Would you like a bowl or a bong?

I recently told the story of how I went back to a bong after a 15 year hiatus. I had forgotten what I was missing. The head rush that comes with the first big, cool it from a water bong is amazing. It will be a long time before I go back to a pipe for regular use.
Glass Bong 1st (whichever glass bowl I decide to use with it, one needs a choice depending on the occasion), glass hammer bubbler 2nd, glass tube bubbler 3rd, glass pipes 4th, ceramic bubbler with metal bowl 5th, assorted pipes (metal, wood and corncob of varous sizes) 6th, joints 7th.

This OldHead prefers smoke on glass through water.
im usually a out and about smoker so i tend to have bowls and blunts but whenever i can i enjoy a bong
When out for a stroll pack a bowl
When a walk would be too long, stay in with a bong
I have awesome bubbler that I soak everynight to clean 'cause I am a fan of tasting and enjoying my herb. Besides a bubbler is basically a pipe/bong hybrid so there you go...
High neighbor! You got me thinking that I needed to clean my bong. Nice clean glass smokes so much better; and nice, fresh bud tastes so much better! Thanks for the reminder.
I know that I'm in the minority, but I prefer a pipe.

Part of it is that bongs don't get passed the same way that pipes are.
Yes, a circle of folks will take consecutive turns using the same bong.
But its not the same as passing a pipe, where everyone takes smoke from the same piece of fire, sustained by a glowing bud.
For me it's all about snaps (snappers being only packing enough for one solid milk then pull it through to be packed again) through the bong. Plus when I have people over chillin it's even better in the sense that everyone gets a green hit.

I like bubblers when I'm in the car though. Not a big fan of dry pieces.
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