Wizas Revolving Autopot System - Eleven Roses


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Long time lurker, finally in position to build the setup i have been dreaming of for the last 10 years. Designed to be discreet and blend into my garage.
I am limited on height with my main flowering cab 4' High x 8' Wide x 2' Deep.

I also have a small mother/Cloning cab which is 3' high x 4' wide x 2' deep that fits under my work bench

My end goal is to harvest every 4 weeks. As I am limited on height, SOG method will suit with clones being put straight into flower. I can fit 12 autopots in the flower cab, these will be split in half so 6 pots, 4 weeks apart from each other.

I am still working on the last remaining items like connecting up the Autopots and Connecting up the Air system. Each Autopot with have an Airdome, and the res will have an Air stone.

Flower Cab Specs

- 2x 600w HPS w/Cool Tube (only one connected currently)
- 6" inIine Temp/Speed control, 270CFM Exhuast, Passive intake
- 6" Carbon Filter
- 12x Autopots

Passive inatke below (ducted outside) Exhaust up top pulling through carbon filter.

This fan is amazing keeps the temps steady


Really excited a bout this strain, eleven roses from Delicious Seeds. Researched awhile to find it, was looking for strong potency and nice n short. So many strains to choose from these days. Here is the description from delicious seeds.

"We are proud to present to you our latest work, Eleven Roses, a strain that we at Delicious Seeds believe to be one of our best to date and we think it will completely change the cannabis scene.

We started developing it more than three years ago and involved the whole team of breeders in what we like to call Project-11, with a clear aim that seemed almost impossible; to improve our outstanding Sugar Black Rose, which has won more than 30 cups, and to take it to a higher level, towards cannabic excellence.

To do so, we set about looking for a male that was up to the task.

We had some genetics from the United States in mind, which we had loved in the past, and which we thought would be capable of enhancing our Sugar Black Rose with some exceptional characteristics and shades of colour that would impress all those who saw it grow and mature.

In the end, we chose an impressive Appalachian Kush male, an exceptional choice which gave our Sugar Black Rose a new pallet of colours, tastes and aromas that convinced us all from the start, with the first tasting achieving rare unanimity among the whole of the Delicious team, a success that clearly showed us we had found our new super champion and that we had found the key to improving the “unbeatable”, and that is how our Eleven Roses was born.

This strain, which as mentioned above, is a cross between a male Appalachian kush and a Sugar Black Rose female, is fairly quick, around 55 days flowering, and a generally superb plant, that is undemanding to grow, and very obliging.

When smoked, to begin with this plant displays a slightly metallic “Kush” type taste, giving way after a few seconds to subtle sweet fruit and damp earthy notes, which we are sure will surprise you pleasantly.

As you can see from the photos, the colour of the leaves, throughout the flowering phase, is incredible, like an autumnal day in the great forests of the north, and which we personally find fascinating.

With respect to potency, we have to say that it is fairly strong, in the right hands this strain can easily reach THC levels of 24 - 25%and with quite a low cbd content.

It is quite a short plant that does not develop many branches indoors, finishing in a dense uniform bud, but which develops vigorously outdoors with a large quantity of lateral branches, ensuring a more than excellent yield, with just one 1.5 metre plant easily producing more than 1000g.

This strain is also very resistant to mould and pests, as we were saying, generally very easy to grow and very appreciative. "

I have germinated 5 seeds using the paper towel method, then in to RW cubes. 100% success rate in the paper, cracked a tap root out within 24 hours, within 48 hours 4 out of 5 are above ground. Super Impressed so far

Will carry on tomorrow getting the Autopots ready. Will post an update then

Any questions or comments/critisim are most welcome. I have had a couple successful grows under my belt 10+ years ago but really I am just a newbie armed with tones of knowledge from this site.

Next update I will go into more detail on the mother clone cab, plans for the seedlings and nutrients..

good morning Wiza, last year I had the chance to smoke some sugar black rose and quite enjoyed it, before I decided to start growing, so hope you don't mind if I grab a beanbag and slide in the hides-hole ya got here.....:welcome: :passitleft: some early OGK coming up for harvest next weekend....
get some 1st hand info on auto-pots, gonna be exciting.....:high-five:
I've grown a few OGK's with limited height. I kept them 18" tall by tying them down and giving them plenty of horizontal space. Oh, and I grew them in 3 gallon Sterlite storage bins, which were only 8 inches tall. It was a kick watching those scary roots wind themselves around the inside of the bins, sucking up every bit of food they could find.

The pics are way back in my journal. But here is one that shows you what I did.

good morning Wiza, last year I had the chance to smoke some sugar black rose and quite enjoyed it, before I decided to start growing, so hope you don't mind if I grab a beanbag and slide in the hides-hole ya got here.....:welcome::passitleft: some early OGK coming up for harvest next weekend....
get some 1st hand info on auto-pots, gonna be exciting.....:high-five:

Hey Smeegol, dont mind at all buddy come on in! If a get a chance later tonight I will have a sqiz through your journal
I've grown a few OGK's with limited height. I kept them 18" tall by tying them down and giving them plenty of horizontal space. Oh, and I grew them in 3 gallon Sterlite storage bins, which were only 8 inches tall. It was a kick watching those scary roots wind themselves around the inside of the bins, sucking up every bit of food they could find.

The pics are way back in my journal. But here is one that shows you what I did.

Thanks for the tips AKgramma! Interesting idea with the storage bins, definitely growing that horizontal plane!
Quick Update

One plant is dead already, but it wasn't my fault!!
Babies were drying up so was busy making up a light nutrient mix when i noticed my 14 week old puppy in the cupboard. As i got closer I noticed she had one plant in her mouth!! I scared her off and saved the plant, but what I then noticed was that was her second plant, and she had already eaten one :oops:

The other reason i was keen to water them was I noticed the stems are purple and the cotyledons are curling down. I think that is a symptom of high PH in seedlings? Anyway they were getting dry so I gave them light feed and PH'd down to 5.0. Hopefully that fixes that. Any advice much appreciated I am a little concerned. Or are they looking normal?

So your going soilless ? Look forward to seeing this flow.

Hi Advocate, look forward to having you around!

Should have stated my medium.

2 inches of Hydroton on the bottom them 100% coco on top.

Using the following nutrients:

Canna Coco A + B
Canna Rhizotnic

Nutrifield Fulife
Nutrifield Myco Thrive

The 2 Nutrifields were free samples from the hydro shop. As i dont really know what im doing with Nutrients i will keep it as "less is more" at this stage.

Yesterday i feed them lightly with Rhizotonic (stinky shit) and Fulife. No base nutrients yet i dint feel confident enough.

My water is Rain water. EC of 0.0 so i really to get myself sone calmag.

PH 5.0
EC 0.2
Aloha Wiza, I'm definitely in. I am in mid-build for a stealthy set-up, very similar dimensions as yours. Curious to see those autopots in action too. Almost pulled the trigger on Eleven Roses but ultimately replaced it with Sugar Black Rose. Maybe your grow will inspire me to add ER to my next batch of seeds!

Guess I'll stop by! Very happy to see you are going with the eleven roses!! I was too late on it and missed it during the sale!! I like your built boxes brotha!! Following this grow!

Thanks bruv! Im pretty happy im growing eleven roses too! The decription sounds amazing but i can't find any grow journals to back it up yet being quite a newish strain. Looks like im the guinea pig..
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