Looking very nice, I will keep my fingers crossed you are keeping those worms at bay, My worms are a daily struggle but what are you going to do but deal with it. Love the pink bag seed. I grew some Strawberry Cough that looked a lot like that... Looking forward to seeing how those ladies finish, great job and good luck...
Sonzor buddy, nice to see you! I just payed a visit over at your place and read up on all the stuff you have gone through. Sad state of affairs when we have to defend our land from above like we're huge illegal farms run by cartels. Glad you and your family came out of this safely and big time kudos that you were able to save something!
I've still got the worms though the occurrences are less than last month and are lately have been quite easy to spot, if the time is taken to look. It is very much as you described on your journal, though definitely not the same species (yours have tiny stubby legs and mine are like tiny maggots.
Since the plants started budding, it seems they are being hatched directly on the buds unlike earlier invasions came from the stems. They eat their ways into the tiny little stems or even into the pistils . I spot them by seeing the dark and shriveled up sugar leaves on a buds. It will be on just one small area of the bud and upon closer inspection, I can see their pile or piles rather of brown feces that gets stuck in among the pistils and trichs right where they've entered. I dig them out of there, making a good attempt to clean the area out thoroughly by removing all the sh*t and dead material stuck in there. Most times I am able to salvage some of the bud. Sometimes not.
i swear i can smell those plants in your posts....they are just beautious....hugs to you and yours,
Thank you L! I have terrific news and an early mini smoke report!
On my bagweed#2 (the pink haired vixen) I had one small bud that had been hanging by a thread since the wind damage occurred just the other day (not when I got hurt). It was still growing fine, but curiosity got the best of me so I took it off, dried it the right way in the microwave, by doing it for 15 secs at a time and doing this a few times till it is dry enough to smoke. Most everything I've dried this way in the past has tasted like sh*t (green). After the drying, I had about three small bowls worth to try (maybe three or four nice hits each) . Loaded the first piece into one of my favorite hickory pipes and took my first hit.
I noticed the difference right away. Nice, sweet like fruit maybe or over-ripe fruit (not sure which kind) and a touch of what I remember of the skunk taste. Very evident, very nice. Also a trace, but just a tiny trace mind you of that normal sh*tty flavor of green leaf (I left tiny pieces of leaf since they were covered in trichs)
I smoked three hits (tasted so awesome, couldn't help it) just after .....pm and two hours later I am still very high though not quite as intense as it was up till about hmmm........I forgot! Maybe ten fifteen minutes ago? I was cast out into head high heaven about one minute after the first hit as evidence of the time it is taking me to finish post! I checked the trichs with the scope before and after drying and they were all still clear. Not an indica high at all at this stage, but exceptional indeed! I would dig a final outcome like it is right now. I'll sample a tiny little here and there till I think it's ready. Obviously still needs to go longer judging by the trichomes. It is an obvious indica/sativa hybrid and may not need to amber up too much or even at all. I'll check it at again at clear/cloudy and if necessary, at all cloudy. If she's still getting better, I'll let her go to the next step up the ladder.
Great sativa like high at this time, but the plant's trichomes are still clear, to early for what looks to be a hybrid of indica/sativa at maybe 50/50 liking at the leaves and the great early 'head' high it produces. Patients, patients!
My fourth hit..........definitely tastes similar to what i used to get in CA. Maybe not pure skunk, since there is a 'heavy' or 'past it's prime' fruit taste that is the first thing evident upon inhaling.
OK hit #5 (which was a mostly blackened hit), Still tasted the fruit first and then it's the smell that is the skunk! That's it the smell of the smoke is slightly skunkish while the taste is like sweet yet slightly over ripe fruit. Not citrus though, can't nail it down perhaps because of the quick dry. I will love this girl with all my heart, I swear it!
Now I'm tempted to 'raid' bagweed #1B of one of it's very skunky buds! I was working very up close and yes it was hot and heavy in there! I started out at first, searching for the damaged bud that I later found on Bagweed#2 that I just smoked. Right bud, wrong plant! I searched for about a hour for that bud the whole time on the wrong plant! The time was not wasted though as I used it to search out and destroy a few previously undetected worm attach sites. Nasty bastard were pulled out and done away with, used my trusted orange plastic handled scissors from Wally's to do the dirty work of diggin and snipping to first find the darn thing and then later to clean the area up as much as possible. I'm quite good at salvaging much of whats in the area. If I was 'hasty' ("don't be hasty little Hobbits!", said Treebeard), I would lose too much awesome looking and skunky smelling bud. I'd say I've lost about an 1/8th of my stuff to these larvae.
Well here I go again rambling! I'm looking forward to testing #1B out with her delicious skunky and sweet smell. Report on her very soon!