Winging It In Winter By The Window: Soil Auto Grow

That's 30cm in diameter? My sense of scale is completely off!
Actually I just measured again and it's more like 33 cm width and height, it's a 20 L pot.
Gotta be careful with those heat mats. I was looking at some of the reptile ones when I was shopping around. They are like the plant heat mats. You don't want to cover them fully. They do need room for circulation so they don't overheat.
The reptile ones say that you shouldn't cover them with wood chips because it retains heat. Depending upon what you are using to cover it with, it could become dangerous.

I just want you to research and mull it over. Better to be careful then to have a dangerous situation arise.

I'm not sure exactly what you are doing with them but I saw mention of covering it with a plastic tray. Thought I'd mention something.

Safety first.
Ok thank you VG. I asked the man at the reptile shop if I could use it for plants and he said that he has lots of customers who do. I can't afford the other setup which is why I am looking for alternatives. I would like to heat my plants while they veg and flower. The reptile shop man said that the mat would carry the weight of the plants. He didn't warn me about over-heating. Perhaps I need to phone a different place for another opinion.
Actually I just measured again and it's more like 33 cm width and height, it's a 20 L pot.

Ok thank you VG. I asked the man at the reptile shop if I could use it for plants and he said that he has lots of customers who do. I can't afford the other setup which is why I am looking for alternatives. I would like to heat my plants while they veg and flower. The reptile shop man said that the mat would carry the weight of the plants. He didn't warn me about over-heating. Perhaps I need to phone a different place for another opinion.
You could save the coin altogether and instead of heating a mat and putting it under your plants, heat the environment surrounding the plants instead, ie, just let the tent or room get hot. Is that possible? Just a money saving thought. I get the budget grow thing.
Look who showed herself today - Lavender Best - Day 1 AG

And this miniature plant is the NBA Diesel, still green on day 6 above ground, bless.... @Skottelgoed Spons
You can use it with pots. I would just water and drain and then set them on the mat directly?
You just don't want the entire mat covered with a big tray. You need a little circulation.
Also, make sure the mats you get are rated to be waterproof.
You could save the coin altogether and instead of heating a mat and putting it under your plants, heat the environment surrounding the plants instead, ie, just let the tent or room get hot. Is that possible? Just a money saving thought. I get the budget grow thing.
I have them in my living room at the window. It costs too much to heat the place unfortunately.
You can use it with pots. I would just water and drain and then set them on the mat directly?
You just don't want the entire mat covered with a big tray. You need a little circulation.
Also, make sure the mats you get are rated to be waterproof.
Thanks, good advice VG. That puts the reptile one out of the running then too.

Ok decision made. I am not introducing heat to these plants. I can't afford to. They will just have to do what they do with what they get. I knew this would be a factor going in, so I am not expecting miracles, just a little bit of smokable weed.
Nice! That one popped nice and healthy looking!!
Thanks Jon, she does look strong :)
Thanks, good advice VG. That puts the reptile one out of the running then too.

Ok decision made. I am not introducing heat to these plants. I can't afford to. They will just have to do what they do with what they get. I knew this would be a factor going in, so I am not expecting miracles, just a little bit of smokable weed.
Ask the seller if they've had issues with anyone's mats overheating.

I just looked at mine. It says not to put it in a tray with a cover or to use any insulating material over it. Also do not submerge...that's obvious.

How big is the mat vs the pot size or the tray size?
I don't want to take your options away.

I just operate under a safety first motto.
Ask the seller if they've had issues with anyone's mays overheating.

I just looked at mine. It says not to put it in a tray with a cover or to use any insulating material over it. Also do not submerge...that's obvious.

How big is the mat vs the pot size or the tray size?
I don't want to take your options away.

I just operate under. A safety first motto.
I made the conscious decision not to heat the plants this grow. I knew I couldn't afford heat and I knew up front that there may be a smaller yield due to colder temps. I took the chance knowing the risks. I definitely don't want to risk playing with water and electrics, or have anything overheat and be a potential fire hazard. It's going to be better for me to go back to my original plan which is to grow these plants without additional heat. I'm grateful to have your input VG, thank you!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to that discussion and came up with ideas. It was a good lesson in all sorts of things. I want to set up my grow properly but right now I am limited with what I can accomplish. Now that I have done the looking around, I know a lot more about the type of equipment that can be used for growing in colder weather :thanks:
Ok, Carmen. Good, well thought out, decision. :thumb:

What's the deal with that plant cover? Just a temporary thing or are you incorporating it into the grow?
Thank you Azi :) Do you mean the black plastic? It's temporary. I'm trying to keep the soil from drying out. I wasn't thinking it through when I prepped the pots.
Good morning Carmen

Everything is looking schmicky doo babe :)

And your photography is no fleek!
Good morning Tra, it's midnight for me atm. Thanks for stopping by. Have an awesome day, g'night :)
Thank you Azi :) Do you mean the black plastic? It's temporary. I'm trying to keep the soil from drying out. I wasn't thinking it through when I prepped the pots.
Yes. I was concerned you might be using it for imposing darkness, and that thing's not going to breathe at all.
I have another night shift, so we will get to hang out your daytime :)
Morning Tra, How's night shift? I knew you meant "on" and not "no" lmao @ deeveeeight
No fleek?
Do you just go around harassing everyones photography skills?

Are you a Photogist?
LOLing! :laugh: Nice to see you DV8!
Skottelgoed, do you heat your winter grows?

As per Azi's suggestion, I am looking at buying a couple of reptile heating pads as soon as I get some bucks. They are inexpensive and I think they will be cheap enough to run. I phoned the reptile guy today and discussed it all with him. He assured me that the pads will take the weight of the plants.
My concern is measuring and maintaining the correct temperature and I am hoping that someone can guide me here. How will I measure the temperature? What sort of thermometer would I need to buy?
Hey carmen, my lights has been doing the job for heat in my grow space. I will add a small heater for 5 mins if it is really copd but further than that I just make use of the lights heat inside.
Hey carmen, my lights has been doing the job for heat in my grow space. I will add a small heater for 5 mins if it is really copd but further than that I just make use of the lights heat inside.
Thanks Skottelgoed. My lights also emit some heat. I downloaded a room temperature gauge phone app. I'm sure it's not going to be 100 % accurate but it's got to be within a few degrees I should imagine. I am getting a reading of 22 C (72 F) inside and it's quite a cold day I think. We got some rain today. Did you?
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