WW indoor with soil


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

this is my 2nd grow with the white widow.

current numbers are 50% humidity and 19 C.

I want to know why my left lady seems bigger and higher than my right lady?

I cuted the top to get more buds... but I cannot do LST due to the spaceless of the ladies..

What I should do to increase the height ? do I have to increase the light distance ?

Btw, light is a LED Viparspectra 900w in veg mode only at 12 inches of the left lady.

pictures soon.
One of the problems with one light for multiple plants is the varying growth. Stick something under the smaller plant's pot to equalise the height (3 feet in veg).

Very difficult to see. Are those leaves yellowing on the smaller plant or just the light?
Yes putting the light higher should push the plant to stretch more as it tries to reach for it.. the distance you currently have your light is the distance id get it for flower.. youre just vegging so almost twice as high should still work fine but youd have to try with your light what works best.. overall they look good! Its normal some have better pheno than others.. im currently growing 7 WW in a 4x4 and they didnt grow all exactly the same. Even after the switch to flower one stretched like crazy while the other just normal.. WW is a hybrid strain so sometimes you end up with more indica or more sativa pheno.. but at the end they should end up growing to similar size but most likely the bigger one now will produce better and more buds so id give that one a bit more attention through your grow! Keep it up
so what should be the distance? 2 feet?
Hard to tell each light is different.. you could use both bloom and veg on your light with more red in your spectrum it should increase the stretch too.. but would become less efficient as youd be using more power.. maybe try with your lignt at 18-24 and leave all the rest the same and see how it goes.. im using efficient light not blurple and I had 520w at 36 inch during veg in a 4x4.. and 18-22 currently during flower.. but dont overthink it too much your plant looks good
Here is some shot of the veg growth within 1-2 weeks

Here is a shot at my current WW at 25 days in flower at least another 2 weeks probably more 3 and maybe some 4..
wow nice job man

which light do you use? only 1?
There is 2 you can see on last pic.. its chinese copy of quantum boards.. 4 boards-2xheatsink running at 130watt/board or 520w total at the wall.. got them for 400usd on alibaba for everything including wires and drivers delivered in 2 days.. they use samsung lm561 LED very efficient and worked like a charm.. also its white LED so no more purple plant hehe.. i have a grow journal on a different forum since ive had so much issue uploading pictures on here.. but if im not mistaken it was 51 days from seed before I flipped.. they started coming out the ground on day 9.. it was a bit too long as I wanted to scrog and just ended up lacking of space for my 7 girls.. next grow may be same veg time but only 4/5 max plant for the same space should work great.. yes I did trim a few times.. first time was around the same time as you did yours.. i also topped them twice.. cut everything under the net about 2 weeks before flip and then another clean up 1 week before flip.. and finally cut some 2 weeks into flower.. since then I didnt cut much except those that were hiding bud site from light.. i also have a major cal/mag issue on 2 of them so ive cut some more fan leaves on those 2 but overall its going good hoping for something around 1-2pounds dry
You got the idea. Very good. Be patient. They won't automatically go where you tell them (hence the word training). Give them a couple of days and drop them a little lower. A U shaped stake works really well. If they were younger you could bend a pipe cleaner. You want them to grow out sideways so the branches grow straight up.

If you want to top them, find yourself a video and read up on it. It's easy enough to do, just make sure you are chopping the right spot.

You're light should be 3 feet from the top of your plants in Veg. Read the instructions that came with your light. It should confirm that.

IMO- You want to top those that are higher than the other so allow the lower bud sites time to catch up to the top so you end up with an even canopy.. youre still fairly early so you could probably top only the main stem for now and depending how low you wanted to veg id suggest you top again at a later time following the same logic above and you will probably top more bud site next time.. id also suggest at least 1 week after topping before you switch to flower..

For the pot transplant its hard to tell.. you dont want to do it too early nor too late.. when you see they start drinking a lot and your soil can only hold water for 2 days or less before you need to water again then it may be a good time as a bigger pot will hold more water.. thats a rule of thumb.. if you wait a bit too long your roots will become root bound and youll start seeing some funky stuff happening to your plant

Hope this help
I draw some numbers over the 4 heads who are higher than the LST.

Should I cut 1, 2, 3, 4 or all of them ?

Stupid question : Can I do LST with those four too ? To get a much even canopy or its a bad idea?

or maybe I have to cut leaves ?

once I've done the LST, 2 days after I saw a great difference before/after.
Doesnt look like too much leaves from the picture.. for the topping id say between 3 and 4 leave 1 and 2 they are higher but the side brwnches will still get light and have a chance to catchup so id leave those maybe just train them a bit more lateral.. I think you probably have a better view from another side but from the look of it between 3 and 4.. some like lower but imo not worth loosing all that grow
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