Would An Ebb & Flow Sub-Forum Be Useful?

Would An Ebb & Flow Sub-Forum Be Useful?

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Teddy Edwards

Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone

We already have sub-forums under Hydroponic Gardening for Aeroponics and Deep Water Culture - DWC.

We want to know from you whether a third sub-forum for Ebb & Flow would be useful.

Please cast your vote in the poll above. Comments are also welcome.

We want to know from you whether a third sub-forum for Ebb & Flow would be useful.

Seems like a no-brainer to me. Both an ebb & flow and an NFT sub-forum would be useful. This is assuming that they get used, of course - and that someone on the staff feels like reading through 420,000 threads to see which ones - or parts of ones - would be appropriate to move into those two sub-forums. Might be a bit of work in that, lol.
This is assuming that they get used, of course
Absolutely. That's the point of this poll. We want to accommodate members' needs, but don't want to clutter the place up with empty sub-forums, which won't help anyone.

Will an E&F sub-forum be used?
Well I would like to see one not only for myself to see what methods others are using, also I believe there might be members or guest that only search (look how FlowerNose found it) and read instead of posting. It could also be useful for future members coming on board to help them as well, especially if they are trying to decide what type of hydro system they may be comfortable with. Of course there would have to be some number of us that would use it to make it worthwhile.
Hi Everyone

We already have sub-forums under Hydroponic Gardening for Aeroponics and Deep Water Culture - DWC.

We want to know from you whether a third sub-forum for Ebb & Flow would be useful.

Please cast your vote in the poll above. Comments are also welcome.

I would also be interested. I'm starting one now and still have some questions plus some ideas of others
I'd like see sub-forums in the finished journals... When a grow is finished, move it to the proper sub-forum so it isn't buried with all the other types of grows... Now a bump is the only way to get your thread back to the top for the newly arrived.... At least members could then search in the right forums....
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