the beginning) about as bushy/viney and sativa as it gets. She's just building nuggets everywhere, but nothing really hinting at a cola. Nor is there any size to them yet. Subcool says "8 week sativa" but this one might be a little longer than that I'm guessing. Maybe she's like the Jack the Ripper I had, and just is a slow starter. In fairness, this plant is known to have phenos that grow like this, and is known more for the quality than the quantity. Still, she's sticky as hell and smells like hard candy. :yummy:

I forgot to get pics of the Bubba, but she's doing fine. She's not getting as much light as she should, but maybe I'll get enough yield to get a sense for whether I want to grow it again. The cutting I took in flower is doing well, and putting out that funky re-veg growth. Okay now for some pics!

First, I promised to throw a pic of this up now and then - this is the Pre-98 Bubba cutting that I took in flower. She rooted in about a week, and start frosting up and building a little flower at the same time. I'm sure she'll get back to more normal growth soon.

She is in an "Air Pot" and the media is straight coco coir (no added perlite, etc.) The hydroton balls on top dry quickly, but help hold the moisture in the media/coir better without leaving the moist coir exposed/vulnerable to bugs. It also helps prevent watering "dents". The Air Pot allows for good enough aeration to the coir that you don't need to add things like perlite to it. Very simple!:


Back row, L-R: (Humboldt, Pre-98 Bubba, Pineapple Express) Front Row, L-R: (Vortex, Jillybean)




Pineapple Express

Humboldt (for those with a good eye, no those aren't "nanners" - just a small light green bud-leaf) :)
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Great post on RH xlr8 !!!
I'm starting to worry lately about this and what to expect, in a sealed 5x5 tent in bloom phase !!
Probably I need to use 2 from those small dehum's, or a big one , Im a bit confused ...

Unfortunately, I can't find tha answer untill I start !!!
I also never thought that I can put a dehum in the room the tent is ... That could be work, at some point !!

Great garden, as always xlr8 !!! I "smell"a lot of flowers :goodjob:

Hi Billy!

If you have decent exhaust and a circulating fan, you may be okay, depending on ambient RH. Before investing in expensive dehumidifiers, try using good old fashioned "fans" to help. Keeping the air moving like that will bring the RH down considerably. However, though expensive, a good dehumidifier is a nice thing to have if you live in a humid area.

:thankyou: for the kind words. :)
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Yup, I'm gonna definitaly use two fans above canopy (one drives co2) and another smaller one , on the floor.
That's what I'm thinking !! I m also getting a dehumidifier, capable of removing 10-12 littlers a day !!
It fits on the tent nicely , with 9 buckets and the controler !

I was just thinking , that it might not be enough ....
I have to admit, you encouraged me , a little bit .... lol :lol:

Thanx x , your input is always valuable to everyone , my friend !!
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Problem is, in the vape it tastes absolutely terrible. Smells amazing, tastes... terrible. I didn't even know that was possible. I open a jar and my wife says, WOW, what strain is that? It smells that good. Funnily, it tastes fine in a bong. But, in a vaporizer.... I've described it before like a "peach" flavor, but that does injustice to peaches, lol. I think the problem was this - my particular OG Kush had a bit of a spearmint taste, for lack of a better descriptor. Jack the Ripper (JTR) is a lemony/mango/fruity plant, but more like lemon pinesol (vs. lemonheads candy, like Super Lemon Haze).

Maybe I should have looked at it like this: Spearmint x Lemon Pinesol = blahhhh. The result is best described as really gross spearmint peaches. Yuck.

Nice description! :rofl:

But, we still have a bong we use from time to time, and some killer weed dedicated to it. Why it tastes fine in a bong is beyond me, but thankfully it's still useful somehow.

Just my luck though, this is the best medicine I've grown from the standpoint of how it makes you feel, but the flavor makes it something akin to a cannabis version of "castor oil". Sigh.

I think some weed just needs more heat and vaping it isn't cutting it. What's in like if you roll it? :blunt:
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Wow they covered. Im convinced!! Works great for my mate too. Im doing it this time no doubt.
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Nice description! :rofl:

I think some weed just needs more heat and vaping it isn't cutting it. What's in like if you roll it? :blunt:

Hey Kushmeister!

Have only used the vaporizer or the bong so far - I rarely roll these days. Heck, I rarely use the bong these days. I absolutely love my vaporizer for everything BUT this strain, lol. Oh well - it's not that bad really, and it's much better after the first hit. The high... is amazing!

Thanks for dropping by!
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

coming along very nicely there sir good job!:bravo:

I just placed my order for a complete BPN 2part high yield kit. Its on the way, I cant wait to start feeding my ladies with them. thanks!
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Aloha my good friend! :surf:

Psychedelics, ehh? Well, this isn't as good as Vicks or from the 60's but trippy nonetheless...

I want you to get your moneys worth!

Expand this to full screen for best effect...:

Trippy Visual - Marijuana - YouTube

I need to come back and check this out after a few tokes.
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

coming along very nicely there sir good job!:bravo:

I just placed my order for a complete BPN 2part high yield kit. Its on the way, I cant wait to start feeding my ladies with them. thanks!

Cool! I'm sure you'll love them. I use the 3-part, but I know many really like the 2-part and have great success with it. I've been very happy, and plan to stick with them for the long-term. I have been lucky enough to win some in the contests, but I like it enough that I've also purchased some with my own $$$, and will continue to do so in the future. Congrats on the great new nutes. :thumb:
re: Xlr8's Psychedelic Bloom Party Extravaganza

Wow they covered. Im convinced!! Works great for my mate too. Im doing it this time no doubt.

I think the biggest advantage is in keeping the canopy even. I like to bend the tall ones to match the rest of the canopy, the resulting behavior is such a nice additional advantage!
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