All of the pollinated branches are showing activity not becoming of a flower, but one of the plants has taken off with seed production in a big way. This is happening on my smaller ak-47, and she is most definitely pollinated. Already I can see at least 5 seed pods, and surprisingly some seed activity going on in the buds right below the top on that branch too. I expect over the next week to see similar activity in the other plants too.

Completely fascinating. Thank you, Emilya.
yeah- i kept a daily photo journal, back then. makes me want to review em, bad! and will probably take me hours to locate and piece together so yeah- thanks for that, auntie em!
From here on we will look at a few pictures from the end of the process.

Here are some seeds from about 1/3 of the pollinated bud on our Green Crack... there are somewhere near 100 seeds so far while we wait for this bud to dry out. Emmie is pleased.

as if grooming wasn't already enough fun. nice work! fascinating pictorial! they looked almost dead, when... oh yeah- that's how u guys feel. ok. got it! ty!
@Emilya First of all, fantastic thread . I was wondering if you had a reason for mixing the two different males pollen together? Also, since that breeding, how many of those beans have you popped and what were they like?
Good Questions Mike, thank you! Since when you do a breeding such as this, you are unlocking the genetic history of that plant, I was not too concerned about isolating one single male. Each of the males had the traits of the AK47 stabilized within their genes, and that was what I was after, not one specific phenotype... so it really didn't matter much that the pollen came from a mixture of two of these plants.
I have popped probably 10 of each of the three crosses and grown out several of each, and I have given away a couple of handfulls of these seeds. I would guess that about 70% of the time the female traits are dominant in the cross, and most of these plants when grown out looked and tasted like their stabilized mothers. There have been some wild phenos that came out of those seeds and I have enjoyed them all (the advantage of a good blood line), and at least a couple of them were what I would consider to be true crosses, with traits of both of the parents. I am not sure that these true crosses were my best work, or maybe I was just better able to recognize the true Green Cracks and Tangerine Dreams... but anytime you breed across lines you open yourself up to this instability.
It would be easy to take some of my seeds from a different father, and cross back to the parent I was trying to stabilize... but I sort of enjoy the diversity, and I have not done that yet on any of these three.
very cool, guys! nice color, jack! winter grow? the purps...

Thank you. Yeah at that time I always grew in the winter. Cold temps helped with the color I am sure. The strain was called "Putin's Crack". AK- 47 x Green Crack. It was bred by my mentor and is a regular in my line up.

Actually this plant was more in the Blue range than the Purple. Still beautiful though. My Purps come out really purple when I get a good one. With a new house these days and lots better temps. I don't know if I will ever get to see all the beautiful colors pot can come in. On the bright side my purps will do it cold or not so purple will always be around.

With the cold I was getting all the colors. Blue, red, and purple. The reds normally come with yellow and can be really psychedelic looking.
Emilya. You are one of the few people that see things similar to I do. Just having the genetic info is good enough in lots of case's. It is not always what the cross will make. It has a lot to do with what the cross might unlock. Pretty sure this happens when the hidden genes in each strain match up perfectly. However it happens it does happen.

I know I make seeds I will never grow. Mostly because I used the pollen when I had it. After harvest I can see what the mothers are like. If I really like the mothers then they go in the "To Grow Pile" The others are saved for maybe. In those maybe seeds I may find a true winner. That is why they are always saved. Out of the ones I grow I can tell a little more of the influence of the male. If I find the male was pretty dominate. I may find I really want to grow something from the maybe pile.

I think mostly I breed is because I can't stop LMAO. With only branches being pollinated I don't loose much production and I smoke it up anyway. At seed prices what they are it is best to get everything you can out of them that you can. That means using males and females. I hope mostly just to make my own seeds to grow. By doing this someday I am going to get something incredible. When you mentioned unlocking genetics it made me wonder. What pile will that incredible strain be in? The to grow or the maybe pile LMAO.
u guys r killin me! putin's holio, "to grow 'pile'": awesome!
i wanted to know, "within", that i might b the first to x, "a titan, against a titan", with godfather og & ghost train haze... figuring ol domestic mel wouldn't mind my postin his image, inside a hanoi jane urinal target, as its logo for "holy ghost". being an oil guy, the kids, "i want that highest thc in the house stuff" marquee actually jives, for me- if for no other reason than return... but some ahole, has already registered the name, with at least leafy, in a cross the name has nothing to do with. sigh
Good Questions Mike, thank you! Since when you do a breeding such as this, you are unlocking the genetic history of that plant, I was not too concerned about isolating one single male. Each of the males had the traits of the AK47 stabilized within their genes, and that was what I was after, not one specific phenotype... so it really didn't matter much that the pollen came from a mixture of two of these plants.
I have popped probably 10 of each of the three crosses and grown out several of each, and I have given away a couple of handfulls of these seeds. I would guess that about 70% of the time the female traits are dominant in the cross, and most of these plants when grown out looked and tasted like their stabilized mothers. There have been some wild phenos that came out of those seeds and I have enjoyed them all (the advantage of a good blood line), and at least a couple of them were what I would consider to be true crosses, with traits of both of the parents. I am not sure that these true crosses were my best work, or maybe I was just better able to recognize the true Green Cracks and Tangerine Dreams... but anytime you breed across lines you open yourself up to this instability.
It would be easy to take some of my seeds from a different father, and cross back to the parent I was trying to stabilize... but I sort of enjoy the diversity, and I have not done that yet on any of these three.
Thanks for answering my questions this has been a great thread. Breeding interests me very much, genetics fascinates me.
I hope to implement a breeding program one day. I love pheno hunting and want to create some stable strains in the future.
Happy growing
Thanks for answering my questions this has been a great thread. Breeding interests me very much, genetics fascinates me.
I hope to implement a breeding program one day. I love pheno hunting and want to create some stable strains in the future.
Happy growing
mind the undesirables, as well. i took 2generations, of clones of a strain it was my last chance to keep... i had a high ph oops, that caused an "airbud" effect that both further gens, maintained. its flower time, went from 10 to 15+ wks & I'm forced to shut hers down, now. best of luck! seriously!
can i b lazy today and just ask? cause i know this would b easily findable... how long, from nards to sharz? I'd like to see him pop, before fri. i know my opps- they had a bun in the oven with no visible pop. i figure i could scalpel em off n open, but I'd rather nature took its course. without lookin, i think he's been showing for a wk.
might have sounded humorous, if I'd spelled like i thought: shardz
can i b lazy today and just ask? cause i know this would b easily findable... how long, from nards to sharz? I'd like to see him pop, before fri. i know my opps- they had a bun in the oven with no visible pop. i figure i could scalpel em off n open, but I'd rather nature took its course. without lookin, i think he's been showing for a wk.
I find that to get the most viable seeds it takes just as long if not slightly longer than it takes to develop the buds on the plant. If you pollinate early in the start of bloom, you should have mostly viable seeds by the time you harvest the bud. I tend to leave the pollinated branches on the plant just a little while longer than the rest, just to finish up.
nono- from the time the male shows u he is - male- do u find there's an avg from when u see that, to burst day. if so- mind sharin? the poolman does not need to c this.
works for me. thank you!
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