Winter Is Coming! The Quest For The Iron Throne! A High Brix Quadline Breeding Project!

Day 110
Flower Day 50


Budporn update! These girls got their Cat Drenches tonight. Maybe a little later than I should’ve. We will see how they react! Here they are! First up #3!

Looking like some frosty goodness up in here Magoo! Fantastic work and those PugsBreath are purdy!

Keep up the great work brother
Appreciate it Dutch! They look good close up! Lol. They are about naked in the fan leaf dept. if I grow these again or any OG strain I will probably add some epsom salt as top dressing once they hit flower. Or maybe a side by side comparison if I run 2 of them.
Clone and do another round with some comparisons! Would be fun!
I don’t know if my clones are gonna take or not. This is Day 10 in the cloner with no signs of roots yet. I was talking to someone who has done them this far into flower before and they said it has taken them up to 16 days before. So I’m gonna just keep my fingers crossed. Lol
I don’t know if my clones are gonna take or not. This is Day 10 in the cloner with no signs of roots yet. I was talking to someone who has done them this far into flower before and they said it has taken them up to 16 days before. So I’m gonna just keep my fingers crossed. Lol
As long as they are still standing and don’t look horrible I would let them keep going!

Had a chance to get out to the outdoor girls today! Had to remove a few dead leaves off of each one of them. Next time I go I will mix up a batch of bloom nutes for each one. They really haven’t had much so hopefully they will love it. Here are the 2 Stankberries!
Alaskan Thunderfuck

Only one of these left. The other was a male. But this little gal is quite lovely beside needing a drink pretty bad. Here she is!
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