Here's the dilemma though. I have been collecting data from a few growers on here that are using Diminishing Light for flower, as well as a few other places... My findings are getting interesting. I'm seeing a 15% - 20% reduction of weight loss from cut/wet weight to the "hang/snap" dry weight. I can't be positive, bit it seems to me that the final push of resins with the last couple weeks in 8 hours light - 16 hours dark, is really upping quality of smoke... And if anything, it's not hurting yield.
Okay, to better explain my position here... usually in hydro, there is a loss of about 70% weight in hanging to dry. What I'm seeing, and it's still very early, but that weigh loss in hanging is down to about 60% - 63%. In other words, final weight is 15% to 19% HEAVIER when dried. And that's just preliminary findings... I'll have to collect WAY more data before making an official determination, and proper conclusion, but so far, that is the biggest single reason to switch as it stands right now.
The plants are no smaller, they are so far, no less aromatic, no less vigorously flowering, and show very little difference at all, with the exception of the final dry weights.