Maybe a hydro guy can help?
So now auto 2 is hydro dwc with 4 air stones and beefy pumps. Like a Witches culdron in there.
Problem: I cleaned the algea off. That took a while. I used proxide and water, 1 tsp per gallon. After cleaned, I let it sit with air on in a 230 ppm vf-11 and peroxide 3% store stuff.
Then, today, I change the res because the ph went to 8.0 or almost. I bought a good PH machine. I set the res to 5.5, with 230ppm, vf-11, 2ml per gallon (in 4 gallons of water) of 29% peroxide, plus recommended does for hydro of hygrozyme, and ph down to reach 5.5. I kept it simple. Roots are no longer slimy, although they never were very slimy to begin with. Nothing is slimy now. Water is clean and clear. HOWEVER WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2-3 hours later the ph was 6.5 and the ppm 330. Algea is no longer visible or feelable, nothing slippery at all. Water is clear as water can be.
What in the hell can still be making the ppms and ph raise so fast?
Here is the pot they were in with the cap on the bottom. You can see how easily once roots grow down into those 4 patches of water, no medium, algea would grow.
Auto 1, on the right, is now in a hempy, but with an air hose in the res.
Auto 2 is DWC with 4 air stones. Foil to keep light out.